Exercise1 Read again and choose from the sentences A-F the one which fits each gap(1-5)There is one extra sentence. A It was dinosaur blood vessels…..68 million years old!
B He thinks that would be best lecture he could ever give.
C Most scientists believe that it can survive 100,000 years at the most.
D This may not seem so impressive, but a series of alterations could result in a completely new kind of dinosaur!
E Ignoring what the others said, he carried on with his research.
F For this reason, he is also looking at ither ways to revive dinosaurs.
Мы подрастает, выбираем книги для чтения сами.
У меня есть любимая книга, которую могу перечитывать много раз. И я с уверенностью могу посоветовать прочитать её своим друзьям, знакомым.
Эта книга «Маленький принц». Её написал французский писатель Антуан де Сент – Экзюпери.
Он пишет о вечных проблемах человечества, о тех качествах, которые мешают людям жить: равнодушии, черствости, жадности, эгоизме. Благодаря этой сказке, я над многим задумалась и осознала, что надо сохранять в себе чистоту души, умение дружить, понимать другого человека в трудную минуту.
Lipetsk is a city founded by Peter the Great and turned into the most comfortable city in Russia in the 2005 nomination.
At the beginning of the 18th century, a rich deposit of iron ores was found on the territory of the settlement, which led to the active construction of factories to meet the needs of the Russian fleet. The factories cast cannons, anchors, weapons are made. The rapidly expanding village was renamed Lipskie Zavody. It is 1703 that is considered the date of foundation of Lipetsk.
At the end of the 18th century, construction began on the most important church in the city - the Nativity of Christ Cathedral. The church houses a large shrine of the city - the Lipetsk icon of the Mother of God. The icon is believed to have rid the city of cholera that raged in the early 19th century.