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01.09.2020 16:36 •  Английский язык

Highlight the correct item in BOLD print: 1. They won’t let us … the Customs till our luggage has been examined.
1) to leave 2) leave 3) have left 4) to have left

2. She pretended … and … what had been mentioned.
1) be sleeping, not to hear 2) to have slept, not to have heard 3) to be sleeping, not to hear 4) to sleep, not to hear

3. Reading paper books seems … by teenagers nowadays altogether.
1) to have forgotten 2) to forget 3) to have been forgotten 4) to forgetting

4. The house turned out … for an hour when he came back.
1) to have been locked 2) to lock 3) to be locked 4) to be locking

5. The driving courses were … in two-week’s time.
1) to be taking 2) to take 3) to have taken 4) to be taken

6. Children always want … by their parents.
1) to be cared for and paid attention to 2) to care for and pay attention to 3) to be cared for and pay attention to 4) to have cared and to be paid attention to

7. I belonged to neither groups, and … was to take sides.
1) speak 2) to speak 3) to have spoken 4) to be speaking

8. Just … my problem would have been a disaster for everyone.
1) mentioning 2) to be mentioned 3) to mention 4) to have mentioned

9. Sandra met me the first day I arrived in Oxford, and our friendship seemed … a long time.
1) to establish 2) to have been established 3) to have establish 4) to be establishing

10. Suddenly I caught sight of her at the other side of the square. She appeared … good-bye to someone.
1) to be saying 2) to have said 3) to say 4) to have been saying

11. The mayor turned out … a great deal on the civil service.
1) to have aged 2) to be aging 3) having aged 4) to have been aged

12. She seemed … all the friendliness she had gained at the previous occasion.
1) to lose 2) to be losing 3) to have been lost 4) to have lost

13. “My job is … everyone alike, and to be courteous, even when passengers are not”, said the stewardess.
1) to treat 2) treating 3) to have treated 4) be treated

14. She reached her office that day …, to her surprise, her beloved husband waiting for her.
1) to have found 2) finding 3) to be found 4) to find

15. I don’t suppose your boss wants … by me now.
1) to bother 2) to be bothered 3) to be bothering 4) to have bothered

16. Carla Brown didn’t like … with.
1) to differ 2) to be differed 3) have differed 4) to have been differed

17. They preferred … by the name of Michael Smith.
1) to be known 2) to have known 3) to know 4) to be knowing

18. Bobby asked … to a room … and … his clothes.
1) to be showing, to be washing, to be changed 2) to show, to wash, to change 3) to be shown, to wash, to change 4) to be shown, to wash, change

19. We stopped in front of the ice-cream parlour and pretended … inside.
1) to be looking 2) to have looked 3) to be looked into 4) to be looking through

20. A lot of us are prone … unpleasant experiences.
1) to be forgotten 2) to have forgotten 3) to forget 4) to be forgetting

21. I must admit that being a writer is not hard … .
1) to imitate 2) to have imitated 3) to be imitated 4) to be imitating

22. It made me feel good … that someone else felt the same way as I did.
1) to be realized 2) to have realized 3) to realize 4) to be realizing

23. The game was intended … time until about nine o’clock.
1) to kill 2) being killed 3) to have killed 4) to being killed

24. “You were seen … the bag.” “Yes, I took it but it wasn’t a theft.”
1) to have taken 2) to take 3) being taken 4) to be taken

25. Megan was rumoured … her husband.
1) to divorce 2) to have divorced 3) to be divorced with 4) to have been divorced

26. They were alleged … their official status to solve the problem.
1) to have used 2) to use 3) to being used 4) to be using

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Complete the sentences with the correct

form of the verbs in the box.

build have involve raise boost increase improve

1 When I want to my mood, I go running.

2 Did you know laughing can ___ your blood

5 Choose the correct words.

1 Perhaps some light exercise could / must relieve

the pain.

2 He fell asleep at his desk! He might / must have been exhausted.

3 Ann isn’t here. She must / can’t have forgotten.

4 You don’t have to / shouldn’t exercise when

you don’t feel well.

5 She’s walking to school. She might / can’t have missed the bus.

6 He can’t / could have gone home. He’s left his bag on the chair.

7 We mustn’t / don’t have to learn Chinese.

8 Tania’s in Spain. You must / could have seen

someone else.



3 My dad doesn’t

the discipline to run a


4 She’s very shy. I think she needs help to her


5 Coffee doesn’t

gives a short boost.

6 Our new project

7 There are exercises you can do to your


2 Write the nouns for these words.

your energy for very long. It

a lot of team work.


Complete the dialogue with the words in the box.

suppose have sure might should think

Kate Look at these adverts for the new sports hall, Nick.


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26.06.2021 23:35

Progress Cheek 1 I variant 1.Complete the sentences in past perfect 1. When I came home, mother already (to cook) dinner. 2. When father returned from work, we already (to do) our homework. 3. When the teacher entered the classroom, the pupils already (10 open) their books. 4. Kate gave me the book which she (to buy) the day before 5. Nick showed the teacher the picture which he (to draw). 6. The boy gave the goats the grass which he (to bring) from the ficld 2. Write the sentences in the interrogative form and make general and who-questions. 1. Rose had written the letter by 7 о'clock yesterday. 2 Mrs Rogers had cooked the dinner by 6 о'clock last Sunday. 3. Jane and Ann had built the toy house by four o'clock yesterday. 3. Choose the right words to complete the sentences. 1) That day Jane felt so sad ahe could (ery/smile). 2) The puplls (ended/ finished) decorating the hall late in the afternoon. 3) Do you watch matehes of your favourite football (сrеw/teаm) on television? 4) We are playing basketball in the gyт, would you 1ike to joln (- /1in)? 5) No one liked the dish, we thought it was rather (Lasteful/tasteless). 6) In the I variant 1.Compleie the sentences in past рerfect

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