Подводная лодка обычно используется для слежки за кораблями. Вертолет это универсальное средство передвежения. капуста всегда не отемлимая часть блюда Борщ. Заблокировать можно на форума но только если ты модератор. Часто приходится ждать автобус на остановке по 20-30 минут. На инглише The submarine is usually used to spy on the ships. The helicopter is a universal means peredvezheniya. cabbage is always part of the dish Borscht neotemlimaya. Can be locked to the forum but only if you're a moderator. Often have to wait for a bus at the bus stop for 20-30 minutes.
1.A McDonald’s hamburger cost $0.15
2.The Twist was a popular dance.
3.Bandstand and I love Lucy were popular TV Programmes. (other answers possible)
The Beach Boys, Elvis and The Beatles were popular.
5.Surfing became popular.
6.Lava lamps, lasers and CDs were invented in the sixties. other answers possible)
7.Fashionable people wore bell bottom jeans, mini-skirts and beads.
8.Martin Luther King was a leader of the Civil Rights Movement.
9.America went to war with Vietnam.
10.The U.S.A. and Soviet Union were the main adversaries. These countries had many allies who were also involved.
11.The three presidents in the 1960's were John F. Kennedy, Lyndon B. Johnson , and Dwight D. Eisenhower.
12.Hippies expressed peace and love and often wore casual, loose clothing, headbands, beads and flowers.
Объяснение:Хорошего дня)
Вертолет это универсальное средство передвежения.
капуста всегда не отемлимая часть блюда Борщ.
Заблокировать можно на форума но только если ты модератор.
Часто приходится ждать автобус на остановке по 20-30 минут.
На инглише
The submarine is usually used to spy on the ships.
The helicopter is a universal means peredvezheniya.
cabbage is always part of the dish Borscht neotemlimaya.
Can be locked to the forum but only if you're a moderator.
Often have to wait for a bus at the bus stop for 20-30 minutes.