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Ех. 1. Rewrite the sentences using modal verbs, as in the example.

1. It isn’t necessary for her to wear a suit to the office.
She needn’t/doesn't have to wear a suit to the office.
2. You aren't allowed to take those books out of the library.
3. It is possible that Mark will be at home this evening.
4. Would you like me to make some sandwiches for you?
5. I advise you to leave early.
6. Emily managed to find a job after looking for six months.
7. I’m sure Paul isn't from Canada.
8. We are obliged to take exams every six months.
9. I’m sure the children aren’t happy with your decision.
10. Perhaps we will go to Florida on holiday.

Ex. 2. Fill in the gaps with an appropriate modal verb. Sometimes more than one answer is correct.
1. A: I ...could... roller-skate when I was young.
B: So could I. Those were the days.
2. A: Dad’s car broke down yesterday.
B: herepair it?
A: No. he took it to the garage.
3. A: Those men look alike. Theybe brothers.
B: Yes, they are.
4. A: You___leave your toys on the floor.
B: Why?
A: You’ll cause an accident.
5. A: Shall I do Grandma’s shopping for her?
B: No, you. She wants to do it herself.
6. A: Youtidy your bedroom today.
B: Oh. do I?
7. A: Where is Colin?
B: I’m not sure. Hebe in his office.
8. A: Whatwe do at the weekend?
B: Wego swimming.
9. A: My brotherride a motorbike.
B: Really? he drive a car. too?
10. A: I’m really tired.
B: Yougo to bed early tonight.
Ex. 3. Complete each sentence with two to five words including the word in bold.

1. Perhaps Nick is at the office.
may: Nick ...may be at the... office.
2. I don’t think Mary is very happy at the moment,
can’t: Mary very happy at the moment.
3. I’m bored. Let's watch TV.
shall: I’m bored TV?
4. I'm sure those are Paula’s sunglasses.
must: Those Paula's sunglasses.
5. I advise you to stop eating fatty foods.
ought: You fatty foods.
6. Perhaps the children are in the playground.
may: The children playground.
7. I'm sure they come from Spain. They've got a Spanish accent.
must: They They’ve got a Spanish accent.

Ex. 4. Read the situations and complete the sentences with an appropriate modal verb.
1. You are at school. Your teacher tells you to bring your homework with you tomorrow.
You must bring your homework with you tomorrow.

2. You have fallen over. Your arm hurts. Your friend thinks it might be broken. She advises you to go to hospital
go to hospital.

3. Your friend is having a birthday party on Saturday. You want to go. Ask your parents for permission.
go to my friend's party on Saturday?

4. You are eating lunch with your family. You can't reach the salt. Make a request.
pass the salt, please?

5. Your mother asks you where your brother is. You think he is at the cinema with his friends.
be at the cinema with his friends.

6. Your parents are planning to go on holiday this summer. They can’t decide where to go. You suggest going to America.
go to America.

7. You are at the beach with your mother. She is going to buy a drink. She asks you if you want anything. Ask for an ice cream.
buy me an ice-cream, please?

Ex. 5.
a). Choose the correct item.
b). Write a letter like in the example use modal verbs.

Dear Henry,
I’m writing to you because I need some advice. 1) Can/Shall you help me, please? My boss offered me a job in Italy and I 2) could/must make a decision about it soon. I've been thinking about it since last week but I 3) haven’t been able to/wasn’t able to decide! I'm a bit worried that I 4) shall/may not enjoy living in another country. I 5) might/ought to find it difficult to learn Italian. However, I 6) won’t have to/mustn't stay there if I don’t like it. What do you think? 7) Should/Will I move to Italy or 8) could/ should I stay here? 9)Could/May you write to me and tell me what you think?
I hope to hear from you soon.

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30.10.2021 14:32

на перевод всей книги


Хан Шатыр, Казахстан Кристалл - Великобритания

Рядом с водами Темзы находится

Хан Шатыр расположен в Астане, это современный торговый и

замечательное сооружение - Кристалл. Он был разработан

развлекательный центр, где широкий выбор покупок и развлечений

от Wilkinson Eyre Architects и открылась в 2012 году.

деятельность находится под одной крышей. Он был разработан архитектором Норманом.

В нем есть выставка по устойчивому развитию, где

Фостер и был открыт в 2010 году. Сегодня это один из главных

посетителям предоставляется возможность изучить проблемы


например, энергия, вода и окружающая среда.

Имитирует шатровую конструкцию юрты.

, обеспечивая постоянное напоминание

«Кристалл» - самое экологичное здание в

городским казахам корнями уходящими в степь. Но это не все!

Лондон. Он покрыт солнечными панелями, которые обеспечивают

Хан Шатыр - одно из самых экологически чистых построек в мире.

Он снабжен прозрачным покрытием,

все электричество и инженеры установили

специальные трубы, которые хранят дополнительную энергию под землей.

поддерживать постоянную теплую температуру

Он также производит 90% собственной воды путем сбора

внутри при любой погоде. Его строители имеют

дождевая вода и сточные воды. Кристалл отличный

также разработала его отличительную форму

пример того, как была сделана современная архитектура

выдерживают сильный ветер. Это

работать с природой, чтобы планету.

уникальная структура для всех

виды погоды!


Работать в парах. Сравнивать и противопоставлять

два здания в текстах. Используйте простое настоящее, простое и

представляют совершенные активные и пассивные формы.

О: Оба здания экологически чистые.

B: Это правда. Хан Шатыр находится в Астане, Казахстан, а Хрустальный

находится в Лондоне, Великобритания

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28.10.2022 06:46
I want to say a few words about the city of Los Angeles. Los Angeles is also called LA, the city of angels, the world's entertainment capital and the capital of American gangs. LA is located in the United States, California. It's always warm in the city of angels, but this does not mean that you can swim in the Pacific ocean all year round. The city has many attractions. For example, Hollywood, Madame Tussaud's Museum, Union Station, the Kodak Theater, Path/Walk of Fame, etc. I have chosen this city of all the USA's cities because I am really eager to visit it.
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