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07.02.2022 17:36 •  Английский язык

Focus 5 unit test 2 group a


2. Complete the sentences with the words from the box. There are more words than you need.

bundle calm cold comfort common manic proactive

1 The tension is huge at this time of year; there’s a really atmosphere around the school.

2 If you want to learn new things, you have to step outside your zone from time to time.

3 I thought I was relaxed, but on the day of the interview I suddenly got feet. I almost ran away!

4 ‘Taking a approach’ basically means you take steps to make things happen, rather than sit and wait for them to happen.

5 Use your sense. The worst that can happen is you fail the exam now and retake it in September.

3. Complete the sentences with the verbs from the box in the correct form. There are more verbs than you need.

loom meet muster pound regurgitate teeter venture

1 You’ve learned everything you could learn in this college. It’s time to further afield, don’t you think?

2 I’ve finally succeeded in the energy to go swimming before my morning classes.

3 After all those years he still remembered how his heart on the day of the exam.

4 ‘So have you made a decision yet?’ ‘No, I’m still on the edge.’

5 Whether you’re tired is irrelevant: if you want the scholarship, you have to the deadline.

4. Complete the sentences with the correct prepositions.

1 Let’s keep things perspective; one poor exam result is not the end of the world.

2 ‘Why has Mike dyed his hair orange?’ ‘I suppose he just likes standing from the crowd.’

3 A good music tutor is difficult to come .

4 She worries about many things, but when actually faced difficulties, she shows impressive self-control.

5 There are lots of ways to top your phone: you can do it online, by text, through the operator’s helpline, or using a special app.

5. Choose the correct option.

1 You could still the competition next year.

A try B be trying C have tried

2 I’m afraid Peter have written this essay himself. He doesn’t write such flawless French.

A can’t B must C may

3 They must for a long time to achieve this level.

A be learning B learn C have been learning

4 He a driving course next month.

A will probably start B probably will start

C will start probably

5 The test questions must in a hurry. Some of them have more than one correct answer.

A have prepared B have been prepared

C be prepared

6 They you to use your own laptop in the exam; it’s against the rules.

A definitely won’t allow B won’t definitely allow

C will definitely allow

7 I’m not sure about this instructor; she seems competent enough but the right person to teach small children.

A can’t be B may not be

C might have been

8 These two responses to questions 1 and 2 are identical. One of the students must from the other.

A have been copying B be copying

C have been copied

9 You seem surprised by his methods. They unconventional, but he’s trained many successful dancers in this way.

A may not appear B may have appeared

C may appear

10 Why is this equipment here?’ ‘They our lesson today. Look! There are some TV people in the hall!’

A must have filmed B may be filming

C can’t have filmed

6. Write a, an or – (no article) in the gaps.

1 Pat missed three weeks of school after she broke her leg. Perhaps she needs help to catch up.

2 You look tired. Make sure you get good night’s sleep.

3 It’s impossible to overestimate the importance of education to a democratic society.

4 It was incredibly exciting experience for all of us.

5 Do you think the minister of education has good understanding of what really goes on in schools?

7. Complete the text with one word in each gap.


Starting in a new school can be stressful, especially when you’re young. I was eleven when my family moved from a small town to a big city, and I felt quite 1 of my depth. Everything was new, I had no friends, school work seemed more difficult, and my parents telling me to 2 a grip’ didn’t help. My form teacher was 3 great help to me at that time. She was also new to the school, and she used to say that we were 4 the same boat and should look out for each other. She would stay with me after school to help me with homework. She 5 have spent hours teaching me for free. Thanks to her encouragement I summoned 6 the courage to join the school choir, which was the beginning of a wonderful adventure

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28.05.2021 07:55

Мама: Привет?

Энн: Привет, мама. Это Энн. Папа и я пришли в супермаркет. Мы забыли ваш список дома, поэтому у нас есть несколько во Мама: Хорошо, Энн. Что ты хочешь с у меня?

Энн: У нас есть овощи для салата, но мы с папой не знаем, какое масло купить.

Мама: купи оливковое масло Я стараюсь готовить с оливковым маслом. На мой взгляд, это лучше для вашего здоровья.

Энн: Хорошо, тогда оливковое масло. Теперь мы должны получить апельсиновый или яблочный сок?

Мама: Получи оба. Я не люблю апельсиновый сок, но папа любит. Было бы хорошо на ужин.

Энн: О! Говоря об ужине ... ты собираешься приготовить свинину с печеными бобами, верно?

Мама: Да, это верно. Свинина с печеными бобами - любимое блюдо твоего отца. Я готовлю это сейчас. Он будет готов через полчаса, поэтому не опаздывайте на ужин. И не забывайте морковь и огурцы. Я хочу их для салата. Энн: Точно, морковь и огурцы. Я кладу их в корзину. Что мы будем покупать на десерт?

Мама: Хочешь яблочный пирог или мороженое?

Энн: Мороженое - отличная идея! Мам, я люблю мороженое, но я не знаю, как выбрать хорошее.

Мама: По своего папу показать тебе. Он знает, где найти вкусное мороженое.

Энн: Папа, можешь мне выбрать мороженое? Мама, мы получаем мороженое. Мы идем прямо домой.

Мама: О возьми немного попкорна, чтобы мы могли съесть попкорн и посмотреть фильм по телевизору после ужина.

Энн: Круто!

Мама: я жду тебя!

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09.02.2023 23:06
Computer and internet.  и интернет . 1-now they are almost in each family--теперь они есть почти в каждой семье 2- he became a part of everyone's life.-он стал частью жизни каждого человека. 3- recently, people ask the question: internet is harmful or helpful? .в последнее время люди вопрос: интернет вреден или полезен?   4- on the one hand the internet - is a very good and useful одной стороны интернет - это хорошая и полезная вещь.  5-however the internet has a lot of negative features: a waste of time, money, health, другой    у интернета есть много отрицательных функций: бесполезная трата времени, денег, здоровья,  зависимость. 6- we can not say the internet is harmful or helpful .-нельзя сказать интернет вреден или полезен .7-this is my point of моя точка зрения . вам столько хватит ? или я не правильно поняла ваш вопрос?
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