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Alex: Personally I hate seeing people off. I prefer being seen off myself. I’m extremely fond of travelling and feel terribly envious of any friend who is going anywhere. I can’t help feeling I should so much like to be in his place.
Bert:But what method of travelling do you prefer?
Alex:For me there is nothing like travel by air; it is more comfortable, more convenient and of course far quicker than any other method. There is none of the dust and dirt of a railway or car journey, none of the trouble of changing from train to steamer and then to another train. Besides, flying is a thrilling thing. Don’t you agree?
Bert:I think I should like to say a word or two for trains. With a train you have speed, comfort and pleasure combined. From the comfortable corner seat of a railway carriage you have a splendid view of the whole countryside. If you are hungry, you can have meal in the dining-car: and if the journey is a long one you can have a wonderful bed in a sleeper. Besides, do you know any place that’s more interesting than a big railway-station? There is the movement, the excitement, the gaiety of people going away or waiting to meet friends. There are the shouts of the porters as they pull luggage along the platforms to the waiting trains, the crowd at the booking-office getting tickets, the hungry and thirsty ones hurrying to the refreshment rooms before the train starts. No, really! Do you know more exciting place than a big railway-station?
Cecil:I do.
Alice: And that is?
Cecil: A big sea port. For me there is no travel so fine as by boat. I love to feel the deck of the boat under my feet, to see the rise and fall of the waves, to feel the fresh sea wind blowing in my face and hear the cry of the sea-gulls. And what excitement, too, there is in coming into the harbour and seeing round us all the ships, steamers, cargo-ships, sailing ships, rowing boats.
Alice: Well, I suppose that’s all right for those that like it, but not for me. I’m always seasick, especially when the sea is a little bit rough.

Bert: I’ve heard that a good cure for seasickness is a small piece of dry bread.
Alice: Maybe; but I think a better cure is a large piece of dry land.
David: Well, you may say what you like about aeroplane flights, sea voyages, railway journeys or tours by car, but give me a walking tour any time. What does the motorist see of the country? But a walker leaves the dull broad highway and goes along little winding lanes where cars can’t go. He takes mountain paths through the heather, he wanders by the side of quiet lakes and through the shade of woods. He sees the real country, the wild flowers, the young birds in the nests, the deer in the forest; he feels the quietness and calm of nature. And besides, you are saving your railway fare travelling on foot. No one can deny that walking is the cheapest method of travelling. So I say; a walking tour for me.
Tasks to the text:
Task 1. Answer the questions. Be careful to argue your case well:
1. What means of travelling do you know? 2. Why do some people like travelling by train? 4. What are the advantages of a sea-voyage? 5. What are the advantages of hitch-hiking? 6. What kind of people usually object to travelling by sea? 7. What are advantages and disadvantages of travelling by air? 8. What do you think about walking tours? 9. What is, in your opinion, the most enjoyable means of travel? 10. Do you think travel helps a person to become wiser?

Task 2. Fill in prepositions or adverbs where necessary:
Nina: Hello, Alex. I remember somebody told me that you had gone … an interesting trip … Siberia.
Alex: I really made a wonderful journey … the very heart of Siberia. We went … Krasnoyarsk … plane and then sailed … the Yenissei … a cargo-ship.
Nina: And where did you go … ashore?
Alex: Oh, … some spot you are not like to find … any map. Well, when we found ourselves … the bank we immediately started … the place where our expedition was working.
Nina: Did you go … car?
Alex: Oh, no! no car could have driven … those paths. We travelled partly … foot, and … some places went … small rivers and streamers … rowing-boats. We were … spots where no man’s foot had stepped … us.
Nina: How exciting! So you enjoyed … the journey, didn’t you?
Alex: Every minute … it, though it was not an easy one.
Nina: Did you return … air?
Alex: No, … train. The fact is, I had hardly enough money … the railway fare, not to say anything … the plane.

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13.03.2020 13:24
Herons - relative cranes. However, unlike cranes flying with outstretched neck, they bend the neck and tighten the head to the shoulders. There are about 60 species of herons. There they are on all continents except Antarctica.The most common kind in Europe - a gray heron. Now its population severely diminished. First herons were shot because of their addiction to fish today, they suffer from the reduction of wetlands and wet areas. To still surviving herons could safely grow offspring, forbidden to go into their nests.Cattle Egret (Bubulcus ibis) is different from the gray in that the upper part of the head, back and goiter in her wine-ocher color. This bird prefers to live in the vast swampy meadows. In the thick vegetation it builds a large nest of reed panicles. Masonry consists of 4-5 eggs.More than a century ago, the great white egret (Egretta alba) was almost destroyed because of the fashion egret - long feathers that adorned ladies' hats. For example, in 1898 only one in Venezuela, according to consular records, was removed from the egretok 1.5 million. Egrets.Installed in the 20-ies of XX century security egret with complete prohibition of hunting for it led to the restoration of the strength of this bird so that, for example, in our country it has become quite normal, and sometimes even a large bird.Black-crowned night heron (Nycticorax nycticorax) spends the daylight hours in the reeds or trees and only at dusk goes in search of food. Especially a lot of these birds in the Volga delta.
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23.05.2023 19:18
Многие слова латинского происхождения имеют два варианта образования множественного числа (второй вариант указан в скобках)
1. The book recounts the CRISES of the post-war period.
2. The ships were unloading their CARGOES (or CARGOS) on the WHARVES (or WHARFS).
3. Many people think that PARENTS-IN-LAW are potentially a nuisance.
4. Poisonous GASES (or GASSES) were being discharged from the exhaust pipes of the BUSES (or BUSSES).
5. He arranged that his books should contain detailed INDEXES (or INDICES).
6. The eyes are sometimes INDEXES (or INDICES) of character.
7. Shakespearean HEROES are generally the victims of circumstances.
8. MICE can sometimes take the cheese without being caught in the MOUSETRAPS.
9. Highly-coloured FUNGI (or FUNGUSES)  were growing near the base of the tree.
10. He wished to place certain MEMORANDUMS (or MEMORANDA)  before the committee.
11. He agreed that these were strange PHENOMENA.
12. We cannot proceed on such unlikely HYPOTHESES.
13. SERVICEMEN found guilty of desertion of duty are tried by COURTS MARTIAL (or COURT MARTIALS).
14. The new SYLLABI will be drawn up according to different CRITERIA.
15. Television and newspapers are the mass MEDIA (or MEDIUMS) of advertising.
16. The THIEVES broke into the shop without attracting the attention of PASSERS-BY.
17. Piano SOLOS  will be played by John Smith.
18. The police called for EYEWITNESSES  to come forward and give evidence.
19. The accused MEN had carefully prepared what appeared to be good ALIBIS.
20. University FACULTIES  expect to receive complete THESES  by the beginning of June.
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