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10.02.2022 01:28 •  Английский язык

Добрые люди за промежуточную аттестацию по английскому языку 7 класс.

Промежуточная аттестация по английскому языку для 7 класса
1. Перестройте предложения из действительного залога в страдательный
1) A lot of people contribute to environmental organisations.
2) We will finish the project tomorrow.
3) He wrote this book in the 19th century..
4) They sell milk in this shop.
5) They have forgotten the story.

2. Соедините предложения с союзных местоимений who/which
1) I like the books (to have interesting characters)
2) Last month me and my friends organized a charity run (people support with donations)
3) Every Monday we get together and listen to my grandad (to tell us about his childhood)
4) Our teachers give us a lot of homework (we have to do very quickly)
5) There were a lot of people in our country (we remember even now)

3. Прочитайте текст и определите верны ли утверждения ниже
Hi. My name is Mike. And I would like to tell you about my school life. I learn in an ordinary school in the 7 grade. There are 25 students in my class and we are really ambitious children. My best friend Alex is a brilliant musician. He plays the piano and has taken part in many competitions. He always plays at any school events. He isn’t good at any sport but he gets only As and Bs for all the subjects. His greatest ambition is to become a professional musician. Kate and Marry are the fastest runners in our class. They both got medals at the city competition last year. Kate is going to be a professional sportswoman, but Marry isn’t. She likes children and perhaps she will become a PE teacher. Karen is a good writer. She writes short stories and poems for a school newspaper. She says that if you want to achieve success you should set the goal, work hard and do your work properly. As for me I’m one of the best young football players in our city. Last year I took part in the city competition and got an award as the best player. Our team didn’t win the championship, but we got bronze medals. Next year our team will win I’m sure! The most of students are really glad when charity fairs or other unusual events are organized in our school. Last time we had a charity run more than 400$ were donated for a local nursery home. Karen was extremely happy because she thought that she made a difference but as for Alex it was just a waste of time and money, because he prefers to support eco projects. He is working as a volunteer together with Ann in a local zoo and they are excited about it. They decided to do it after the lesson when our teacher told us about deforestation and the problems caused because of that. Alex parents do not support him because they are afraid that he will have problems with studying. Anyway they want him to decide himself what to do in the future. That is all about my school life and in the end I would like you to do the true false exercise based on my story.
1) Alex plays the piano only for his friends and family.
2) Kate and Marry took part in a sport competition.
3) Marry wants to be a professional sportswoman.
4) Karen thinks that she knows how to achieve success.
5) Mike thinks that he is a good football player only because his friends like the way he plays.
6) In Mike’s school there is no after school activity.
7) Alex likes to take part in any charity projects.
8) Ann decided to join volunteers when she knew about forests which were cut down.
9) Alex’s mother and father are excited with his volunteer activity.
10) Alex has some problems with studying.​

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13.01.2020 20:10
Это вы о ночи?opensubtitles2About last night?Я очень хорошо спал ночью.tatoebaI slept very well last night.Он ночью не спал ночью у меня было прозрениеopensubtitles2I had an epiphany last nightКроме того я знаю, что- то хорошее случилось со мной ночью ночью ты забыл выключить радиоприёмник, не так ли?tatoebaLast night you forgot to turn off the radio, didn't you?Где ты был ночью?opensubtitles2Where were you last night?Те ужасные дни и ночи, которые пережили наши страны- дни ужаса и террора- должны остаться в За то, что... что ты сделала ночью, я не смогу отплатитьopensubtitles2What...What you did last night, I can' t repay thatХикокуро Омодака... умер ночьюopensubtitles2Hikokuro OmodakaЭто детализация счетов доктора Дюмонт из отеля две ночи в отеле " Шератон " в Бейкерсфилде в годуopensubtitles2It' s dumont' s itemized hotel bill for two nights at the sheraton in bakersfield last yearКак видишь я близок к тому, чтобы убежать, в то время как ты готовишься умереть ужасной смертью за то, что оставил меня умирать ночью!opensubtitles2I am about to escape while you on the other hand- are about to die a horrible death, for leaving me to die last night!Как и в году на фестиваль Ночи Милонгеро Орасио презжает со своей партнершей Сесилией Берра.Common crawlSame as last year Horacio comes to the Milonguero nights festival with his partner Cecilia Berra.Кто- нибудь может подтвердить ваше местонахождение ночью?opensubtitles2Is there someone who can vouch for you last night?Её убили ночьюopensubtitles2She was killed last nightВ течение нескольких часов ночью и сегодня израильские оккупационные силы, используя боевые вертолеты, танки и сторожевые катера, наносили удары с воздуха, земли и моря по ряду районов в городе Газа и секторе Газа ночью был сильный дождь.tatoebaWe had a heavy rainfall last night.К числу других инцидентов относится предпринятая поселенцами ночью на неделе попытка поджечь храм в Бейт-Ханине (Иерусалим) и совершение актов вандализма в отношении синагоги в Иерихоне ‧ октябряMultiUnOther incidents include the attempted burning of the church in Beit Hanina (Jerusalem) in a night raid by settlers last week and the vandalization of a synagogue at Jericho on ‧ ctoberИзвестно, что аудифайлы просочились где- то в полночь ночьюopensubtitles2We know that the audio file was leaked at around midnight last night
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05.04.2022 03:49

The flat is doing the 4th floor of a building have Delancey Street and Grand Street. The building is howa 24-hour garage and not Indian restaurant, so there are always lots of cars and people in the street. The cars are quite noisy.

It’s a studio flat with only one room. My bed is on a shelf life the kitchen. The toilet and the shower are … the shelf. In the kitchen, there is a sink, a fridge, and a cooker, but there isn’t a dishwasher or a washing machine – I go to the launderette on Grand Street to wash clothes. have the window, there is a red carpet on the floor and there’s an armchair and table with a television on it. From the window, I can see the East River. It’s for the building.

Task 2: Articles. Choose the correct option.

It’s very difficult to find a (a/the/-) flat in the(the/-) New York. I’m very lucky. I like my flat because it’s in (the/-) centre of the city. There are (the/-) shops and restaurants all around me. The Lower East Side isn’t the best district in the city but my flat is near a theatre and it’s also near … (the/-) East River and a (the/a) small park. One of the things I don’t like about my flat is that there isn’tthe (a/the) lift. Also, unfortunately, I’m not near g (a/the) underground station, but there’s a (a/the) bus stop opposite the (a/the) door of my building.

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