Ex.2 Прочитать текст, затем выполнить тест письменно в тетради. THE HISTORY OF GEOMETRY
The first geometrical knowledge was originated from
the practical needs of people in ancient times.
People measured distances, made straight spears and
arrows, compared their length, etc.
Farming and constructing played a very important role in
the development of geometry. People worked out the new
rules of comparing figures, calculating some geometrical
value and volumes and the rules necessary for the
construction of buildings. These rules appeared in Egypt and
a bit later in China and India approximately in the 12th
century B.C. In other words the age of geometry is not less
than 4 or 5 thousand years.
Originally geometry was not a mathematical science
though ancient Egyptians knew some facts of geometry such
as the volume of a sphere, the Pythagoras theorem and some
others. Geometry as a science got its further development in
ancient Greece in the 7-5 century B.C.
Вопросы на проверку понимания текста:
The first geometrical knowledge appeared in
a/ Greece
b/ Egypt
c/ Japan
Geometry was originated from
a/ the practical needs of people
b/ theoretical knowledge
Geometry dates back to the
a/ 15 century B.C.
b/ 5 century B.C.
c/ 12 century B.C.
The most important role in the development of geometry the following people’s activities played
a/ fishery
b/ farming and construction
c/ cattle breeding
Geometry got its further development in
a/ Greece
b/ Middle Asia
c/ Arabic Countries
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