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10.10.2021 08:55 •  Английский язык

"happily happy
more quicker
a) rapider
1. This time you need to think ... about which course you want to do.
a) much more carefully b) far careful
c) a lot more careful d) far carefully
2. The scientists believe that temperatures could rise ... than previously predicted if emissions are
not reduced.
a) for higher
b) much highly
c) much more high d) a lot more higher
3. The animals in the safari park can roam ... than in the zoo.
a) far freely
b) much more free c) much more freely d) more freer
4. She seems ... now that she's got a new job.
a) a lot
b) much
c) much happily
d) a lot happier
5. The noise from the motorway traffic was ... than I thought.
a) much loudly
b) far more louder c) a lot louder
d) far more loud
6. The hole was ... than they had thought.
a) far more deep b) much deeper
c) much deeplier
d) much more deeper
7. The information held electronically would be ... to share.
a) much easily
b) far more easier
c) far easier
d) far easily
8. Louie reads ... than his sister.
b) far quickly
c) much more quicklier d) far more quickly
9. He speaks English ... than Spanish.
b) far rapidlier
c) much rapidly
d) much more rapidly
10. Gradual changes are ... than sudden changes.
a) far least traumatic b) much less traumatic c) less traumatically d) the least traumatic
11. You'll need ... shoes for walking around the city.
a) far comfortably b) far more comfortabler c) far much comfortable d) much more comfortable
12. This apartment has spacious rooms with ... ceilings.
a) far more higher b) much highlier c) far highest
d) much higher
13. It may be my imagination but this exam paper seems ... than the last year's one.
a) far more harder b) much harder
c) much hardlier
d) far hardly
14. This time we found it ... to get used to living in a foreign country.
a) much hardest
b) much harder
far hardlier
d) far more lier
15. The safari park was a bit of a disappointment as there were ... animals than we had expected.
a) much few
b) far fewest
c) much more fever d) much fewer
16. She smiled ... when I asked her about her hometown.
a) much more easily b) much easy
c) far much easily d) far more easier
17. Canada is a ... densely populated country than Britain.
a) far more less
b) much lesser
c) much less
d) far least
18. John kept sinking ... in the mud.
a) more deeper
b) much deeper
c) far deeply
d) far deepest
19. Do you think this exercise is too difficult? I can make it
a) much easily
b) much easier
c) far more easier d) far more easily
20. If you look ..., you will see an artist's name in the corner of the picture.
a) much more carefully b) far more careful c) far much carefully d) far much careful
21. This piece of equipment is ... to run than the electric one.
a) far cheapest
b) much cheaper c) far more cheaper d) more cheaper
22. People are ... about what and how much they drink these days.
a) far much sensible b) far more sensible c) much more sensibly d) much more sensiblier
23. The company's annual report showed that sales figures were ... than they had expected.
a) far more lower
b) much more lower c) far lowest
d) much lower
24. This area has become considerably more crowded and ... in the last ten years.
a) a lot more noisier b) far nosier
c) most noisier
d) much most noisy
25. Richard is ... now that he's got a permanent job.
a) much happier
b) far most happy c) much most happy d) far more happier

Показать ответ
18.05.2021 18:29

1. Her mother usually comes home at five o'clock.

Отриц.: Her mother doesn't usually come home at five o'clock.

Вопрос: Does her mother usually come home at five o'clock?

When does her mother usually come home?

Where does her mother usually come at five o'clock?

Who usually comes home at five o'clock?

What time does her mother usually come home?

2. Oleh takes a shower after his exercises.

Отриц.: Oleh doesn't take a shower after his exercises.

Вопрос: Does Oleg take a shower after his exercises?

When does Oleh take a shower?

What does Oleh take after his exercises?

Who takes a shower after their exercises?

What does Oleh do after his exercises?

3. Your friends have lunch at school.

Отриц.: Your friends don't have lunch at school.

Вопрос: Do your friends have lunch at school?

Where do your friends have lunch?

Who has lunch at school?

What does your friends have at school?

4. My little sister likes to play with her dolls.

Отриц.: My little sister doesn't like to play with her dolls.

Вопрос: Does my little sister like to play with her dolls?

What does my little sister like to play with?

Who likes to play with their dolls?

5. You wash your hands and face every morning.

Отриц.: You don't wash your hands and face every morning.

Вопрос: Do you wash your hands and face every morning?

When do you wash your hands and face?

What do you wash every morning?

Who washes their hands and face every morning?

What do you do every morning?

6. She dresses at eight o'clock.

Отриц.: She doesn't dress at eight o'clock.

Вопрос: Does she dress at eight o'clock?

When does she dress?

Who dresses at eight o'clock?

What does she do at eight o'clock?

Does she dress or take a shower at eight o'clock?

7. Roman and Dima play in the yard after lessons.

Отриц.: Roman and Dima don't play in the yard after lessons.

Вопрос: Do Roman and Dima play in the yard after lessons?

Where do Roman and Dima play after lessons?

When do Roman and Dima play in the yard?

Who plays in the yard after lessons?

What do Roman and Dima do after lessons?

8. We have tea at eleven o'clock.

Отриц.: We don't have tea at eleven o'clock.

Вопрос: Do we have tea at eleven o'clock?

When do we have tea?

What do we have at eleven o'clock?

Who has tea at eleven o'clock?

9. They come home in the afternoon.

Отриц.: They don't come home in the afternoon.

Вопрос: Do they come home in the afternoon?

When do they come home?

Where do they come in the afternoon?

Who comes home in the afternoon?

10. These men are from Italy.

Отриц.: These men aren't from italy.

Вопрос: Are these men from Italy?

Where are these men from?

Who is from Italy?

Are these men from Italy or Spain?

11. That child goes to school by bus.

Отриц.: That child doesn't go to school by bus.

Вопрос: Does that child go to school by bus?

Where does that child go by bus?

Who goes to school by bus?

12. He likes to play computer games.

Отриц.: He doesn't like to play computer games.

Вопрос: Does he like to play computer games?

What does he like to play?

Who likes to play computer games?

13. Willy and his sister speak English well.

Отриц.: Willy and his sister don't speak English well.

Вопрос: Do Willy and his sister speak English well?

How well do Willy and his sister speak English?

Who speaks English well?

14. Those teachers work at our school.

Отриц.: Those teachers don't work at our school.

Вопрос: Do those teachers work at our school?

Where do those teachers work?

Who works at our school?

What school do those teachers work at?

15. He usually has dinner at home.

Отриц.: He doesn't usually have dinner at home.

Вопрос: Does he usually have dinner at home?

Where does he usually have dinner?

Who has dinner at home?

What does he usually have at home?

16. She does exercises with her mother.

Отриц.: She doesn't do exercises with her mother.

Вопрос: Does she do exercises with her mother?

What does she do with her mother?

Whom does she do exercises with?

What exercises does she do with her mother?

17. We help our parents on Fridays.

Отриц.: We don't help our parents on Fridays.

Вопрос: Do we help our parents on Fridays?

When do we help our parents on Fridays?

Who helps their parents on Fridays?

What do we do on Fridays?

18. I watch TV in the evening.

Отриц.: I don't watch TV in the evening.

Вопрос: Do I watch TV in the evening?

When do I watch TV?

What do I do in the evening?

Who watches TV in the evening?

What do I watch in the evening?

19. They live in Shevchenko Street.

Отриц.: They don't live in Shevchenko Street.

Вопрос: Do they live in Shevchenko Street?

Where do they live?

Who lives in Shevchenko Street?

20. They go to the Zoo every month.

Отриц.: They don't go to the Zoo every month.

Вопрос: Do they go to the Zoo every month?

Where do they go every month?

When do they go to the Zoo?

Who goes to the Zoo every month?

Максимальная длина ответа — 5000 символов, поэтому продолжение ответа см. в комментариях.
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15.03.2020 13:29


1.Потребности современной промышленности (highly qualified specialists). 2. Хороший учитель делает не только (give knowledge), но и (serve as a model of behavior). 3. Задача учителя не только (provide information), но и подготовить их к повседневной жизни . 4. (The training period) от 4 до 6 . 5. После (basic secondary school)молодые люди могут войти ( technical schools). 6. В возрасте 6 лет дети начинают (go to primary school). 7.В возрасте 6 лет дети начинают (in the schedule). 8. Школа является одним из важнейших (social institution) факторов, влияющих на жизнь страны в целом.9. (Public schools) бесплатны и (private schools) очень дороги в Великобритании. 10. После одиннадцати лет учебы в школе выпускники школ (take exams and receive a certificate of full secondary education).

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