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Дополни предложение правильной формой глагола Present Simple or Present Continuous.
1. Why (those boys / smile) at us? (we / know) them?
2. I (enjoy) this summer holiday! I (not want) it to end.
3. On annual White Nights, many museums and lots of shops (stay) open all night.
4. My parents (let) me use the car tomorrow.
5. How much (your dog / weigh)?
6. Elizabeth (know) where the new cinema (be).
7. A: (this laptop / belong) to Jack?
B: No, I (think) it (belong)
to Debbie.
8. A: Bill usually (enjoy) his work.
B: Yes, but he (not enjoy) it now
because he’s got too much to do.
9. A: Why (you / taste) the milk?
B: Because it (smell) rather strange.
(you / want) to taste it?
10. A: Susan (talk) to her boyfriend on
the phone at the moment.
B: I can tell. She (look) very excited.
11. David (think) about getting the job.
12. Please be quiet. You (be) too much noisy!
13. I (feel) that you are wrong.
14. I (see) Anne this afternoon at 5.
15. We (have) an interesting conv

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17.04.2021 17:31

Task 1. Choose the correct tenses.

1). I’m sorry for her, she (have) bad luck all her life. 2). I (want) to be a doctor until I was fifteen. 3). He (be) unemployed ever since he left school. 4). How long (you live) in this town? 5). I (not work) very hard when I was at university. 6). He was ill before Christmas, but he (be) fine since then.7). I (have) trouble sleeping all this week. 8). I (learn) a lot in this job. 9). I (have) trouble sleeping all last week. 10). I (not learn) much in that job. 11). My boyfriend and I (know) each other for ages. 12). He (live) in Durban for a year before he got married.

Task 2. Complete the sentences with Present Perfect or Past Simple.

1). I (play) a lot of tennis this year. 2). She (have) six different jobs since she left school. 3). He (run) away from school three times when he was fourteen. 4). How many cups of coffee (you drink) today? 5). In those days, Andrew (come) to stay with us most weekends. 6). Shakespeare (write) poems as well as plays. 7). Since my brother lost his job, he (write) two books. 8). Would you believe I (make) twenty-three phone calls today? 9). Our team (just lose) eight games one after the other.

Task 3. Write the verbs in Present Perfect.

1). I’m afraid I (forget) my book at home. 2). … the secretary (yet come)? 3). I (learn) the rhyme. Could you listen to me? 4). They (already inform) me about the accident. 5). He is the most handsome man I (ever know). 6). Galina (already leave for) Manchester. 7). He (not receive) any letters from her this week. 8). I (not hear) from him since he left Paris. 9). I (not see) Golitsyn for ages. 10). … you (have) a holiday this year? 11). We (see) some good films recently. 12). They (wait) for you for half an hour. 13). Ludmila (have) a headache since she came from the theatre. 14). Ilya (work) in the bank for a year. 15). Yelena (be) ill for a fortnight. 16). … you (ever ride) a horse? 17). … you (ever be) to Italy?

Task 4. Present Perfect or Past Simple?

1). We (not have) a holiday last year (A. didn’t have. B. haven’t had. C. hadn’t have). 2). The Tretyakovs (be) to the USA many times (A. have been. B. were. C. have being). 3). I (buy) a new dress last week, but I (not wear) it yet (A. have bought. B. bought. C. had bought. D. haven’t worn. E. wore. F. didn’t wear). 4). … it (stop) raining yet? (A. Did it stop. B. Is it stopped. C. Has it stopped). 5). Don’t worry about your letter. I (sent) it the day before yesterday (A. sented. B. have sent. C. sent). 6). I (lose) my glasses. I (have) them when I came to the college this morning (A. losed. B. have lost. C. lost. D. have had. E. had. F. have). 7). When Mikhail (finish) school? (A. When had Mikhail finished school? B. When has Mikhail finished school? C. When did Mikhail finish school?). 8). When I was a child, I (always be) late for school (A. have always been. B. was always late. C. had always been). 9). I can’t find my umbrella. I think somebody (take) by mistake (A. took. B. taken. C. has taken). 10). “Are you tired?” “Yes, a little. I (paint) the ceiling today (A. have painted. B. painted. C. paint). 11). We (not see) Victor this week, but we (see) him a couple of weeks ago (A. didn’t see. B. haven’t saw. C. haven’t seen. D. saw. E. have saw. F. have seen). 12). “Have you got any money?” “Yes, I (borrow) it from my brother (A. borrowed. B. have borrowed. C. did borrow). 13). “Where is Tatyana?” “She (go) the shops. She’ll be back soon (A. went. B. has gone to. C. has been to). 14). Vasilyev (work) in the bank for three years since 1990 to 1993 (A. has worked. B. had worked. C. worked). 15). Viktor (lose) his car keys, so we have to open the door by force (A. has lost. B. lost. C. losed). 16). One of the passengers (die) in that accident (A. has died. B. died). 17). Vladimir and Maria (be married) since last Christmas (A. were married. B. have married. C. have been married). 18). … the post (come) today? (A. Did the post come today? B. Has the post come


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18.03.2020 13:07

1 Bread is eaten every day

2 Books are taken in the library

3 Many houses are built in our city every year

4 Many interesting games are always played at our PE lessons

5 Hockey is played in winter

6 Mushrooms are gathered in autumn

7 Flowers are sold in shops and in the streets

8 Coffee is grown in Brazil

9 Letters and parcels are delivered by postmen in the afternoon every day

10 Chinese is spoken in Singapore

1 I show-I am showed

2 She brings-She is brought

3 We ask-We are asked

4 Friends answer- Friends are answered

5 Postmen send- Letters are sent

6 They give- They are given

7 A teacher helps-A pupil is helped

8 Rich people advise-Poor people are advised

9 He forgets-he is forgotten

10 A photographer remembers- His works are remembered

11 We invite- We are invited

12 An editor corrects-Writers are corrected

13 A vet treats- Animals are treated

14 He calls-He is called

15 People protect-Nature is protected

1 The stone circles are surrounded by a fence

2 Stonehenge is visited by many tourists every year

3 The mystery of different ancient buildings is solved by archaeologists

4 The stones are studied by scientists

5 Stones are transported by thousands of people to the sites

6 All the stones aren't damaged by visitors

7 Reports are written by the pupils every week


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