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17.05.2022 22:00 •  Английский язык

Grammar 1 Complete the sentences with the correct be going to or present continuous form of the verb in brackets. Use one word in each gap.
1 you (see) Julie later?
2 Where they (go) for their holiday next month?
3 We’re to (have) dinner at Leah and Bob’s tomorrow.
4 It’s half past ten. What time Tim (come)? I hope he isn’t going to be late!
5 I’m not (stay in) tomorrow. I’m going out with Rachel.
6 What we (eat) tonight?
7 Who Lee going to (meet)?
8 They (play) tennis at 7p.m.
9 you going to (take) any food with you?
10 What time everyone (leave) for the party later?
11 What are you to (do) tonight?
2 Underline the correct alternative.
1 Who/When wrote Lord of the Rings?
2 What/Which do you do on Saturday evenings?
3 Which country has/is the best football team?
4 Who/Whose car is that outside?
5 Which/Whose pen is yours? This one, or that one?
6 Which/Who won the last Nobel Peace Prize?
3 Add an auxiliary verb to the sentences if necessary.
1 Who you see at college today?
2 Which film they go to see?
3 How many DVDs you buy yesterday?
4 Who painted The Scream?
5 Which TV programmes you like?
6 What happened to my bag?
4 Cross out the wrong noun in each group.
1 have a drink / an evening out / a meal / the train
2 go sightseeing / dancing / a night out / shopping
3 get a snack / a concert / the bus / some tickets
4 go to running / a bar / a museum / a market

5 Complete the gaps.
1 Every Sunday we play football at the s .
2 My daughter enjoys spending the day at the s m . She loves buying clothes.
3 We walked along the new n ton Sunday. It goes through beautiful woods.
4 Do you live in a city or the c?
5 They enjoyed walking around Bangkok and seeing the food for sale in the s m.
6 Lisa prefers concerts halls to n. She doesn’t like dance music.
7 We walked along the w and stopped at a café to enjoy the sea view.
8 A lot of children spend their free time i playing computer games and watching TV.

6 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in the box.
arrange book cancel change check go to have (2) see talk
1 Let’s the theatre and a play.
2 I need to our reservation. My wife’s ill.
3 Did you to meet Catherine later?
4 She doesn’t want to dinner with him because he always business.
5 Have you the train times for tonight? We don’t want to miss the last one.
6 Could I a table for two for 8p.m., please?
7 Is this a good moment to a quick chat?
8 I have to my return ticket to a single.

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24.03.2020 22:42
.When we go into my kitchen, we see the window,a large window. Look to the left we see the cabinets and the sink. Looking to the right we see the same cabinets and Desk. The entire kitchen in one color-green. On the floor is tile. Sometimes we put down carpet. Our kitchen is very large and it is easy for all to cook together... And in the morning from our window you can see how the sun rises and Wake up the birds,flowers and people hurrying to work. We have such a kitchen. translation. When we go into my kitchen, we see the window,a large window. Look to the left we see the cabinets and the sink. Looking to the right we see the same cabinets and Desk. The entire kitchen in one color-green. On the floor is tile. Sometimes we put down carpet. Our kitchen is very large and it is easy for all to cook together... And in the morning from our window you can see how the sun rises and Wake up the birds,flowers and people hurrying to work. We have such a kitchen 
Когда мы заходим в мою кухню мы видим окно,большое окно. Посмотрев налево мы увидим шкафы и раковину. Посмотрев вправо мы увидим тоже шкафы и стол. Вся кухня в одном цвете-зелёном. На полу лежит плитка. Иногда мы кладём туда ковёр.   Наша кухня очень большая и на ней легко всем вместе готовить... А утром из нашего окна видно как всходит солнце и просыпаются птички,цветочки и люди спешащие на работу. Вот такая у нас кухня.         перевод.      Когда мы заходим в мою кухню мы видим окно,большое окно. Посмотрев налево мы увидим шкафы и раковину. Посмотрев вправо мы увидим тоже шкафы и стол. Вся кухня в одном цвете-зелёном. На полу лежит плитка. Иногда мы кладём туда ковёр.   Наша кухня очень большая и на ней легко всем вместе готовить... А утром из нашего окна видно как всходит солнце и просыпаются птички,цветочки и люди спешащие на работу. Вот такая у нас кухня.
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08.04.2022 09:45
1. My brother is a graduate student. He (will have finished) his studies by spring this year. 2. Don't you know what Peter (will be doing) at 7 o'clock? 3. I really can't spare any time this weekend. I (will be working) all day Saturday and Sunday. 4. When I call on her, Mary (will be laying) the table. 5. When the hands of the clock are close to eleven, our train (will be approaching) Portsmouth. 6. While you are writing this exercise, we (will be preparing) our home-reading. 7. I think we (will have cooked) dinner by the time Mother comes home. 8. It's beginning to get dark; the street lights (will be going) on in a few minutes. 9. When I get home, my dog (will be sitting) at the door waiting for me. 10. Let's wait here; Tower Bridge (will be opening) in a minute to let the ships through. 11. Before long, millions of tourists (will be visiting) the new Tretyakov Gallery. 12. I hope that by the end of the year I (will have earned) enough money to go on a trip. 13. They promise that by next week, they (will have mastered) the problem. 14. I (will have work) here six months before I receive the first raise. 15. The chief executive officer (will have presented) all the information to all new employees before they assume their positions. 16. The manager says that he (will be evaluating) her portfolio next week.
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