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22.01.2020 16:23 •  Английский язык

Exersice 2 ( ). What is the literary genre of the following stories? Adventure, mystery, science fiction, biography, drama, fairy tale, history, humorous story, legend, comedy. A well-known superstition says that if the ravens who live in the Tower of London fly away, the crown will fall, and even England itself. Since the 19th century there have been some captive ravens at the tower. Mom: What did you do at school today? Sam: We played a guessing game. Mom: But I thought you were having a math exam. Sam: That’s right! 3.One year ago I went on a holiday with my aunt and uncle. My aunt doesn’t like camping, so we had to promise that if we went camping this year, we could stay in a hotel the next one. While my uncle was setting up a tent, my aunt and I went walking. The wind became stronger and stronger, but suddenly we saw three deer drinking water from a crystal clear pond. That was amazing! John Griffith London (born John Griffith Chaney; January 12, 1876 – November 22, 1916) was an American novelist, journalist, and social activist. He was one of the first American authors to become an international celebrity and earn a large fortune from writing. The “Titanic” movie tells the dramatic story of the ship with Leonardo Di Caprio and Kate Winslet as the main actors. Young Jack and Rose, being so different, fall in love, but the ship sinks and the passengers die. This book is about the mysterious death of Sir Charles Baskerville, and the possibility that the heir to his fortune might have been murdered. Before the novel begins, Sir Charles Baskerville had died suddenly, perhaps the victim of a ghostly hound believed to haunt his family because of an age-old curse. Two boys find a newspaper advertisement looking for a homebuilt spaceship. They quickly build one out of tin and scrap wood, and bring it to the advertiser. He makes a few modifications, gives them special fuel, and tells them they must visit the mushroom planet, an undiscovered, invisible moon of Earth’s. A shoemaker and his wife have m

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10.02.2022 12:01
На английском языкеПеревод на русский языкShopМагазинModern cities are full of various shops. There are clothes shops, antique shops, bookstores, beauty shops, pharmacies, gift shops, supermarkets, newspaper stands, stationery shops, etc. When I want to buy food and beverages, I go to the nearest supermarket. There is also one hypermarket not far from us, but to get there I need to take a mini-bus. To buy the rest of necessary products and household items, I go to the local mall. It’s a place where I can find all the shops I need. I can buy a new pair of shoes, a present for a friend, a new lipstick, medical supplies, a book or simply some pens and pencils there. When I want to buy some clothes and shoes I ask shop assistants for help. These qualified people are always there to give a wise advice. It has become easy to shop nowadays. I can even order all the necessary things online. It’s called online-shopping. But when it comes to clothes and shoes, I prefer to try them on at first, so online shopping is not for me. Things that I can order online include medical supplies, pizza and train tickets. Another reason, why I’d prefer to shop personally is the mere atmosphere of shopping. I like visiting the bakery round the corner and buying freshly-baked bread. I like going to the mall with my friends, because after some shopping we go to the cinema or to the cafeteria. Choosing a book or a present is almost a sacramental rite for me. I spend hours choosing such things, not because I’m indecisive, but simply because I like the atmosphere of bookstores and gift shops. I think that shops are useful and necessary in every city or town. And, for many people shopping is not just a need but a great pleasure.Современные города полны различных магазинов. Существуют магазины одежды, антиквариата, книжные магазины, салоны красоты, аптеки, магазины сувениров, супермаркеты, газетные киоски, магазины канцелярских товаров и т.д. Когда я хочу купить еду и напитки, я иду в ближайший супермаркет. Недалеко от нас есть также один гипермаркет, но для того, чтобы добраться туда, мне нужно ехать на маршрутке. Чтобы купить остальные необходимые продукты и предметы домашнего обихода я отправляюсь в местный торговый центр. Это место, где я могу найти все необходимые магазины. Там я могу купить новую пару обуви, подарок для подруги, новую помаду, медикаменты, книги или просто ручки с карандашами. Когда я покупаю одежду или обувь, я продавцов мне. Эти квалифицированные люди всегда готовы дать мудрый совет. В настоящее время стало легко делать покупки. Я даже могу заказывать все необходимые вещи по интернету. Это называется онлайн-шоппингом. Но когда дело доходит до одежды и обуви, я предпочитаю сначала примерять ее, поэтому интернет-магазины не для меня. Единственное, что я могу заказать онлайн, это медикаменты, пицца и билеты на поезд. Еще одна причина, по которой я предпочитаю лично совершать покупки, это сама атмосфера шопинга. Мне нравится посещать пекарню за углом и покупать свежеиспеченный хлеб. Мне нравится ходить в торговый центр с друзьями, потому что после похода по магазинам мы идем в кино или в кафетерий. Выбор книги или подарка вообще как священный обряд для меня. Я часами выбираю такие вещи не потому, что я не решила, что купить, а просто потому, что мне нравится атмосфера книжных и сувенирных магазинов. Я думаю, что магазины полезны и необходимы в каждом городе или населенном пункте. И для многих людей поход по магазинам - это не только необходимость, но и приятное времяпрепровождение.
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12.02.2021 14:58
Какие из этих мест вы бы посоветовали посетить вашему иностранному другу?
I think the best place to begin literary exploration is St. Petersburg. It is the place where the great Russian poet Alexander Pushkin lived. He was a poet who wrote many poems which is known all over the world. One of his famous is "Yevgeni Onegin".

Many of his fist poems were set in Tzarskoe Selo, the place where young Pushkin studied. He died in 1837.


In many places of St. Petersburg you can follow his story.

III. Знамеитые британские писатели

1. Что вы знаете?

Каких британских писателей и поэтов вы знаете?

The great British writers and pots are Shakespeare, Charles Dickens, Sir Walter Scott, Lewis Carroll, Thackeray, Burns, Byron.

3. Вот еще несколько имен хорошо известных британских пи­ сателей.

1) Вы знаете, кто есть кто?

Somerset W. Maugham is the best-loved short story writer.

Alexander Pope is a well-known poet

Percy Bysshe Shelly is a favourite English poet.

Robert Louis Stevenson is the most famous English novelist.

Richard Brinsley Sheridan is a remarkable playwriter.

Lewis Carroll is an outstanding children's writer.

Roald Dahl is a modern children's writer.

Abraham Stoker is a well-known fantasy writer.

William Makepeace Thackeray is a notable English novelist.

Peter Benchley Whitby is a modern screenwriter.
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