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04.08.2022 01:34 •  Английский язык

Ex. 1 Define the type of the sentences (declarative, interrogative, imperative or exclamatory) 1. Are you going to Australia or New Zealand?
2. Catherine is a sous-chef in that restaurant.
3. Do you mind taking Larry with us?
4. Good job!
5. I didn’t go to the gym yesterday.
6. I don’t want to take part in this competition!
7. Just look at her!
8. Let’s meet on Saturday.
Ex. 2 Define the type of the sentence (simple, complex or compound)
1. Can I give you a word of advice?
2. I don’t know why he accepted the invitation from a stranger.
3. Lenny and Jessy went shopping and we baked an apple pie.
4. The weather was awful and we decided to stay in.
5. We will go for a walk if the rain stops
6. We will go and find you an elegant dress.
Ex.3 Make a complex sentence using and, but, or, so, because
1. Are you going to make a cake? Have you already made it?
2. I bought a magazine. I haven’t read it yet.
3. It rained yesterday. We stayed at home.
4. Mary often goes to the theatre. She loves operas.
5. My brother is married. He lives in Italy.
6. My brother is married. My sister is single.
7. Our neighbors were very poor. They never asked for help.
8. The taxi stopped. The passenger got out.
9. The taxi stopped. The passenger stayed in the car.
10. They’ve got a nice house. They haven’t got a garden.
Ex. 4 Make from the declarative positive sentences to the declarative negativesentences
1. My aunt eats apples.
2. We will go to the cinema this weekend.
3. We were advised to come to school for rehearsal (репетиция).
4. I have seen Peter.
5. They are planning to have a holiday soon.
6. She made a beautiful dress for herself last week.
7. Everybody was waiting at the door to the museum.
8. By the end of the year, he had read about twenty books.
9. He is followed by his friend everywhere.
10. He know how he could help his friend.
Ex. 5 *Choose the correct conjunction
1. Some of my friends have found the work (after – while – before)others are still unemployed.
2. I agree with the idea, (since – although – before) I don’t think it’s quite practical.
3. You should brush your teeth (after – before – while) have finished your meal.
4. Let’s go home (after – before – while) it starts raining.
5. The storm started (after – before – while) the kids were playing in the yard.
6. Give this book to Sam (since – when – until) you see him.
7. He has ridden a horse (since – when – until) he was a little boy.
8. The first jeans were designed for workers, (since – although – before) today they are worn all over the world.
9. The sun is quite warm today, (after – while – before) the air is still chilly.
10. (Unless – When – While) they help me, I won’t be able to finish the report on time.

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05.07.2022 13:07
1 Sharon goes to school on foot,doesn't she?
2 Jerry and Peter saw the accident,didn't they?
3 Sheila prefers tea,doesn't she?
4 Manuel wasn't born in the USA,was he?
5 You have a serious problem,don't you?
6 They will clean the house,won't they?
7 Martha and Lewis don't like fish,do they?
8 You speak Portuguese,don't you?
9 Our sons can't swim,do they?
10 She has got a new car,hasn't she?
11 Your brother is going to the disco tonight,won't he?
12 The students haven't got new computers,did they?
13 You are my best friend,aren't you?
14 Mark helped you,didn't he?
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08.10.2022 11:29
The film tells about the formation of the Soviet hockey player Valery Kharlamov.The film opens with a vivid memory of 1956 on children's experiences during the race bulls in Spain, where my mother was born Kharlamov. Then the action is transferred to Moscow in 1967, where a young hockey player acquainted with the famous coach Anatoly Tarasov, who sends Valeria, along with his friend Alexander Gusev in the city of Chebarkul Chelyabinsk region, where they will play for the local "Stars". Overcoming the difficulties in adapting a minor league team, Valery shows hockey and score at the end of the season he returned to Moscow, where Tarasov invites him to join CSKA(ЦСКА) Moscow, but at first check the nature of Kharlamov and his ability to completely give up their lives to hockey. After the scandalous match between the USSR and the "Spartacus" when Tarasov in protest against the refereeing team has withdrawn from the ice, frustrated Kharlamov gets into an accident and seriously injures a leg (in the film, this episode biography of hockey repositioned by 4 years ago). After surgery, Valery began to develop the leg, so that a return to the ice as soon as possible, since in 1972 appointed the first-ever series of meetings with the team of the USSR Canadian professionals. Overcoming the pain, Kharlamov begins to train, and new coach Vsevolod Bobrov appointed instead Tarasova includes Valeria in the squad leaves for the game in Canada. Tarasov came to hold the team at the airport and said parting words Kharlamov.Soviet hockey players arrive in Montreal. Canadians are confident in the victory of their team and are trying to prove that the Soviet Union: at the press conference Canadian journalist says that in case of victory of the Soviet team will eat the evening edition of the newspaper, and on TV shows the two leaders of the Canadian national team, Phil Esposito and Bobby Clarke hinted that the Soviet team no chance of winning. Finally, before the actual match Bobrov under the door of the hotel put the paper with a caricature, where the Soviet hockey players in the form of a "snotty" students learn to play hockey in Canada, "the teacher." Starting the match. Canadians win the face-off and after half a minute, opened the scoring. In the sixth minute the score 2: 0. But soon the USSR national team compares the account, and in the second period Kharlamov displays team ahead 2: 3. His second goal Valeri scored, clocked several opponents, after that goal all the audience applauded standing Kharlamov. During the break, the Canadians coach says his players that this is not a match, and the war, and with it the "number seventeenth" we need to understand. During the game, Bobby Clarke swung beats Kharlamov stick on the back of the knee sore feet. However, the latter refused to leave the game, despite the threat of becoming disabled, and returns to the ice. At the end of the match, Valery, sweeping the puck to the goal of Canadians, falls from the pain, but, falling, makes an assist, after which flies seventh goal against the Canadians. After the match, Phil Esposito says Kharlamov that impressed by his performance, speed and two goals.Episodic shows almost telepathic communication between the coach Tarasov experiencing events in the game, while in the autumn Moscow, and the players on the stadium arena. Parallel Kharlamov seems bullfights.USSR national team scored a few more goals, with the active participation of Kharlamov and wins with a crushing score of 7: 3
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