Grammar way 2 unit 9
1. Переведите предложения на английский
язык, используя модальные глаголы.
1. Он должно быть очень силён. 2. Ты не дол-
жен опаздывать в школу. 3. Мои уроки начи-
наются в восемь. Мне надо вставать очень ра-
но. 4. Ты не должен этого делать. Это очень
опасно. 5. Я всё купила, тебе не надо идти в
магазин. 6. Можно выйти из класса, сэр?
7. Боб, можно воспользоваться твоим компью-
тером? 8. Ты не мог бы мне?
2. ответьте на во отрицательно, ис-
пользуя соответствующие модальные гла-
голы и объясните причину вашего негатив-
ного ответа.
1. Can you explain this to me? 2. Must we arrive at
six? 3. Could I speak to you now, please? 4. May
I take your camera? 5. Shall I go shopping? 6.
Shall we take packed lunch with us? 7. May I swim
today, granny? 8. Can you translate the article for
me? 9. Must we finish the job today?
Unit Ten
1. Переведите эти предложения на англий-
ский язык.
1. Мне бы хотелось, чтобы мои родители
купили новый компьютер. 2. Я хочу, чтобы мои
друзья пошли со мной на дискотеку. 3. Мы
хотим, чтобы наш учитель давал нам по-
меньше заданий. 4. Мне бы хотелось, чтобы
мои домашние любимцы слушались меня.
5. Мне бы хотелось, чтобы Том и Бетти поже-
нились. 6. Я хочу, чтобы они вернулись в
шесть. 7. Мы хотим, чтобы они изменили своё
решение. 8. Терри хотелось бы, чтобы
родители взяли его во Флориду.
2. Закончите предложения, используя части-
цу "to", где это необходимо.
1. I think she will make John come on time.
2. I would like Fiona - type the papers. 3. Let me
- explain everything to you. 4. I don't want my son
- play games on the computer. 5. You shouldn't
make him - do such things. 6. Will you let me - go
out tonight? 7. I would like you - sit down. 8. He
would like her friend -- help her. 9. My mother
doesn't let me - go there alone. 10. Our English
teacher makes us - work very hard
In the UK alone, the pet product and services market is worth a staggering £1.7billion. Much of that includes accessories and toys. However, within such a highly competitive space, companies are always looking for an edge over their business rivals. This means many new products and services need to be vet-approved, providing plenty of consultancy opportunities for well-respected vets. What's more, humans are more concerned about their pets than ever before, especially when it comes to nutrition. A vet with a background in pet and animal nutrition can now build a side career in digital journalism, blogging, or even television.
Vets with an enterprising spirit can even set up their own companies. Co-founded by vet surgeon Richard Allport and canine specialist Kristina Johnson, Elmo's Kitchen is the kind of business that could only exist in the 21st century. Elmo's Kitchen creates individual nutrition plans based on each dog's requirements, as well as dishing out tips on supplements to prevent long-term health conditions.
There's also a rapidly emerging market in veterinary software that integrates IT and communications systems within universities, private practices, animal hospitals, and government offices. This new technology will help vets provide a more streamlined service and encourage a dialogue between different animal welfare agencies. It addition, it will become a great way to share information on new treatment techniques and drugs, helping to save even more animals.
Becoming a vet is not easy, but most vets say it is definitely worth all the hard work. So keep your eye on the prize, and remember, once all the studying is done, you get to spend the rest of your career helping some of the cutest and most fascinating creatures on the planet.