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15.05.2021 13:28 •  Английский язык

Hurricane season in Florida is from June 1st to November 30th . As spring turns into summer, the ocean water begins to heat up. When there is very low pressure over warm water, this can be the start of a hurricane. The Tampa Bay area has had hurricanes. Some of these have been very serious and caused a lot of damage. For example, in 2004, there were 4 hurricanes that affected Florida and the Tampa Bay area. It's important to be prepared for a hurricane.
In the Caribbean, there are always storms and hurricanes too. On the island of Barbuda, the hurricane destroyed over 90 percent of the houses. The head of government there says that the whole island is unlivable. He also blamed climate change in his statement.
What would you do to prepare for a hurricane before it came?
1. When does hurricane season in Florida start?
2. How many hurricanes that affected Florida and Tampa Bay were in 2004?
3. When can the start of the hurricane be?
4. What does the head of the government of the Barbuda say about the island?

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30.10.2020 23:28

1. We are leaving for London on Saturday. – Мы уезжаем в Лондон в субботу.  

2. I don’t know if we will be here on the day of his arrival. – Я не знаю, будем ли мы здесь, когда он приедет.  

3. She will be sitting in the library from 9 till 11 on Monday morning. – Она будет в библиотеке с 9 до 11 в понедельник утром.  

4. Did you go on holidays last year? – Ты ездил в отпуск в году?

5. My parents bought me a new laptop on Christmas day. – Мои родители купили мне новый ноутбук на Рождество.  

6. I will probably go on the bus. – Скорее всего я поеду на автобусе.  

7. I will meet you on the corner of the street. – Я встречу тебя на углу улицы.  

8. It's her birthday on the 21st. – Её День рождения 21 числа.  

9. You can rely on him. He always keeps his promises. – Ты можешь положиться на него: он всегда исполняет свои обещания.

10. I phoned him to congratulate him on his success. – Я позвонил ему по случаю его успеха, чтобы поздравить.  

11. I am in a hurry. I want to get home in time to see the game on TV. – Я тороплюсь. Хочу попасть домой вовремя, чтобы посмотреть игру по телевизору.

12. The bus was late this morning, but it’s usually on time. – Автобус опоздал сегодня, хотя обычно он приходит вовремя.

13. We sat on the floor. – Мы сидели на полу.  

14. In Britain we drive on the left. – В Британии левостороннее движение.  

15. Our flat is on the second floor of the building. – Наша квартира на втором этаже здания.  

16. I am going to paint my room in summer. – Я собираюсь покрасить свою комнату летом.  

17. I was born in 2005. – Я родился в 2005 году. I live in Minsk. – Я живу в Минске.  

18. I had a fever in the night. – Ночью у меня была температура.  

19. We have to go in a few minutes. – Мы должны уходить через несколько минут.  

20. He will be a doctor in the future. – Он будет врачом в будущем.  

21. I will do it in the morning. – Я сделаю это утром.  

22. I enjoyed the film but it was very cold in the cinema. – Фильм мне понравился, но было очень холодно в кинотеатре.  

23. In my opinion the film was very good. – На мой взгляд, фильм был хорошим.  

24. Are you interested in art? – Тебя интересует искусство?

25. How did you get on in your examination yesterday? – Как ты справился с экзаменом вчера?  

26. At first we didn’t get on very well, but in the end we became good friends. – Поначалу мы не очень хорошо ладили, но по итогу стали хорошими друзьями.  

27. There is no one in the room. – В комнате никого нет.

28. What have you got in your hand? – Что у тебя в руке?

29. I have a friend who lives in a small village in the mountains. – У меня есть друг, который живет в маленькой деревне в горах.  

30. There is some water in the bottle. – В бутылке есть немного воды.  

31. The film starts at 12.30. – Фильм начнется в половине первого.

32. Mathematics is widely studied at school. – Математику широко изучают в школе.

33. I am learning English at the moment. – Я учу английский в данный момент.  

34. We usually go out at weekend. – Мы обычно ходим гулять в выходные.  

35. I am meeting my friends at lunchtime. – Я встречаюсь с друзьями в обед.  

36. We were at the back, so we couldn’t see very well. – Мы были сзади, потому не очень хорошо все видели.  

37. I stopped at the shop on the way home. – Я зашел в магазин по дороге домой.  

38. I am going away at the end of May. – Я планирую уехать в конце мая.  

39. We discussed many things at the meeting. – Мы много чего обсудили на встрече.  

40. We have to get off the bus at the next stop. – Нам выходить на следующей остановке.  

41. Who is that boy standing at the window? – Кто тот мальчик, который стоит у окна?

42. Were there many people at the party? – На вечеринке было много народу?  

43. There is no need to meet me at the station. I can get a taxi. – Не нужно встречать меня на станции, я возьму такси.  

44. She left school at the age of 16. – Она закончила школу в 16.  

45. What are you looking at? – На что ты смотришь?  

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04.07.2021 21:53

Last night I heard car brakes 1. screeching (screech) and people 2. (shouting) in the street. When I looked out of the window I saw a crowd of about twenty people 3. (standing) around a young boy 4. (lying) in the street. Next, I saw the driver of the car 5. (approach) the crowd and 6. (kneel down) by the boy, he 7. (looked) very anxious. 8. (watching) the drama from my window, I began 9. _to__ (consider) the boy's family. Then a few minutes later, I saw a young woman 10. (running) towards the scene and 11. (pushing) her way through the crowd. Soon, I heard an ambulance siren 12. (screaming) in the distance, 13. (getting) closer and closer. Then I saw the ambulance stop in front of my house. I watched the ambulance men 14. (get out) and 15. (run) to the injured boy. Minutes later I saw them 16. (running back) to their ambulance with the boy on a stretcher followed by his mother.

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