Английский язык
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к этому тексту When travellers go on holidays abroad, they
rarely pay attention
to the impression they make on the locals around them. Meanwhile, every nation has its own opinion about the foreigners who come to visit them.

Probably, hotel managers are the people who can tell lots of facts about
various tourists
from different countries. That is why our company
decided to conduct
a survey among them. The main idea of that survey was to know more about travellers
from all over the globe

The selection criteria were
the behaviour and manners
of the guests, accuracy, generosity, elegance, and many other features that can make a certain opinion about a person. Such factors as the traveller's
desire to learn
local languages and try local cuisine were also taken into account. In total, more than five thousand hotel managers
were interviewed worldwide

After the survey, we made top charts of nations on each criterion. The Japanese
were recognized
as the best tourists. The second place was shared by the Germans and the British, followed by the Canadians and the Swiss. The Americans did not enter the top ten, taking the eleventh position. However,
it turned out that
in some countries Americans are considered the most generous. As for style and taste, the elegant Italians and French were on the leading positions.

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22.11.2020 07:27

                     All children should learn English from a young age

Nowadays nobody questions the importance of knowing English. Many people believe that children should learn it from a young age. However, there are both pros and cons to this opinion.

On the one hand, there are a few advantages of starting learning English in early childhood. Firstly, it is easier for young learners to acquire a new language in comparison with adults. Children pick up the pronunciation better and enjoy copying and learning through games. Secondly, children are not as shy as adults and are not afraid of mistakes. Finally, children learning an additional language are more creative, better at solving problems and usually score higher on tests.

On the other hand, there is an opinion that children should not learn English unless they start school. Some people think that children need to master their mother tongue first and learning English at an early age is confusing and a time waster. There is a fear that learning English may delay development of the child’s first language.

To sum up, the benefits of learning English at a young age outweigh the disadvantages. After all, we need to know English, and childhood is the best time to learn it.

    Все дети должны учить английский язык с самого раннего возраста

В настоящее время никто не ставит под сомнение важность знания английского языка. Многие считают, что дети должны учить его с юных лет. Однако у этого мнения есть и плюсы, и минусы.

С одной стороны, изучение английского в раннем детстве имеет несколько преимуществ. Во-первых, юным ученикам легче усвоить новый язык по сравнению со взрослыми. Дети лучше воспринимают произношение, им нравится копировать и учиться в играх. Во-вторых, дети не такие застенчивые, как взрослые, и не боятся ошибок. Наконец, дети, изучающие дополнительный язык, более креативны, лучше решают задачи и, как правило, получают более высокие оценки в тестах.

С другой стороны, существует мнение, что дети не должны изучать английский язык, пока не пойдут в школу. Некоторые люди думают, что дети должны сначала освоить свой родной язык, а изучение английского в раннем возрасте сбивает с толку и становится пустой тратой времени. Существует опасение, что изучение английского может задерживать развитие родного языка ребенка.

Подводя итог, можно сказать, что польза от изучения английского в раннем возрасте перевешивает недостатки. В конце концов, нам необходимо знать английский, а детство - лучшее время для его изучения.

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04.10.2020 08:44
Murat Abenovich Aitkhozhina - a specialist in the field of molecular biology and biochemistry, academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR (1983), Doctor of Biological Sciences (1977), Professor (1980), winner of the Lenin Prize (1976), a disciple of Academician A. Spirin. Biography In 1962 he graduated from the Kazakh State University named after SM Kirov in 1965 - graduate of Moscow State University named after MV Lomonosov. In 1965-1967 he worked as a junior researcher in the years 1967-1969 as a senior research associate at the Institute of Botany of the Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR. In 1969-1978 years - head of the laboratory, in the years 1978-1983 - Director of the Institute of Botany of the Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR. In 1983-1987 years - Director of the Institute of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry, Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR. In 1986-1987 - President of the Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR.Contribution to science Aitkhozhina Murat was the founder of molecular biology and biotechnology in Kazakhstan. Aitkhozhina one of the first in the world of science conducted a comparative study of the protein synthesizing system in higher organisms, engaged in the search and study of physical and chemical properties informosom in plant cells in the group of Academician A. Spirin. Group opened informosom plant classes - free cytoplasmic, polysome-associated and nuclear, including RNA-binding proteins. In 1983 Aitkhozhina organized by the Institute of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry, Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR. In 1987, it was organized by the Kazakh Agricultural Biotechnology Center, which works on the cellular and genetic engineering of plants.Murat Aitkhozhina the first to introduce a course in molecular biology and a number of special courses for students of biological faculty of Kazakh State University. Under the leadership of Aitkhozhina it was designed set of instruments for the automation of molecular biological experiments, which was protected by 15 copyright certificates and 16 patents in the leading countries. Awards Lenin Prize (1976) - for the series of works "Discovery informosom - a new class of intracellular particles." Listed in the "Golden Book of Honor of the Kazakh SSR" (1974). Gold Medal of the Soviet Peace Fund (1987). Order of Friendship of Peoples (1987).
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