Доброго дня шановні учні! Сьогодні ми будемо працювати з Вашими улюбленими неправильними дієсловами. Ваше перше завдання – в вправі 1, ст.180 треба знайти переклад наступних слів та словосполучень. 1. літо 2. дерева 3. весна 4. сад 5. маленький (але не small) 6. пташки 7. хлопчик 8. зараз 9. велетень зрозумів 10. багато квітів (але не many) 11. дуже злий Друге завдання – знайти в тексті 11 неправильних дієслів в другій формі (другий стовпчик таблиці неправильних дієслів) і виписати через кому без перекладу.
One of the most favorite days in America is Thanksgiving Day. The whole country celebrates this day and respects this tradition.
We are not Americans but in my country here we also know and love this holiday. Of corse for my parents it’s nothing special, but me and my friends we got a habit to celebrate.
Well we celebrate Thanksgiving Day in November 28. This is the day when you cook a big dinner with different nice food and of course turkey, get your family all together and say only good things about each other. You can say “thank you” to all your family members for everything what they have done for you.
Another good tradition is to say thanks in your heart to all other people, even if they did bad things to you. Americans think those people gave you a good lesson and you have to accept everything.
Personally I help my mom to cook a dinner for our family and I also try to say good things to my parents and my sister. We fight a lot, but at the same time we love each other and respect. Sometime we are so busy and forget to say good things, so I usually do it on these holidays.
And for my friends I prepare some cards or letters with few nice words, beautiful stories about our life and some compliments.
I think thanksgiving day is one of the most beautiful holidays in America and I hope soon it will come to our country.
But honestly there is no reason to wait for this holiday to thank your family and friends. We can do it everyday with open heart and not only for good people, but for people which you have met before
Thanksgiving Day
One of the most favorite days in America is Thanksgiving Day. The whole country celebrates this day and respects this tradition.
We are not Americans but in my country here we also know and love this holiday. Of corse for my parents it’s nothing special, but me and my friends we got a habit to celebrate.
Well we celebrate Thanksgiving Day in November 28. This is the day when you cook a big dinner with different nice food and of course turkey, get your family all together and say only good things about each other. You can say “thank you” to all your family members for everything what they have done for you.
Another good tradition is to say thanks in your heart to all other people, even if they did bad things to you. Americans think those people gave you a good lesson and you have to accept everything.
Personally I help my mom to cook a dinner for our family and I also try to say good things to my parents and my sister. We fight a lot, but at the same time we love each other and respect. Sometime we are so busy and forget to say good things, so I usually do it on these holidays.
And for my friends I prepare some cards or letters with few nice words, beautiful stories about our life and some compliments.
I think thanksgiving day is one of the most beautiful holidays in America and I hope soon it will come to our country.
But honestly there is no reason to wait for this holiday to thank your family and friends. We can do it everyday with open heart and not only for good people, but for people which you have met before
Задача 1. Арон был в командировке в Калифорнии. Он показывает тебе сувениры, которые купил для своей семьи. Заполните правильные местоимения.
Моя сестра Джейн обожает книги. Этот роман предназначен для (нее).
Мои дети любят Диснеевские фильмы. Видео предназначено для (Они) .
Мой брат Мэтт коллекционирует открытки с картинками. Эти открытки предназначены для (Он) .
Мои родители любят латиноамериканскую музыку. Компакт-диск предназначен для (Они) .
Я люблю часы. Эти хорошие часы предназначены для (I) .
Мы с женой любим сладкое. Эти сладости предназначены для (нас) .