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Technological institute, technical specialist, natural sciences, assimilate information, modern methods, production technology, management, expansion of new forms, collection of facts and theories, general education.


The new academic year has begun. Entrance examinations are over in the 894 higher schools of this country. More than a million new students were enrolled into universities and institutes. About 60 per cent of them entered technological institutes. In the last several years the number of students in technological institutes has risen by more than one million bringing the total enrolment to over three million. This means that young people are interested in the specialties connected with new branches of science and technology. At present engineers and technical specialists constitute 40 per cent of graduates from institutes of higher learning while humanities, natural sciences and pedagogy account for 45 per cent. Today a student must assimilate large amounts of new information and it is growing all the time. Class-rooms are now equipped with TV sets, computers, video tape-recorders and other training appliances. Lectures and seminars alternate with laboratory works, discussions, research work and students' self-training. A large part of study time is devoted to basic subjects. This enables future specialists to attain greater professional knowledge and assimilate modern methods of research, advanced production technology, its organization and management. This provides a basis for the study of special subjects and the organization of practice. The present academic year is marked by expansion of new forms of technical specialization. Specialization plays a major part in planning the curricula. Usually specialization begins in the third year. The state spends large sums on higher education. About 75 per cent of students receive scholarships and 10 per cent get allowances from enterprises that sponsored their application. Education plays an important part in the life of any country as it provides the country with highly-qualified specialists for its future development and progress. Top priority is given to improving the standards of higher education – especially in science and technology. At the same time some institutes of

technology have developed into technical universities and devote many more hours to the humanities. The higher school today considers education not only as collection of useful facts and theories but also as the process which trains a person to analyze and interrelate various ideas as well as make decisions. Today's young people will be the specialists of tomorrow in the society with new technology. Their qualification will determine the scientific and technological progress of the country. Besides, specialists in all fields should2have a general education to supplement their specialized knowledge and enable them to use it most effectively.

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09.11.2020 23:21
Вот исправленный текст:
My first few days at university were  very exhilarating and exciting. It was my first time away from home and suddenly i found myself  in a whole new world. Although this was been somewhat daunting to begin with living in college with a dozens of other students gave me a sense of the security. With no rules p our lifestyle most of us spent week staying up  for talking and getting to know each one other. After numerous nights of no sleep however life settled itself down a bit and  i began to pay attention to my studies. University it is very different to school  and it is very strange at first to have so  much freedom. As a student of English Literature i only had one hour a day of lectures but i was expected to spend the rest of the day on studying in the library. I must to admit though that most of my first year was a time of meeting people and learning to be independent. 

Вот перевод(уже с исправленными словами)

Мои первые несколько дней в университете были очень волнующими и захватывающимие. Это был мой первый раз вдали от дома, и вдруг я очутился в совершенно новом мире. Хотя это было уже несколько сложноо, чтобы начинать с проживанием в колледже с десятками других студентов дало мне чувство безопасностие. С никаких правил наш образ жизни, большинство из нас провели неделю не ложась спать для разговоров и узнавая друг друг друга. После многочисленных ночей без сна, однако жизнь исчерпала себя немного вниз, и я начал обращать внимание на учебу. Университет он сильно отличается от школы, и это очень странно на первый взгляд, чтобы иметь так много свободые. Будучи студентом английской литературы я был только один час в день лекций, но я, как ожидается, проведет остаток дня на изучение в библиотеке. Я должен признать, хотя, что большая часть своего первого года было время встречи с людьми и учиться быть независимыми.
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09.11.2020 23:21
My first few days at university were very exhilarating and exciting. It was my first time away from home and suddenly i found myself  on my  own in a whole new world. Although this was somewhat daunting to begin with living in college with a dozens of other students gave me a sense of the security. With no rules to cramp our lifestyle most of us spent the first week staying up all night for talking and getting to know each other. After numerous nights of no sleep however life settled down a bit and i began to pay attention to my studies. University is very different to school and it is very strange at first to have so such much freedom. As a student of English Literature i only had one hour a day of lectures but i was expected to spend the rest of the day on studying in the library. I must admit though that most of my first year was a time of meeting people and learning to be independent.  

Мои первые несколько дней в университете были очень волнующими и захватывающими. Первый раз я был вдали от дома, и вдруг я обнаружил, что я сам по себе в совершенно новом мире. Несмотря на то, что это было отчасти пугающим - начало жизни в колледже с десятками других студентов, это дало мне чувство безопасности. В отсутствии правил, для того, чтобы вытащить наш образ жизни большинство из нас провели первую неделю бодрствуя всю ночь, разговаривая и знакомясь друг с другом. После многочисленных ночей без сна, жизнь, тем не менее, немного вошла в колею, и я начал обращать внимание на мои занятия. Университет – совсем отличается от школы, и на первый взгляд очень странно иметь так много свободы. Как студент курса английской литературы у меня был только один час в день лекций, а остаток дня я должен был провести за изучением в библиотеке. Я должен признать, однако, что большая часть моего первого года - это было время встреч с людьми и изучение как быть независимым.
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