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13.06.2020 01:27 •  Английский язык

Exercise 1. (4 points)

Complete the sentences using the correct form of have something done and the words in brackets.

We (the house/paint) at the moment.
I lost my key. I will have to (another key/make).
When was the last time you (your hair/cut)?
(you/a newspaper/deliver) to your house every day, or do you go out and buy one?
What are those workmen doing in your garden? ...Oh, we (a garage/build).
This coat is dirty. I must (it/clean).
If you want to wear earrings, why don't you (your ears/pierce)?
Why did you go to the cleaner’s? ...I needed (my jacket /clean).

Exercise 2. (7 points)

Fill in the gaps with one of the following words:

Sculpture, originates, perceived, defined, way, spectator, nobles

There are many different arts - literature, architecture, , painting, drawing, music, dance, theatre, cinema and others. Pieces of art can be (2) by eye and ear, they can be three-dimensional or two-dimensional. There are many styles and genres of art. Popular arts are music, theatre, painting and cinema. People need art as a (3) they understand the world around them. Though all people are different, everyone has his favourite art.

The word «theatre» (4)from a Greek word. Theatre is not only the art of acting but also dramatic literature and the place where plays are performed. It was the Greek theatre where the main types of plays were (5) (tragedy, comedy and drama). It is interesting to know that the tradition of making rich, beautifully decorated costumes also came from the Greek theatre. For centuries theatre has been the most popular (6) art for both rich and poor people. In Russia puppet theatres with Petrushka and other characters were very popular. Theatre was the place of meeting and dating for the (7) (just think of Leo Tolstoy's «War and Peace»).

Exercise 3. (9 points)

Use the words in brackets in the correct form:

A: Shall we go for a walk this afternoon?

B: No. I would prefer 1 (stay) here and 2 (read) a book.

A: It's the company's office party tomorrow.

B: Yes. To be honest, I'd rather 3 (not/go).

A: Shall we spend the evening together?

B: Well, actually, I'd prefer 4 (spend) some time alone.

A: Do you want to go to the park?

B: No. I'd rather 5 (go) to the cinema.

I’d prefer 6 (eat) at home rather than go out.

A: Shall we go by train?

B: Well, I’d prefer 7 (go) by car.

C: I’d rather 8 (go) by plane.

I’d rather 9 (wait) for a few minutes.

Exercise 4. (3 points)

Complete the sentences with the words from the box.

country music, folk music, jazz, pop music, reggae, rock music

comes originally from black American musicians.
is popular for dancing in discos.
is often played freely, not following written music.
is usually played on the guitar, banjo and violin.
comes from a specific region and is usually popular for a long time.
is often played by young people with guitars in a group.

Exercise 5. (7 points)

Complete the sentences with verb prefixes dis-, mis-, re-, over-.

My friend is always1 (appoint) by his attempts to speak French.

Once a waiter in Paris2 (understand) what he wanted and instead of beetroots brought him potatoes. He 3 (like) potatoes but when he asked a waiter to4 (place) them with beetroots, the waiter smiled, and5 (turn) with a plate of aubergines.

Then my friend complained that they had 6 (cook) the dish and 7 (agree) to pay the bill. It was just my friend’s awful French again!

Exercise 6. (5 points)

Match the phrases with the meaning.

1. turn the TV up

2. turn over

3. TV licence

4. commercials

5. favorite programs

a) programs you like most

b) money you have to pay if you have a TV

c) the advertisements between programs

d) to increase the volume

e) to change to a different channel

Exercise 7. (5 points)

Complete the sentences with the appropriate words.

Climb, banks, set out, walking tour, sleeping bag, backpacks, sunbathe, open air, fire, tourists

Our were rather heavy, but this fact didn’t spoil our journey.
I hope we’ll be able to in an hour if Monica is ready for that time.
In the evening we made a to get warm.
One day we walked along marvelous of Danube.
Suddenly she realized that she would have to that mountain.
It’s almost impossible to enjoy beauty of Eiffel Tower because of loads of .
– What about a sightseeing tour made on foot? – Do you mean a ? – Yes.
Have you ever slept in the ?
If you want to go backpacking, be sure you have a .
Would you like to swim or ?

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17.04.2020 20:30
1 жаттығу. (4 балл))

Сөйлемдерді дұрыс have something done пішінін және жақшадағы сөздерді пайдаланып аяқтаңыз.

Біз (үй / бояу) қазіргі уақытта.
Мен кілтті жоғалтып алдым. Маған керек (тағы бір кілт / істеу).
Сіз соңғы рет қашан (шашыңыз/шашыңыз)?
(сіз / газет / жеткізесіз) күн сайын үйге немесе сіз шығып, оны сатып аласыз ба?
Бұл жұмысшылар сіздің бақша? ...О, біз (гараж / құрылыс).
Бұл пальто лас. Мен керек (бұл / тазалау).
Сіз сырға киюге келсе, неге сіз мұны емес еді (сіздің құлақ / пирсинг)?
Неге сен тазалаушыға бардыңыз? ...Маған қажет болды (менің куртка / таза).

2 жаттығу. (7 ұпай))

Бос орындарды келесі сөздердің бірімен толтырыңыз:

Мүсін, шығу тегі, қабылдау, анықтау, тәсілі, көрермен, дворян

Көптеген түрлі өнер түрлері бар-әдебиет, сәулет, кескіндеме, графика, музыка, би, театр, кино және т.б. Өнер туындылары болуы мүмкін(2) Көз мен құлаққа олар үш өлшемді немесе екі өлшемді болуы мүмкін. Көптеген стильдер мен жанрлар бар. Өнердің танымал түрлері-музыка, театр, кескіндеме және кино. Адамдарға өнер қажет(3) олар қоршаған әлемді түсінеді. Барлық адамдар әртүрлі болса да, әркімнің өз сүйікті өнері бар.

Театр "сөзі" (4)грек сөзінен. Театр-бұл тек актерлік өнер ғана емес, драмалық әдебиет пен пьеса қойылған орын. Бұл грек театры болды, онда пьесаның негізгі түрлері(5) ___(трагедия, комедия және драма) болды. Айта кету керек, бай, әдемі безендірілген костюмдерді дайындау дәстүрі грек театрынан келген. Ғасырлар бойы театр бай және кедей адамдар үшін ең танымал өнер болды. Ресейде ақжелкен және басқа да кейіпкерлер бар қуыршақ театрлары өте танымал болды. Театр барлық отбасы үшін кездесу және кездесу орны болды.(7) ( ең болмағанда Лев Толстойдың "Соғыс және әлем"еске түсіріңіз).
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