Спортивные состязание в Оксфорде и Кембридже разнообразны и пронумерованы. Есть различные соревнования между колледжами. Один из самых популярных видов - гребля. В конце длинные легкие лодки, управляемые 8 гребцами, соревнуются в гонке. Лодки стартуют с коротким интервалом одна за другой и пытаются стукнуть переднюю лодку. Те, кому удается, попадают в верх таблицы, и колледж наверху таблицы становится известен как Голова реки. Гребля имеет долгую историю в Англии. Гонки с восми или четырех весельнымич лодками проводились в Англии впервые в 18 веке. В то время лодки занимали часть в фестивале реки Темзы
1. I have put so much weight on that I couldn't get my old suits on. 2. The teacher asked the pupils to get on with some work quietly as she had to leave the classroom. 3. After three years, he came out of the coma. 4. I didn't go out to offend them. 5. Tomorrow I'll have to take time off to meet my old friend who has been in Canada for a year. 6. He kicked off last month when he had a massive heart attack. 7. Everybody stood up when the judge entered the court. 8. We got together in the pub for a drink. 9. I'm joining in the party
2. The teacher asked the pupils to get on with some work quietly as she had to leave the classroom.
3. After three years, he came out of the coma.
4. I didn't go out to offend them.
5. Tomorrow I'll have to take time off to meet my old friend who has been in Canada for a year.
6. He kicked off last month when he had a massive heart attack.
7. Everybody stood up when the judge entered the court.
8. We got together in the pub for a drink.
9. I'm joining in the party