People say that in the lakes of Scotland lives a monster Nessi. Everybody was scared to swim in the sea because there were really scared of Nessi. But nobody knew that Nessi was actually really nice. She was always sad about that. But one day, a little girl decided to see the monster and make friends. When she saw him, she was not scared, she was really happy. Since then the girl told everybody that the Nessi is very good. Люди говорят что в море Шотландии живет чудовище Нэсси. Все боялись плавать в море изза того что боялись Нэсси. Но никто не знал что на самом деле Нэсси очень добрая. Она была растроина насчет этого. Но однажды, одна девочка решила поплавать в море и подружиться с Нэсси. Когда она его увидела, то не испугалась, а обрадовалась встрече. Девочка всем рассказала что Нэсси добрая.
TV was invented in the 1920s, the Scottish electrical engineer John LOGI Baird. . This invention changed the world and habits for countless millions around the world. It had been realised that light could be converted into electrical impulses, making it possible to transmit such impulses over a distance and then reconvert them into light. It was a revolutionary discovery. Humanity started to use extensively in all areas of TV. So, TV is so dear to us that we cannot even live without it now.
It was a revolutionary discovery. Humanity started to use extensively in all areas of TV. So, TV is so dear to us that we cannot even live without it now.