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Fill in the blanks with the following words and phrases:
at the time, in 1952, always (2), at night, in 1649, in 1982, soon, next Sunday, hardly ever, next year, never (2), next week, tomorrow, in a few days, last time, on Saturday, on the first night, usually, generally, last year.
1. Piccadilly Circus is colourful 2 he spoke neither English nor French. 3. The forecast says the weather will change for the better ... . 4. ... it cost us much less. 5. Our employees ... do not bother to go out to lunch. 6. They are going to give the guests a lunch-time concert ... . 7. I don’t like Sam, he is ... too sure of himself. 8. ... a second independent TV service came into operation in Britain. 9. The government will take a number of serious steps ... . 10. Do the English ... like gambling? 11. I shall jump for joy if I win the prize 12. ...upon the death of her father, King George VI, Elizabeth became the British monarch. 13. They promised to take us to the old castle 14 in Scotland we put up at a hotel in the little town of Calender. 15 many tourists will go on a journey to the west coast. 16. My younger brother was ten ... . 17. I ... read any newspapers. 18. He ... laughed at the misfortunes of others. 19. It is not... as simple as it seems. 20. Cromwell abolished monarchy ... . 21. He will probably be President of the company 22. He will... know the truth.

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10.01.2021 11:21
Dear archie,

i am very glad to see your email. sorry, i wasn't answering, because i was busy.

on holidays, i will stay in the city. i am going to visit famous museums and gallery. the first place i will visit is {любой музей твоего города}, because it is very interesting museum and i want to know more, about it.

i am very happy, that you are going to stay with us for a few days. i have a lot of things to do together. i'm sure, you will like it. the best time you can stay with us — the first half of the holidays, because the second part i will spend with my plans, of museums and gallery. but if you will stay with us later, i won't be disappointed. and you also will have an opportunity to visit famous museums with me.

when do you plan to stay with us? how long will be your visit? answer me.

good luck. {твоё имя}.
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12.06.2021 19:31
My favourite dish number one is pizza. i know it's junk food, but i like it. pizza is considered to be an italian dish, though the name comes from greek. the greek word 'pita' means - 'a pie.' pizza is the first fantastic delicious dish which all foreigners visiting italy are eager to taste. real italian pizza! what can be better? there are a lot of different kinds of pizza in many bars, cafes and restaurants and sometimes it's difficult to choose the best. they all have different top fillings on which the taste of pizza depends. i like pizza margarita, pepperoni with mushrooms and firm pizza venecia. usually, we buy pizza ready-made, but sometimes my mum and i cook it at home. here is our recipe: prepare the pizza dough (according to your favourite recipe). roll the dough, brush it with olive oil. mix sour cream with lemon juice and dill. put it on a thin layer of dough. put the red onion, cut into half rings. cut smoked salmon into thin slices and put it on top of onions. spread capers (if you have some) overall the pizza and sprinkle with grated cheese. bake in preheated oven for 15-20 minutes. from the history of pizza. they say that first pizza came into being like food for the poor. it was easy to cook from almost any ingredients. in 1889, the royal couple were in naples and wanted to taste for lunch something simple-folk. when queen marguerite asked her court chef to cook pizza - he fell into a bewilderment — he is an expert on delicious delicacies, and then he is ordered to cook the food of the poor. the royal couple liked pizza and since then it appeared in rich families too. nowadays millions of pizzas are eaten in the world every year.
мое блюдо номер один - пицца. я знаю, что это нездоровая еда, но мне она нравится. пицца считается итальянским блюдом, хотя название происходит из греческого языка. греческое слово "пита" означает - "пирог". "пицца - первое фантастически вкусное блюдо, которое стремятся попробовать все иностранцы, приезжающие в италию. настоящая итальянская пицца! что может быть лучше? есть много разных видов пиццы во многих барах, кафе и ресторанах, и иногда трудно выбрать лучшую. все они имеют разные начинки, от которых зависит вкус пиццы. я люблю пиццу маргарита, пепперони с грибами и фирменную пиццу венеция. обычно мы покупаем готовую пиццу, но иногда мы с мамой готовим её дома. вот наш рецепт: приготовить тесто для пиццы (по вашему любимому рецепту). раскатать тесто, смазать оливковым маслом. сметану смешать с лимонным соком и укропом. положить это на тонкий слой теста. сверху положить красный лук, нарезанный полукольцами. нарежьте копченого лосося тонкими ломтиками и положите поверх лука. положите каперсы (если они у вас есть) по всей пицце и посыпьте тертым сыром. выпекать в предварительно разогретой духовке в течение 15-20 минут.
из пиццы. говорят, что первая пицца появилась как еда для бедняков. готовить её было легко практически из любых ингредиентов. в 1889 году королевская чета, оказавшись в неаполе, решила попробовать на обед нечто простое - народное. когда королева маргарита попросила своего придворного повара приготовить пиццу - он впал в недоумение — он эксперт по вкусным деликатесам, а ему приказали приготовить еду бедняков. королевской чете понравилась пицца и с тех пор она появилась и в богатых семьях. в наше время в мире миллионы пицц ежегодно

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