Hyde Park The park - 1.4 km2. During the reign of Charles I, the garden has become a favorite vacation spot of Londoners. The park has a lake where swimming is allowed. Here before 1536 are ancient possessions Hyde at Westminster Abbey, the name was the ancient unit area. Since the beginning of the dissolution of the monasteries (1536) Henry VIII confiscated his, and he made this hunting ground. The main attraction of the park - the Serpentine lake, where swimming is allowed, and the Serpentine Gallery. Next to the park is a triumphal arch Marble Arch (1828), which was to serve as the entrance to Buckingham Palace, but did not like the queen, and according to legend, she ordered the crew too wide, not passing under the arch, which is why it was abandoned. Since the 20th century the park was the site of concerts, meetings and events. Known fact that there is Speakers Corner, where traditionally honed his eloquence all sorts of speakers and preachers, but because of Hyde Park has become synonymous with a place to proclaim and defend forbidding any ideas. That Hyde Park witnessed historic performances of Karl Marx, Lenin, and other great political figures of the past.
In the future I want to create a sports section badminton.I will teach children and adults. Together with them, I will go on to win the competition, I will teach them to win.
Секция бадминтона "Звездочка"
В будущем я хочу создать спортивную секцию бадминтона. Я буду учить детей и взрослых. Вместе с ними я буду ездить на соревнования за победой, буду учить их побеждать.
Our facility is open daily from Monday to Saturday, Sunday off. Visit us from 10:00 to 22:00. You are always welcome!
Наш комплекс работает ежедневно с понедельника по субботу, воскреснье выходной. Приходите к нам с 10:00 до 22:00. Мы всегда рады вам!
To join our club, fill out the form on our website. Application form. 1. What is your name ________ 2.How old are you__________________ 3.What You can follow any responses to make (for the club) ______________ 4.Kak you have the skills _____________ 5.What Like _______________ Fill the form and we will know whether or not you or we do not. We wish you good luck!
Чтобы записаться в наш клуб, заполните анкету на нашем сайте. Форма заявки. 1. Как Вас зовут ________ 2.Сколько Вам лет__________________ 3.Что Вы можите сделать (для нашего клуба)______________ 4.Какие у Вас есть навыки _____________ 5.Что Вам нравится _______________ Заполнив анкету, мы узнаем подходите ли вы нам или нет. Желаем Вам удачи!
Hyde Park
The park - 1.4 km2. During the reign of Charles I, the garden has become a favorite vacation spot of Londoners. The park has a lake where swimming is allowed. Here before 1536 are ancient possessions Hyde at Westminster Abbey, the name was the ancient unit area. Since the beginning of the dissolution of the monasteries (1536) Henry VIII confiscated his, and he made this hunting ground. The main attraction of the park - the Serpentine lake, where swimming is allowed, and the Serpentine Gallery. Next to the park is a triumphal arch Marble Arch (1828), which was to serve as the entrance to Buckingham Palace, but did not like the queen, and according to legend, she ordered the crew too wide, not passing under the arch, which is why it was abandoned. Since the 20th century the park was the site of concerts, meetings and events. Known fact that there is Speakers Corner, where traditionally honed his eloquence all sorts of speakers and preachers, but because of Hyde Park has become synonymous with a place to proclaim and defend forbidding any ideas. That Hyde Park witnessed historic performances of Karl Marx, Lenin, and other great political figures of the past.
Section badminton "Star"
In the future I want to create a sports section badminton.I will teach children and adults. Together with them, I will go on to win the competition, I will teach them to win.
Секция бадминтона "Звездочка"
В будущем я хочу создать спортивную секцию бадминтона.
Я буду учить детей и взрослых. Вместе с ними я буду ездить на соревнования за победой, буду учить их побеждать.
Our facility is open daily from Monday to Saturday, Sunday off. Visit us from 10:00 to 22:00. You are always welcome!
Наш комплекс работает ежедневно с понедельника по субботу, воскреснье выходной. Приходите к нам с 10:00 до 22:00. Мы всегда рады вам!
To join our club, fill out the form on our website.
Application form.
1. What is your name ________
2.How old are you__________________
3.What You can follow any responses to make (for the club) ______________
4.Kak you have the skills _____________
5.What Like _______________
Fill the form and we will know whether or not you or we do not.
We wish you good luck!
Чтобы записаться в наш клуб, заполните анкету на нашем сайте.
Форма заявки.
1. Как Вас зовут ________
2.Сколько Вам лет__________________
3.Что Вы можите сделать (для нашего клуба)______________
4.Какие у Вас есть навыки _____________
5.Что Вам нравится _______________
Заполнив анкету, мы узнаем подходите ли вы нам или нет.
Желаем Вам удачи!
4. (во вложениях)