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18.08.2020 13:11 •  Английский язык

England is a sports-loving nation. Sports in England take many
forms: organized sports, which attract huge crowds to encourage their favourite
team to victory, athletic games played for recreation and others.
Some sports are called spectator sports, when the number of spectators is
greater than the number of people playing in the game. Other sports are
called participant, sports attracting large crowds only on special occasions such
as tournaments.
The game peculiarly associated with England is cricket. Many other games
too are English in origin, but have been accepted with enthusiasm in other
countries; cricket has been seriously and extensively accepted only in the
Commonwealth, particularly in Australia, India, Pakistan.
Cricket is slow, and a spectator, sitting in the afternoon sun after his lunch, may
be excused for having a little sleep for half an hour. Cricket is making no progress
in popularity. Association football or soccer is very popular. Nearly 49 million
spectators each year attend matches between the great professional teams
organized by the Football League. The biggest event in England is the Cup
Final played at the Empire Stadium, Wembley, in a London suburb.
Rugby football is played with an egg-shaped ball which may be carried and
thrown (but not forward). Rugby is played mainly by the amateurs.
The games of golf and tennis are played by great numbers of people. Golf is
played in the countryside. It consists in driving a small ball towards and into holes
separated by considerable distances, by means of special «golf clubs». The aim is to
go round using as few strokes as possible. There are many tennis clubs, but every
town provides tennis courts in public parks. The world
championship tennis matches are held at Wimbledon in London, during June and
Next to football, the chief spectator sport in Britain is horse-racing. A lot of
people are interested in the races and risk money on the horse which they think will
win. Britain is also famous for motor-car racing, boat-racing, dog-racing, and even
races for donkeys. The famous boat-race between the teams of Oxford and
Cambridge attracts large crowds of people.
Various forms of athletics, such as running, boxing, jumping, swimming are
wide-spread in England. The English weather is not always cold enough to ski,
skate, or toboggan, but winter is a good season for hunting and fishing.
Indeed sport in one form or another forms an essential part of daily life in

Запишитево и ответьте на них по-английски полным
1) What forms does sport in England take?
2) What game is associated with Great Britain?
3) What is the difference between the two kinds of football played in the United
4) What kind of game is golf?
5) What are other spectator sports popular in England?
6) What forms of athletics are wide-spread in England?

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28.04.2022 09:15
1.если бы он знал все заранее, он ни за что не стал бы так рисковать.2.если бы нас вовремя не , мы бы поверили всему, что он нам рассказывал.3.если бы вчера не было холодно, мы могли бы поехать за город.4.если бы вы не слушали советов людей, не разбирающихся в этом вопросе, вы бы не сделали столько ошибок.5.я бы осталась дома, если бы у меня была возможность выбирать. но у меня просто не было возможности выбирать.6.если бы поезд прибыл вовремя, нам не пришлось бы ждать так долго.7.мы не стали бы с ним ссориться, если бы не выяснилось, что он все время нас бманював.8.если бы я не забыл твой адрес, я бы зашел к тебе.9.интересно, встретились бы они, если бы она не опоздала на поезд и ей не пришлось бы ждать следующего? 10.если бы я знал все подробности, я не стал бы вмешиваться. но сейчас уже поздно, ничего  не изменишь11.если ты пришел бы вовремя, мы бы не опоздали на поезд и нам бы не пришлось тратить столько денег на новые билеты.12.если бы вам повысили зарплату, вы бы не уволились, верно? 13.если бы он не съел столько мороженого, он не заболел бы.14.никто не заподозрил бы его, если бы он сам себя не выдал.15.если бы мы не забыли карту, мы не потерялись бы в лесу
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27.12.2020 09:44
В данном тексте нужно найти три предложения в времени и переделать их в вопросительные.
Travelling is always exciting. In General, I believe that how many languages do you know, so many times you are a man. And how many countries you visit, so many worlds have your inner world! However, I disagree with only one thing: not everyone can travel abroad, but it is never necessary to delay with any opportunity to visit somewhere! I visited only a few countries in my life some years ago, but I hope that I will have more opportunities in the future. After all, travel gives us access to other cultures, allows us to look at how people live in other countries, how they think, their values, life priorities. For example, once we were on vacation in Germany. This country struck me with its order and purity. And it’s not only clean streets, but also how people relate to the order in the yard. At the shops they feel at home. No one will ever throw a cigarette butt under his feet, spit, throw a piece of paper or some garbage. In transport, people always pay for expensive travel, not even thinking about what you can drive “Bunny”. Our relative who lives there, told us such phrase: “Not to pay taxes, journey Yes utilities-it means to plunder itself, we for ourselves do all this!”. That is, people there have a completely different type of thinking. Thus, travel and travel abroad give rise to a lot of reflection, and analysis of what kind of world we live in? What do we want it to be? What do you need to do in order to build a dream country? But I also like to travel to Russia. It is unusually big and beautiful, its nature is very diverse and beautiful. For example, in the West of Karelia, there are mountains, mountain rivers and lakes of indescribable beauty. There is very clean air, friendly people. This region has a lot of forests, very beautiful scenery. And the black sea atmosphere is quite different — there is a fun holiday can vary measured rest in the quiet corners of the sea coast. I like Baikal, on which my family rested three times. This lake is very gentle, nature there is just incredible! It is the pride of Russia. People come to see the lake from all over the world. They like Russian hospitality, cuisine, and nature. I found out for myself different parts of Russia: the West, the South, the East. Different people live everywhere. Somewhere more communicate only in Russian, and somewhere in their nation. Where the Catholics live, where Orthodox and Muslims, but Russia is a multinational country, but that she is famous for. This is the beauty of our country — its wealth. Everywhere we were warmly received, enthusiastically told about their region, translating the legends of his land, on which the whole of Russia is so rich that it is sometimes breathtaking! I love to travel. For me, every journey is a small adventure that leaves eternal memories for a lifetime. After such trips I can forget neither the breath of nature of the region where we were nor those people, I always dream to return to the same place. But then you realize he is still so much unknown still so much to see! I hope that my future life will develop in such a way that I will always have the strength, desire and opportunity to travel!
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