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25.05.2022 10:04 •  Английский язык

Exercise 1. Match up the phrasal verbs with their meanings.
1. Break up
2. Bring up
3. Cut off
4. Give up
5. Go off
6. Let off
7. Look after
8. Put on
9. Take up
10. Work out

a. not punish, allow to go free
b. start a new hobby, pastime
c. stop doing something
d. stop for the holidays
e. increase
f. go bad
g. raise
h. solve, calculate
i. be disconnected
j. care for, take care of

Exercise 2. Complete the following dialogues with a suitable phrasal verb. Choose from Exercise 1.
1. A: would you like a cigarette, John?
B: No, thanks. I’ve them .
2. A: These trousers don’t fit.
B: I’m not surprised. You’ve at least two kilos since you last wore them.
3. A: Is that Peter’s mother over there?
B: No, it’s his aunt. She him actually.
4. A: what’s the answer to question 25?
B: I’m not going to tell you the answer. it yourself!
5. A: When does your school ?
B: July 24th, I think.
6. A: Did Mr Bryant punish you for not doing your homework?
B: No, he me this time.
7. A: Did Tom say when she was arriving?
B: No. We were before she had a chance to tell me.
8. A: I’d like to go to the party, but I can’t find a baby-sitter for Ann.
B: Don’t worry, I’ll her for you.
9. A: You’re looking very fit these days.
B: Yes, I’m a new man, since I jogging. You should try it some time.
10. A: Don’t eat that cheese!
B: Why not?
A: Because it has .
Exercise 3. Match up the phrasal verbs with their meanings.
1. come across
2. come round
3. fall out
4. get over (something)
5. look at
6. look for
7. look up to
8. pick up
9. take after
10. take off

a. examine, consider
b. learn
c. remove
d. find by accident
e. respect, admire
f. quarrel, stop being friends
g. resemble, look like, be like
h. regain consciousness
i. try to find
j. recover from something

Exercise 4. Complete the following dialogues with a suitable phrasal verb. Choose from Exercise 3.
1. A: How’s your father?
B: Not too good, I’m afraid. He still hasn’t the death of my mother.
2. A: Are there any politicians you ?
B: Not these days. But I used to admire Margaret Thatcher.
3. A: Where on earth did you get this old photo?
B: Oh, I it when I was tidying up the other day.
4. A: It’s very hot in here.
B: Well, your jacket, then.
5. A: Could you this please, Jill? Just to make sure I haven’t made any mistakes.
B: Yes, of course. Just leave it on my desk.
6. A: I didn’t know you could speak Spanish.
B: Didn’t you? Oh, I it ___ when I worked as a tour guide on the Costa brava.
7. A: What did you do when she fainted?
B: I threw some water over her face and she .

8. A: Your daughter is very musical.
B: Yes, I know. She her father. He is a musician.
9. A: Aren’t you speaking to Colin these days?
B: No, we last week and haven’t spoken to each other since.
10. A: I can’t find that book Tom lent me.
B: Don’t worry, I’ll help you to it.
Exercise 5. Match a sentence on the left with a sentence on the right.
1. It’s getting late.
2. It’s very cold today.
3. That funny programme is on soon.
4. Her boyfriend left her.
5. I’m trying to work.
6. The flat is quite old.
7. It’s raining today.
8. I don’t want to accept that job.

a. Turn it down then.
b. Please turn your music down.
c. It’s time to get up.
d. Do up your coat.
e. put on your coat.
f. she got over it quickly.
g. turn on the TV.
h. we can do it up nicely.

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15.03.2021 14:15

Distance learning is not going very well, because they attach tests, presentations, and as a result, the information is deformed, half of it does not open. Everything has to go through the paragraphs itself, and this is inconvenient.

I communicate with students from other schools and, on behalf of the students in my area, I can say: no one is delighted with this distance learning, because half of the educational materials do not open normally.

Video conferencing goes well when there are few people on them and nothing "lags" or slows down. So far, we have had normal conferences only in the Russian language. We sorted out our mistakes in our essays, because we already wrote the OGE probe. We were told in detail how to write an essay well.

When they explained to us what distance learning is, they said that the lessons would be online. That we will include a conference, the topic will be read to us, as in a lecture, and we will write a summary under dictation. As a result, there is no such thing.

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19.01.2020 05:21
Clothes are an important part of modern life. it’s hard to imagine how people can live without clothes. there are various styles of clothes nowadays, so people can choose what to wear on different occasions. as for me, i have a good collection of clothes in my wardrobe. there are a couple of school suits which are of classic style. then i have some jeans and t-shirts for casual days. and at last, i have a couple of bright dresses for parties or special occasions. most of all i like wearing ordinary jeans with matching shirts. i think it’s not only convenient but also stylish. as for shoes, i prefer wearing sports shoes or sneakers but i need to wear some classic black shoes to school. i don’t like high heels because they are uncomfortable. i always try to keep my clothes and shoes neat. i think that clothes tell a lot about people and can make a strong impression. so if they are tidy and nice the impression will be positive. the choice of clothes also depends on seasons and weather conditions. in winter, for example, it’s important to have a warm coat and a pair of boots. a jacket and rubber boots would be nice for spring and autumn. however, my favourite time is summer, when everyone can wear light t-shirts and shorts, or sarafan and sandals.
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