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Formal and Informal writing
Check your grammar: Linking words
1. Link the following sentences with appropriate
linking words.
1. Formal conversation is left at work. Don't bring it out when you are
having drinks or meals with co-workers.
e.g. When you are in the office use formal language, especially in front of
the boss.
2. Usually joking around is not a good sign. Comic relief is always good
when situations get too serious when it doesn't need to be.
3. Keep the conversation clear if you need to. Usually there are no
4. Formal speech is more accurate. Informal speech is the opposite.
5. My business partner kept formal speech. He was one of my best friend.

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16.03.2020 00:26



read the text and answer the following questions

карл льюис родился 1 июля. 1961 в бирмингеме, алабама. познакомившись с легкой атлетикой со своими спортивными родителями, льюис впервые побил рекорд прыжков в длину в средней школе. в 1984 году он вернулся домой с 4 золотыми медалями после первой олимпиады. позже, участвуя в летних олимпийских играх 1988, 1992 и 1996 годов, он завоевал еще 5 золотых медалей и одну серебряную. он также был назван "спортсменом года" 3 года подряд легкоатлетическим журналом и "спортсменом века" международным олимпийским комитетом.

b родился 14 октября 1952 года во владимире, николай адрианов впервые записался на гимнастические занятия в возрасте 11 лет. испытывая трудности с гимнастики и со всем тем , которое давали ему учителя, он почти ушел, но толкачев, его тренер, поощрял и ему продолжать попытки. между 1971 и 1980 он был на вершине многих международных соревнований по гимнастике, в том числе чемпионатов мира. он участвовал в 1972, 1976 и 1980 олимпийских играх, в которых он выиграл 15 медалей, большинство человек выиграл в олимпийских соревнованиях.в 2001 году был введен в международный зал славы гимнастики.

оксана баюль родилась в украине 26 февраля 1977 года. она начала кататься на коньках в возрасте четырех лет и, хотя осиротела в 13 лет, о ней заботился ее тренер. когда он уехал из страны, она жила со своим новым тренером, галиной змиевской. в 15 лет оксана выиграла чемпионат мира по фигурному катанию и пару лет спустя участвовала в зимних олимпийских играх 1994 года. она чуть не пропустила один из соревнований из-за аварии на разминке. однако она не получила серьезных травм и завоевала олимпийское золото.

d майкл гросс родился как лучший пловец между 1981 и 1988. родился во франкфурте 17 июня 1964 года, люди называли его "альбатрос" из-за его чрезвычайно длинные руки. в возрасте 19 лет гросс установил свой первый мировой рекорд, а затем установил 4 мировых рекорда в четырех различных событиях в течение следующих трех лет. он также завоевал два титула чемпиона мира и четыре титула чемпиона европы. он участвовал в летних олимпийских играх 1984 и 1988 годов, на которых завоевал шесть медалей. во время олимпиады 1984 года его команда по фристайлу потерпела поражение от американцев, заработав в американском теа титул " гроссбустерз”

кто из спортсменов (a, b, c или

например, имеет кличку? d

1. получил первое место в олимпийском турнире даже после травмы? ……..

2. была ли удостоена публикации и спортивной организации? ……..

3. были проблемы с их графиком? ……..

4 был подтолкнут их тренер, чтобы продолжить свои усилия? ……..

5. и их команда проиграла команде сша? ……  

6. завоевал больше медалей в олимпийской ? ………

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07.01.2022 05:54

answer: what to see in kiev in the first place?

excursions in kiev are so numerous and diverse that it is quite difficult to make their rating. in our opinion, every tourist should see such sights of kiev as:

1. kiev pechersk lavra

kiev-pechersk lavra, a revered orthodox relic

the legendary historical and architectural object of the city. date of construction-1051 year. lavra is famous for its unique churches, colorful towers and mysterious caves with the remains of saints. a trip here for divine blessing is planned annually by thousands of believers.

2. sophia cathedral

st. sophia in kiev-christian cathedral in the center of kiev

what to visit in kiev fans of historical and religious masterpieces? this building of the 11th century, created in the baroque style. the interior presented a remarkable mosaics and ancient frescoes: among them the famous mosaic artwork the virgin orans.

3. vladimir cathedral

vladimir cathedral is named after the baptist of russia, grand duke vladimir svyatoslavich

the creation of the temple in the byzantine style took about 20 years. the building with paintings of ukrainian and russian masters has eclectic forms and heavy proportions.

4. nicholas church

the facade of the nicholas church is made in the style of medieval gothic

few places of interest in kiev have such majestic architecture as this church with its original patterned decor. inside the roman catholic church is the house of organ and chamber music.

5. st. andrew's church

st. andrew's church was built by francesco bartolomeo rastrelli

beautiful orthodox church in baroque style. the building is made in the form of a cross, with each of the four corners are decorative turrets in the central part-a beautiful dome.

6. andreevsky descent

convenient and shortest way (720 meters) connects the upper central part of kiev with hem

where to go in kiev to get into the spirit of the real capital of ukraine? to this famous area with its many attractions: the museum of one street, the bulgakov museum, richard's castle and st. andrew's temple. the street is surrounded by green hills and inhabited by traders handicrafts. experienced guides in kiev recommend to go for souvenirs here.

7. st. michael's golden-domed monastery

st. michael's golden-domed monastery was built in 1108-1113 by prince svyatopolk izyaslavich

the name of the temple was given in honor of its gilded dome. the current building of the monastery with 7 domes, built in 1999, was the replacement of the ancient cathedral of 1108.

8. the castle of richard the lion — heart

the house is in a old castle located on andriyivskyy descent, at the foot of mount vestiality

the former owners of the castle in the neo-gothic style of the 19th century were counts orlov. the building is associated with many legends, one of which says about the evil spirits living here. today, this centuries-old myth is debunked: immured bottles were found in the walls – it was their necks that produced mysterious sounds similar to the howling of unearthly creatures.

9. house with chimeras the house with chimeras serves as the residence of the head of state

the original architecture of the building of the 20th century (art nouveau style). the interior and facade of the house "guard" sculptures and images of inhabitants of the underwater world, magical creatures and animals. if you are set up to see this sights of ukraine, buy a ticket in advance. tours of the inner halls are held on strictly defined days and hours.

10. khreshchatyk street

wide and short enough central street of the city alina v ozna the main pedestrian street of the city, a length of 1.3 kilometers. famous because of its nearby baptized prince vladimir. today it hosts the most significant events and public holidays.

11. the landscape alley

tree of life landscape alley elena zarubina opening date-2009. the alley is a landscaped and landscaped area for recreation of citizens and guests of the capital. there are funny sculptures, benches and a park for children.

12. taras shevchenko opera house the national opera of ukraine — an architectural ornament of kiev

it was built instead of the former kiev theater, destroyed by fire. on the stage sang and danced with such famous ballet and opera artists as chaliapin, gmyrya, hayday. this place is often included in the list of "the best sights of kiev" also due to the fact that more than 100 years ago there was killed stolypin.

13. building of the national bank of ukraine the building of the national bank of ukraine is located in the area of pechora lipok

the building in the venetian style is called one of the most majestic and beautiful in the country. the magnificent facade of the bank has remained unchanged since its construction in 1905. periodically, it is only updated.


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