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12.04.2022 10:09 •  Английский язык

of coursel
c) needn't
d) needs
eighth form. mid-term test.
litning. neper bmw 5 heskoh chhx npeanomen a-e. bh stoho noutate nx.
варианты ответов в списке. для каждого предложения выберите из списка концовку, соото
содержанию разговора, к каждому предложению подходит только одна концовка.
a. the shopping list is -
1. on the fridge door 2. in the pocket 3. on the table
b. paul is going to buy
1. a kilo of carrots, potatoes and tomatoes 2. half a kilo of carrots, potatoes and tomatoes
potatoes and tomatoes
c. mary says that she needs lots of apples for
1. to make a cake 2. the children's lunches 3. apple juice
d. according to the shopping list paul also needs to buy
1. orange juice and milk 2. oranges and milk 3. apples and oranges
e. mary says that boys eat too much
1. lemonade 2. apples 3. chocolate
grammar. choose the right variant.
1. i'm sorry. i promise!
_do it again!
a) won't
b) am not going to
c) won't have to
2. lightning
during the storm last night.
a) struck
b) had struck
c) has struck
3. julie regrets
so much money on shoes.
a) spend
b) spending
c) to spend
4. the clothes sold at the market are often
than those in the shops.
a) cheap
b) more cheap
c) cheaper
5. the volcano chaser
— already
hawaii three times.
a) was visiting
b) has visited
c) visited
6. the tribesman
the village before the volcano erupted.
a) had been fleeing
b) had fled
c) were fleeing
7. pamela went to buy flour. she
la cake.
a) will bake
b) is going to bake
c) is baking
8. they stopped
_to eat lunch.
a) to shop
b) shop
c) shopping
9. there wasn't
__chance of finding survivors in the plane crash.
a) many
b) much
c) some
10. it
for two days before the town became flooded.
a) was raining
b) had been raining
c) has rained
11. this carton isn't
as that one.
a) as big
b) more big
c) bigger
12. have you
the plane tickets yet?
a) buy
b) bought
c) buying
cabulary. complete the sentences with the correct word.
jetary, deafening, fibers, eruption, access, loyalty, declared, struck, tempting, designer
1. the volcanic
shook the ground.
2. spray-on clothes is made up of minute
that stick to the skin.
3. peter collects points on his
card when he shops at the supermark
8. these days, users can
the internet from their mobile phon
- the
_roar of the volcano could be heard for miles.

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13.03.2023 09:51
After the First World War lie managed to set up his own film company. He rented an old camera and a garage. He became the owner of a small studio. He loved cartoons and was full of ideas. He had clear ideas of what he wanted.
Disney's cartoon Films became popular all over the world.
The Disney studios continued producing movies after Walt's death in 1966. Wherever American films are shown, the name of "Disney" still draws the crowds.
Mother Teresa
Mother Teresa was born in 1910 in Albania . Her real name was Agnes . She was the youngest of three children. Her father was a good businessman and the family had a comfortable life. Her parents were very religious. Agnes's mother taught her children to pray and to love and help other people. They often gave food and money to the poor. They were the first lessons in kindness for little Agnes.
When Agnes was only nine, her father died. The family became poor. But later her mother opened a shop, and The business did well. That was the second lesson in life from her mother: when life is difficult you must try, try and try again.
In 1928 Agnes left her family to become a nun. She chose a new name for herself— Teresa. Sister Teresa went to India to teach poor children. Later she began to help the poor. She took care of people who had no one else to look after. She worked hard. She was sure that she would succeed. She believed that "all men are created equal". In 1948 she and her pupils set up Missionaries of Charity (Благотворительная миссия).

They worked in hospitals and schools, took care of children without parents and helped the sick and the dying.
Mother Teresa never worried about money. She always said that the help would come when it was needed. In 1979 Mother Teresa got the greatest prize in the world — the Nobel Peace Prize. She received the prize of $190,000 not for herself but for the poor people of the world. She used this money to feed hungry people and to give help to the sick and dying. Mother Teresa received the Nobel Prize because all her life she loved and helped people.
After Mother Teresa's death her Missionaries of Charity continue their work trying to help people all over the world.

You've just read an interview with Slava Polunin who is generally recognized as one of the greatest living clowns. He is one of those rare artists who have climbed to the top of their chosen profession. This is how the newspaper "The Irish Times" has described this world famous mime actor. One of his most successful productions has
been the "Snow Show" which began in 1996 in Britain. A well known Russian artist and fashion designer Mikhail Shemyakin made some fantastic costumes for Slava's "Snow Show".
The "Snow- Show" can transform adults into wide-eyed children.
Slava was born in a small place in Central Russia. As a boy, he was fond of playing snowballs and making tunnels under the snow. In his "Snow Show" Slava realized the fantasy of his childish games as a mime actor.
Mime traditionally means acting without words. Mime artists believe that they can communicate without language — speak with their bodies, Slava Polunin believes that you can do a show without words but if it needs a word, it's better to put one in.
The "PIay-Makers group", founded by Slava Polunin, is known all over Russia and the world. They have travelled through more than 20 countries. Over 25 years they have made unbelievable progress and have become a national attraction. Their theatrical characters are known to everyone in Russia,
At the moment Slava is about to start work on some new productions working with clowns from Britain and Russia, Polunin's show is constantly changing. Each show is so different from another that "If you watch the show once a year, you will see that each time, it's a new one," says Slava Polunin.
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03.08.2022 00:09
My family isn't large. It consists of four members. But each member of owe family has his own tastes and interests. For example, my brother is fond of sports. So early in the morning he goes jogging.
That's why he has nothing to eat before it, because it would be bad for him to eat before exercises. But when he comes back, he has a shower and is more than ready for breakfast. He always needs a cup of coffee to really wake him up. His breakfast usually consists of a bowl of cereal with milk and sugar. This he follows by toasts and juice. My father eats the same as my brother.
My mother has a lighter breakfast of just yoghurt and a grapefruit. As for me, a cup of tea is enough for breakfast. And my mother sometimes scolds me for it, because it's important to have a really goods breakfast.
We don't have our main meal at lunch time. My father takes sandwiches with him to work. To be healthy, he also eats fruit. My mother is able to be more varied in her lunches, because she is a housewife. It means that she can prepare what she likes.
Her favourite dish is roast meat. As she likes to bake, there is always something tasty at home. Our evening meal is usually eaten at 7 o'clock. The main course is often meat with vegetables. Sometimes we eat pizza or pasta with delicious sauce.
We try to eat our main meal together. In our busy lives it is the one time of day when we sit down and have a good talk.
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