Fill in articles before countable and uncountable nouns. Put ‘–’ for the zero article.
(Вставь артикли перед исчисляемыми и неисчисляемыми существительными. Для нулевого артикля используй знак «–».)
1. I have
problem. I need
2. We need
petrol. I hope we’ll come to
petrol station soon.
cup of
coffee is what I need now!
Вроде так но не уверен) Но все равно удачи!)))
1)National TV and radio broadcaster-9(Национальный телерадиовещатель)
2)English policeman-2(Английский полицейский)
3)Was killed in a car crash in 1997-4(погиб в автокатастрофе в 1997 г.)
4)Iconic means of transport-8(Легендарные транспортные средства)
5)Emblems of Wales-там по сути должен быть флаг
(Эмблемы Уэльса)
6)Home of the queen-вроде 5,(дом королевы)
7)Weekend home of the queen-17(выходной дом королевы)
8)Gives a bird's eye view of London-14 вроде,(Дает птичьего взгляда на Лондон)
9)Where prisoners were beheaded-10(где обезглавливали заключенных)
10)Famous clock tower-7,(Знаменитая башня с часами)
11)Serves beer and simple meals-?(Подают пиво и простые блюда)
12)Most famous band in history-1(Самая известная группа в истории)
13) National sport-3(национальный спорт)
14)Eaten at Christmas-11(Едят на Рождество)
15Worn in Scotland-15(Носится в Шотландии)
16) Musical instrument-12(музыкальный инструмент)
17)Next King of England?-18(Следующий король Англии?)
18)Bridge on the River Thames-13(Мост через Темзу).
2. the London School of Economics and Political Science, the Imperial College of Science and Technology, the School of Slavonic and East European Studies, the School of Oriental and African Studies, the School of Architecture.
3. Whereas colleges within a university teach all subjects, and schools – a group of subjects, these institutes specialize more narrowly, and are often more occupied with research than teaching undergraduates.
4. Most of the redbrick universities founded in the nineteenth century are scattered throughout the country and are to be found in Birmingham, Bristol, Exeter, Hull, Leeds, Manchester, Liverpool, Nottingham, Sheffield, Southampton and some others.
5. The redbrick universities organize their academic work in a va-riety of ways. Subjects are taught in individual departments which are in turn grouped into faculties covering the main subject grouping, like arts, science, engineering, social science.
6. The “new universities” were all founded after the Second World War. They are Keele Uni-versity (in Staffordshire), the universities of East Anglia, Essex, Kent, Lancaster, Sussex, Warwick, York.