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Ex.1 Tips for a company that wants to advertise
your products for free:
1)Choose the design to profitably submit your message. Will people understand you without reading the text?
2)Add a call to action, such as More, to convince people to visit your website and get to know the new local grocery delivery service.
3)Choose eye-catching and attractive images that represent the benefits of products from your store.
4)Add a call to action button, such as Buy, to convince people to go to your website and complete an action.
5)Offer discounts to existing customers to convince them to complete the action you need. For example, Jasper's Market offers new customers a 20% discount when ordering online.

Read the text and compare the advice it gives with your ideas in Ex. 1.

Social Media And The Start-Up
Advertising doesn't have to be your activity. For example, a Facebook an expensive business for new page can promote your latest range companies. Social media offers the and offer discounts to the first 3,000 possibility to get free publicity by customers. This will help to boost sales using tools such as Twitter, Facebook it will also get people talking to friends and YouTube. Both small start-ups and and othor users. Word of mouth can big firms use social media to be the best form of publicity. awareness of their company or brand Finally, don't forgot the power of a and attract new business. Amoy video when you an However, It is vital that you select advertising campaign on social media the right media for the customers US company Orabrush realized this you want, There is no point using a when they a free product in tool like Facebook to reach a target for YouTube views and likes? andience of professionals 40- on Facebook. The result was more when statistics show that around 809. than 46 million video viewings and of UK Facobook users aro under 40. 2.3 m. 2.3 million products sold. That's not bud for a company which sells tongue Always add value for your customer brushes for people with bad breath! by thinking of how they will gain from

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07.01.2022 17:16
It is hard and difficult to live a man when he is alone, when there is no family, relatives, friends. Each of us is always a need for a person who could tell us about the most secret thoughts, trust your feelings, to share the joy and sorrow, hope and disappointment. Probably the most terrible loneliness - is the lack of friends. It is believed that a man who has friends, can be called a happy man. Each of us have noticed that often the friends look at something on each other. After selecting a friend, we are looking for someone who would understand us, with whom we have common interests. Friendship - is a close relationship between the people, selfless sense of respect, based on the unity of views. "Tell me who your friends are and I'll tell you who you are" - the saying goes. Trying something to imitate your friends, we are talking to them, to assert itself. We have a desire to talk about themselves, their feelings and experiences. True friends are connected spiritually. Without mutual sympathy and trust without mutual understanding and cooperation, without the full commitment of friendship will not. True friendship creates an atmosphere that is detrimental to the selfishness, cruelty, indifference. The man can communicate with many people: friends, acquaintances, friends. But it is believed that these friends a person can not be many. French writer of the seventeenth century La Rochefoucauld asserted: "No matter how rare true love, true friendship even rarer." A real friend is hard to find and sometimes you can and make the wrong choice of friends. After all, to be real friends, you need to be confident in each other. Life confirms that friends are learned in trouble. Indeed, the true friends are always ready to help and support us. These are the people on whom we can always rely on. Unfortunately, not always friends tested fame and money. But the man with no friends can not live. Georgian poet Shota Rustaveli even in the twelfth century in his poem "The Knight in the Panther's Skin" stated: "The fair has an inscription in Chinese on the mountains:" Who is not looking for make friends, himself an enemy of "!" It is difficult to imagine a person who did not try to find a true friend. However, the few who falls luck to find a friend at once, without trial and error. We need friends at any age. It is believed that the school friendship - the strongest friendship. Maybe because we spend a lot of time together, we know more about each other. Unfortunately, life is arranged so that the person can not always save your friends. Good start to appreciate more than when it goes from you. But true friends are always with us, even if they are away from us. The main thing - to be able to forgive a friend to them not to lose, because to find a friend is much more difficult. One should always remember the words of Avar poet Rasul Gamzatov: People, I beg you, for God's sake, Do not hesitate to his kindness, On Earth, friends are not so many, Beware of losing friends.
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16.04.2020 14:43

1. I played computer games yesterday. 2. He was playing computer games from two till three yesterday. 3. What was Nick doing when you came to his place? 4. What were you doing when I rang you up? 5. What did he do yesterday? - He was reading a book. 6. What was he doing the whole evening yesterday? - He was playing the piano. 7. When I came into the kitchen mother was cooking. 8. I went to the cinema yesterday. 9. I was not writing a letter to my friend the day before yesterday. 10. Last summer we were in the country.

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