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exercise 1 (20 )

form adjectives from the words in brackets.
1) it was a vast (geography) area.
2) she is a (fashion) woman.
3) they offered an (imagine) solution to a long-standing problem.
4) three books about me - all (terrify), but never mind that.
5) they shared similar (music) tastes.
6) acid rain may have caused major (environment) damage.
7) she has a (nature) ability to understand the motives of others.
8) my sister is (sense) to cold.
9) we should know famous (history) figures.

10) i was very (criticism) of the previous regime.
exercise 2 (8 )
match the situations on the left (1-4) with the appropriate expressions on the right (а-e). there is one choice you do not need.
1. someone has been very impolite to one of your friends.

а. i don’t know how we’ll get by without you!

2. someone is about to throw something away.

b. you wait! i’ll get my own back on you one day!

3. someone is being very bad-tempered.

c. don’t get rid of that yet!

4. someone has done something very unkind to you and you want to take revenge.

d. you got out of bed on the wrong side this morning.

e. your rudeness really gets me!


read the sentences carefully and try to find the most suitable expression. внимательно прочитайте предложения и постарайтесь подобрать к ним подходящие реплики.
pay attention that one expression is odd, you don't have to use that. обратите внимание на то, что одна реплика лишняя и вам не нужно ее использовать.
you can do the task in several ways: you can rewrite the whole sentences or you can just write down the number of the sentence and the letter. вы можете выполнить это несколькими можете переписать предложения полностью, а можете просто написать цифры и рядом соответствующие буквы.
for this task you can get 8 points. 2 points for each correct match. за данное вы можете получить 8 , по 2 за каждое верное соответствие.

exercise 3 (12 )

complete the sentences with the correct part of speech.

are you ? put on your sweater. (cold/ coldly)
i want to say something really important! listen ! (careful/ carefully)
we lost the match yesterday. our team played . (bad/ badly)
he looks very . (tired/ tiredly)
why are you ? i haven’t done anything. (angry/ angrily)
please, be . i’m studying. (quiet/ quietly)
martin has a difficult job, but he does it . (good/ well)
mary is studying for her exam. (hard/ hardly)
those apples look . can i have one? (nice/ nicely)
can you speak , please? (slow/ slowly)
“where is jane? ” “somebody called her and she left ”. (sudden/ suddenly)
it started raining and we went home. (heavy/ heavily)
exercise 4 (20 )

complete the following phrases. use the following prepositions: with, of, at, on, about. make up 5 sentences with these phrases.

1) to be good

2) to be crazy

3) to be proud

4) to be keen

5) to be popular
exercise 5 (40 )

describe one day of your life, which is remarkable for you. it can be an event, or a day of your vacation, your birthday, etc. try to describe every detail of this day using as many adjectives and adverbs as possible. record your answer (audio or video). speak at least for 1 minute. try to avoid very short sentences. tell the story using the tenses past simple or past continuous.

the following questions may help you to make your story:

when and where did this happen?
what was the place like? when describing, please use as much different adjectives as possible.
what was the weather like on that day?
how did you feel on that day? were you happy / angry / etc.?
what did you do on that day and in what manner? (e.g. run fast/ sing loudly/ etc.)
good luck! удачи!

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28.07.2021 16:58
1. Several rivers run into the sea at New York. The most important is the Hudson River which empties to the Atlantic Ocean. Besides the Hudson there are  two other rivers: the East River and the Harlem River.
2.  Chicago is on Lake Michigan.
3.  Russia is washed by the Arctic Ocean.
4.  Kiev is to the south of  Moscow.
5. The Philippines are situated to the southeast of Asia.
6. The Neva flows into the Gulf of  Finland.
7. Kazbek is the highest peak of the Caucasus.
8.  Europe and  America are separated by the Atlantic Ocean.
9. The Nile flows across the northeastern part of  Africa to the Mediterranean Sea.
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05.02.2022 07:54
Перевод:В детстве у меня был хороший друг - плюшевый мишка . Он был моей любимой игрушкой . Казалось , что если посоветуешься с ним , он отвечает и поддерживает . Все детство я играла с мишкой , у меня было много игрушек , но самой главной был этот мишка . Назвала я его - Стёшка . Сегодня он до сих пор у меня , хотя я уже не играю , но теперь смотря на него я буду вспоминать свое детство. Как то раз я шла в детский садик с ним , моим друзьям он тоже очень понравился , и даже моей кошке эта игрушка приглянулась , она играла с ним каждый день. 
           Мишка чуть-чуть коричневатого цвета , с оттенками желтого . Глаза у него как бусинки , черные такие , сияют и блестят .   
            Мама купила его когда мне было 6 лет , с тех пор игрушка очень полюбилась , и навсегда осталась самой любимой!
На анлийском:In the childhood I had a good friend - a teddy bear. He was my favourite toy. It seemed that if you consults to him, he answers and supports. I played all childhood with a bear, I had many toys, but this bear was most important. I called him - Styoshka. Today he still at me though I don't play any more, but now looking at him I will remember the childhood. As that time I went to kindergarten with him, he too very much was pleasant to my friends, and even to my cat this toy has attracted, she played with him every day.            Bear slightly brownish color, with shades of yellow. Eyes at him as beads, black such, shine and shine.               Mother has bought it when I was 6 years old, since then the toy was very much fallen in love, and forever remained the most favourite!
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