Do you enjoy TV medical soaps? We are looking for articles about people's favourite TV doctor or nurse. Write an article about YOUR favourite character saying what makes him or her so special and you could see your article on out website! написать сочинение
Итс вэри бд ту мис лэссонс-плохо опаздывать на уроки. уы спэнт ауа лэст саммэ холидэйс трэвелин уы уэнт эброуд-мы провели каникулы прошлого лета путешествием. ай уэнт шоппин энд спэнт э лот оф тайм зэя зэтс уай ай миссэд э гуд фильм он тиви-я гуляла по магазинам и проводила много времени перед телевизором. фазэ гэйв ми э камера эс э бёрздэй прэзэнт-папа подарил мне на день рождение камеру. туморроу айл гоу ту скул энд тэйк э лот оф пистэрс-завтра я пойду в школу и возьму много рисунков. удачи!
Find native species that need help. Endangered animal species may seem like a distant problem, but in fact, endangered species are near you. Whether it's birds, bears, or beetles, helping endangered wildlife around the world requires global interventions that are not feasible for individuals. Therefore, entire organizations with worldwide recognition are being created, such as WWF, Greenpeace. With their help, it has become much easier to solve the problems of preserving the diversity of biological species of animals in the wild.
на английском же да?)
Find native species that need help. Endangered animal species may seem like a distant problem, but in fact, endangered species are near you. Whether it's birds, bears, or beetles, helping endangered wildlife around the world requires global interventions that are not feasible for individuals. Therefore, entire organizations with worldwide recognition are being created, such as WWF, Greenpeace. With their help, it has become much easier to solve the problems of preserving the diversity of biological species of animals in the wild.