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18.09.2022 00:09 •  Английский язык

EXERCISE1 The ransom of red chief 1. How many persons are mentioned in this story: 2. Where were they?3.Who were the two persons who tried to kidnap a child?4.What sort of ransom did they hope to get for the child?5.Who was the boy and what was he like?6.What happened before Sam and Bill managed to catchthe boy?7.Where did Sam and Bill take up the boy?8.By what means did they get there?9.What was the first thing the boy did to Bill?10.Where was Sam at that time?11.Whatdid you learn about the boy from his dinner speech?12.In what way did the boy terrorized Sam and Bill the first night in the cave?13.Why did Sam wake up early in the morning?14.What effect did this have onBill?On Sam?15.What else did the boy do to Bill?16.What did the boy call the games he played while he was in the cave?17.What names did Bill give to the boy?18.Did the boy'sfather notice his disappearance?What tells you this?19.In what way did Sam and Bill let the father know what they wanted to get for the kidnapped boy?20.What sort of a proposition did they make?21.What made Sam andBill ask less ransom than they originally wanted?22.What made Sam shake the boy until his freckles rat- tled?23.On what occasion was there peace and happiness in Bill's face?24.In what way did Sam get the answer from Ebenezer Dorset?25. What was the counter-proposition?26. How did Sam and Bill take the counter-proposition?27. What happened to the boy in the end?28. What happened to Sam and Bill in the end?29. Who paid the ransom?

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16.04.2023 15:42
It was the most memorable day in my life. I woke up at 4 a.m. The sky was dark and it was raining. I didn’t want to go out of my bed but I had to do it. A few minutes later I was sitting in the car with my mum and dad. The way wasn’t near and we had to hurry.After several hours of uncomfortable and tiresome journey we arrived in Ulyanovsk. There was a big dancing competition that day and my partner and I came to that beautiful city in order to participate in dancing contest. By that moment I had been dancing for five years, but to be honest, I had never believed in my strength and I had never successfully taken place in competitions.Before the beginning I put on my incredible costume decorated with shining details. It was the thing I was proud of more than anything else in my dancing career. And at last the moment of going to the parquet came. I was very scared and my legs were shaking while my partner was calm. We started dancing and I felt that all my worry went away. Our movements were clear and until the last fifth dancing everything was OK. But during the jive one girl pushed me with aggression. If my partner hadn’t held me I would have fallen. I got upset because was sure that judges noticed that accident.Finally there was a rewarding. My position was indifferent because I knew that the last place would be mine. I was surprised when the chief announced the seventh, sixth, fifth, fourth place and we still standing without moving. Suddenly the chief said names of my partner and me. I couldn’t believe my feelings. We took the third place! Of course, it wasn’t the first place, but I was so happy that it wasn’t important for me. We stood on the pedestal and were given two wonderful medals and a big number of lovely gifts. It was the most memorable and brightest day in my life because I learned to believe in myself.

  Это был самый незабываемый день в моей жизни. Я проснулась в четыре часа утра. Небо было темным, и шёл дождь. Я не хотела вставать из своей постели, но должна была это сделать. Спустя несколько минут я сидела в машине с мамой и папой. Путь был неблизким, и нам нужно было торопиться.После нескольких часов некомфортного и утомительного путешествия мы прибыли в Ульяновск. Там проходил большой танцевальный конкурс, и мы с моим партнёром приехали в этот прекрасный город, чтобы участвовать в танцевальном состязании. К тому моменту я занималась танцами пять лет, но, честно говоря, никогда не верила в свои силы и не занимала никаких мест на соревнованиях.Перед началом конкурса я надела мой потрясающий костюм, украшенный стразами. Это была вещь, которой я гордилась больше всего в моей танцевальной карьере. И наконец, момент выхода на паркет настал. Я была очень напугана, мои ноги тряслись, в то время как мой партнёр был спокоен. Мы начали танцевать, и я почувствовала, что моя тревога ушла. Наши движения были точными, и до последнего пятого танца всё было хорошо. Но во время джайва одна девочка толкнула меня с явной агрессией. Если бы мой партнёр не держал меня, я бы упала. Я расстроилась, потому что была уверена, что судьи заметили этот инцидент.В конце концов, настало награждение. Мне всё было безразлично, потому что я знала, что последнее место будет моим. Я была очень удивлена, когда ведущий объявил седьмое, шестое, пятое, четвёртое места, а мы всё ещё стояли на месте. Вдруг ведущий назвал наши имена. Я не могла поверить своим чувствам. Мы заняли третье место! Конечно, это было не первое место, но я была так счастлива, что этобыло не важно. Мы встали на пьедестал, и нам дали две чудесные медали и много прелестных подарков. Это был самый памятный и яркий день в моей жизни, потому что я научилась верить в себя.
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23.10.2022 02:56
4. There is a hair in my soup.

5. I don’t want advices or help.

6. I’ve seen some comedies this mouth. Each were funnier than the last.

7. We’d like there dozen eggs.

8. Knowledge is a power.

9. Everybody ready.

10. I need my glasses. Where are the glasses?

11. In summer we eat a lot of fruit

12. There … a lot of sheep in the field. A is B are

13. The police … to interview Fred about the accident. A wants B want

14. Money … not everything. A is B are

15. Last Saturday we went fishing, but we didn’t catch many… A fish B fishs C fishes
17. The sunlit … look wonderful. A rooves B r made of bronze. A
0,0(0 оценок)
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