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Русский язык
15.01.2023 09:10 •  Английский язык

Exercise 2. Supply Russian equivalents.
to be binding in law -
exchange of consideration -
invitation to treat -
to contract on certain terms -
to be legally bound -
valuable consideration -
legal intention -
to reject an offer -
party acceptance -

Exercise 3. Fill in the gaps with missing words consulting the text.

1. The seller may then decide whether to ... or ... my offer.
2. Certain kinds of contracts must be in writing to be ... .
3. In every valid contract there must be an
4. A contract is an agreement between two or more ... which is ... in law.
5. A is something a person has given, or done, or agreed not to do , when making a contract.
6. An advertisement is an from the legal point of view.
7. The advertiser is not ... to sell the car to me.
8. The contract must include an ... and an... .
9. Contracts that must be in writing include contracts for the sale of land and, contracts of ... and
10. Most contracts can be either ... or ... .

Exercise 4. Find a suitable definition for each word
1. done in a proper manner so that a court of
2. law would agree with it
3. binding agreement
4. promise by one party to a contract
5. invitation to treat
6. method of buying goods in which the purchaser takes possession of them as soon as he has paid a deposit
7. condition
8. essential elements of a contract
9. wish to be legally bound

a. hire-purchase
b. legal intention
c. advertisement
d. contract
e. term
f. offer and acceptance
g. valid
h. consideration

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19.03.2022 11:35

                  Inventions of the future that must already exist

We live in the world of technology. Yesterday's future is rapidly becoming the past for us. Engineering and technology are changing at an incredible pace, appearing and soon becoming obsolete.

Now many ideas of science fiction novels came true. Let’s take a look at the inventions of the future, which should have already appeared or are going to appear very soon.

1. Time machine

Theoretically, the idea of the time machine is well described, but its practical implementation is not yet available. Moreover, the main question is not the fact of travel, the ability to see the events of the distant past or possible future, but the theory of time, its linearity or multivariance...

2. Antigravity

Antigravity could have a significant impact on the transport system and construction technology. Even humankind could change. Indeed, lack of weight greatly affected appearance and physiology of an organism. Although on the other hand, have you really never wanted to flutter like a butterfly, without experiencing load, without feeling your own weight!

3. Holograms

We are close to appearance of holographic images. There are already 3D technologies that are becoming more affordable and widespread. Although so far these are just some visual effects, we still have a long way to go to fully simulate reality using holograms.

4. Food vending machines

There are infinitely many variants of this invention. But the main point is that you can get almost any substance with set parameters. How exactly a vending machine works - transforming one substance into another, or synthesizing something from nothing - is not important. Some restrictions on the use of technology are also expected, but in general the idea is very interesting, especially in terms of the growing global population and the food problem.

5. Laser weapons

Science fiction has produced an infinite number of types and kinds of laser weapons. They can be in the form of lightsabers or laser guns that spew a beam of coherent light. A powerful weapon the main problem of which is energy consumption. And by the way its prototypes have already long existed

6. Androids

Robotics is already quite advanced. Robots are becoming more complex and smaller in size. They can perform quite complex functions, master human professions and emotions. But so far they are not capable of full communication, although significant progress has been made in the field of artificial intelligence.

7. Teleportation

Teleportation is everyone's dream. This technology is especially important for everyone who waste time in traffic jams, gets late for a meeting, even for those who find it so hard to get away from the computer and go to bed. Teleportation would make our lives more exciting, cities cleaner. It would solve problems of transport, fuel, clean environment.

8. Invisibility

Invisibility in everyday life would be a big problem. Although it would be rather a socio-psychological problem. But for military purposes, invisibility is being actively developed as perfect camouflage. There is already invisibility technology in certain wave spectra, such as "stealth technology", and invisibility cloaks with very good results have also been developed.

9. Flying cars

This invention is almost here. Until now, flying cars were created only as experimental models, but the first flying car for mass production and sale has already been certified in the USA!

10. Jet engine suits

In general, jet engines are developed quite well at the moment. But there is a problem of their energy efficiency and controllability. There are jetpacks, but they are still used as expensive toys only.

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18.03.2021 19:27


1)Shevchenko was born in the family of a serf in the village of Moryntsy in 1814.

2)Young Taras became an orphan very early

3)In 1825, when Shevchenko was for 12 years, died, and his father. Since that time a heavy, nomadic life homeless child

4) He was a shepherd, a labourer to a priest and, when he was fourteen, his master took him into the manor house as a boy-servant — “kozachok”.


6) Still in his early childhood Shevchenko was very fond of drawing and his master decided to make a serf painter of him. For this purpose he sent Taras to study painting. The boy was so talented that several Russian artists decided to free him from slavery.

7) Karl Brulov, the great Russian artist, painted a portrait of Vasiliy Zhukovsky and sold it for 2 500 roubles. With this money they bought out Shevchenko from his master. Later on the young painter continued his studies at the Petersburg Academy of Arts.

8)In 1840 he published his first book of poems which he named “Kobzar”.

9)Shevchenko is the favourite author of millions of Ukrainians, a real people’s poet. His works are translated into many languages.


Ну как-то так)))


























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