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31.07.2020 12:05 •  Английский язык

English test Please mark you answer with an X in the correct box as in the example: abed

Example: 1A STUDENT

a) AM b) ARE c) BE d) IS e.g. a)

1) John is Englishan English boy.

a) He is b) She is c) It is d) I am

2) This is a pen. Thosebooks.

a) is b) am c) are d) be

3) I'm EnglishFrench?

a) You're b) Are you c) Are d) You

4) I speak English. SheJapanese.

a) speaking b) do speak c) speaks d) are speaking

5) "What?" "I'm a student".

a) do you b) do you do c) you d) you do

6) I'm sorry I understand.

a) no b) not c) doesn't d) don't

7) "you like a cup of tea?" "Yes, please".

a) Would b) Could c) May d) Do

8) "Wherenow?"

a) lives he b) is he living c) he is living d) he living

9) That isn't your coat. It'scoat.

a) me b) my c) I d) he

10) Take your coat. Itrain.

a) is going to b) will c) is d) has

11) "No, I don't wanttomatoes."

a) some b) a c) they d) any

12) "Where yesterday?" "I was at home".

a) you were b) you was c) you d) were you

13) "Why not go to the National Gallery?" "Ithere yesterday."

a) go b) went c) gone d) going

14) "Whereyesterday?" "I didn't go anywhere."

a) went you b) did you went c) did you go d) was you go

15) Youwork hard to pass the examination.

a) must b) can c) were d) do

16) My French is very good. I speak French . . .

a) good b) bad c) well d) badly

17) Ito Russia.

a) have never been b) been have never c) have never d) never been

18) Richardthe tickets.

a) already bought b) has already buy c) has already bought d) buy

19) Don't go out It rain.

a) can b) may c) did d) was

20) Richardto a girl when I saw him.

a) talk b) talking c) will talk d) was talking

21) My sister[or my birthday.

a) gave me a book b) gave to me a book c) gave a book me d) me gave a book

22) The man . . . came yesterday is very rich.

a) he b) who c) has d) when

23) John is good at football but Richard is

a) good b) well c) gooder d) better

24) Johnsince he left school.

a) was working b) works c) has been working d) will be working

25) "Please be quiet." He told me

a) be quiet b) to be quiet c) that be quiet d) that I be quiet

26) "I am a student." He told me thata student.

a) I am b) I was c) he was d) he is

27) Susan will come to tea if youher.

a) asks b) ask c) asked d) will ask

28) I'm not as clever as you. You are. ... I am.

a) clever than b) cleverer as c) cleverer than d) more clever

29) When I was a child Ia lot of sweets.

a) use eat b) eat c) used to eat d) am used to eat

30) "Romeo and Juliet." "Yes, I saw it on Wednesday."

a) Did you seen b) Have you seen c) Will you see d) Do you see

31) The houselast year.

a) built b) has built c) was built d) is built

32) Mary enjoysin London.

a) to live b) living c) having living d) when lived

33) I think you'd better to the Doctor.

a) to go b) go c) going d) to going

34) Tea will be ready when youhome.

a) gets b) get c) will get d) shall get

35) If I were you home.

a) I'd go b) I go c) I'll go d) I'm go

36) "Have you finished?" He asked me

a) have I finished b) if I have finished c) if I had finished d) if I finished

37) Theyso much that they went to sleep in the garden.

a) were eating b) had eaten c) have eaten d) eating

38) I like him. He makes me

a) laughing b) laughter c) to laugh d) laugh

39) Would you mind me a cigarette, please?

a) give b) giving c) to give d) having given

40) What aboutto the cinema tonight?

a) go b) to go c) we go d ) going

41)1here for 5 years in November.

a) shall be b) will be c) shall have been d) will have

42) I wish Ia lot of money.

a) had b) have c) will have d) would have

43) He's rather dirty. He a bath before he came here.

a) had b) has had c) should have had d) would have

44) If yougone to the party you would have seen him.

a) had b) would have c) have d) should have

45) "Where is Piccadilly Circus?" She asked me where

a) Piccadilly Circus was b) is Piccadilly Circus c) Piccadilly Circus d) was Piccadilly Circus

46) The streets are wet. Itraining.

a) must have b) must have been c) had to d) must to be

47) He's too old to paint the house himself, so he

a) is painted the house b) is having his house painted c) is going to paint his house

d) is having painted his house

48) I'd rather youlater. I'm busy now.

a) come back b) will come back c) came back d) had come back

49) Supposing youthere again. What would you do?

a) will go b) went c) going d) will have gone

50) "Can I phone you at 6.00?" "No, I . ..."

a) would eat then b) shall have eaten then c) shall eat then d) shall be eating then

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21.09.2021 04:28

School is important part of life everyone. As have spent ten years here, I can talk about school and school life as an expert.
In general, I enjoy the part of school life. I like new classmates. The class became much more friendly. I feel positive about all subjects, but Ilike more: English and literature lessons. I not like, firstly, to study in school on Saturday, and, secondly, I dislike having many lessons a day.
 I thankful to the school, because it provides us good start for adult life. And how all, I agree that our school is one of the best in our city( или где ты там живешь) I like my class - 10(11) social - humanitarian!!

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30.10.2021 08:33

1. The earliest newspapers were probably handwritten notices. 2. They were posted to be read by the public. 3. But the first true newspaper was a weekly newspaper. 4. It started in Germany in 1609. 5.It was called Strassburg Relation. 6. The Germans were pioneers in newspaper publishing. 7. Johannes Gutenberg, the man who developed the idea of movable type, came from Germany. 8. One of the first English-language newspapers, The London Gazette, was printed in England in 1665. 9. Gazette was an old English word that meant official publication. 10. Many newspapers today still use the word gazette in their names.

1. Ранние газеты были, вероятно, написанными от руки листовками. 2. Они расклеивались для чтения широкой общественностью. 3. Но первая настоящая газета была еженедельной. 4. Её начали выпускать в Германии в 1609 году. 5. Называлась она "Strassburg Relation" (Страсбург Релэйшэн). 6. Германцы были первыми в газетном издательстве. 7. Иоганн Гутенберг, человек, который развил идею наборного шрифта, выходец из Германии. 8. Одна из первых англоязычных газет "The London Gazette" (Лондонский бюллетень) была отпечатана в Англии в 1665 году. 9. Gazette (бюллетень) было старым английским словом,которое подразумевало официальную публикацию. 10. Многие газеты до сих пор используют слово gazette в свои названиях.

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