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30.04.2020 21:38 •  Английский язык

I. Fill in the gaps: rough, residential, pedestrianised, cramped, boom, overcrowded, squat, self-esteem, shanty, fixed address. 1) Unfortunately, in some countries there are still … towns where poor people live in awful conditions.

2) When we came to the beach, it was so … that we couldn’t find a single place to lie down.

3) He was born in Kensington, West London, a smart … area of large terraced houses.

4) It was very difficult for Jane to find a job without a … as nobody wanted to take her on.

5) There are hundreds of families living in … conditions on the floor of the airport lounge.

6) In the eyes of many people, Hamburg has become the … town of Europe.

7) After returning from Paris, David didn’t have a place to go, so he had to spend several nights in a ….

8) One of the reasons why you have problems in your relationships is your poor ….

9) When they were children they used to live in a … area of the town with high crime.

10) There are plans to make some streets of this neighbourhood … so that children can play safely there.

II. Choose the correct modal verb.

1) Can/Need I borrow your pen? Mine doesn’t work

2) Did you get some money from the bank? – No, I didn’t need to/needn’t. I had enough in my wallet.

3) Liz could/might spell her name before she was three.

4) I wonder if Paul and Jim have got lost. – They can’t/mustn’t have got lost because I gave them a map.

5) Shall/Would we go to the beach tomorrow? – Yes, that’s a great idea.

6) We mustn’t/needn’t go shopping this week, we’ve got plenty of food.

7) When shall I visit you next? – You can/might call in tomorrow if you like.

8) I didn’t need to ask/needn’t have asked the way to Lewes, because I’d been there before.

III. Complete the sentences using must, mustn’t, (don’t) have to, can’t, ought to, shouldn’t.

1) You look very sleepy. I think you … go to bed earlier.

2) She … be very rich. – Yes, she has a huge house and an expensive car.

3) You … walk the dog again. John walked him an hour ago.

4) You … be loud during the lesson.

5) James … have bought a house. He hardly makes ends meet.

6) I can’t meet my friends in the evening because I … do my homework.

7) This is an old-fashioned school. All students … wear a uniform.

8) I’m going to watch television. – Alright, but you … stay up too late.

IV. Translate into English.

1) отреставрировать старый дом

2) находиться в шаге от городского центра

3) нуждаться в совете

4) взглянуть на картину

5) быть вымотанным после соревнования

TEST: Module 5

II variant

I. Fill in the gaps: disused, industrial, well-lit, lack of, fully-furnished, posh, run-down, abandoned, foster, cosmopolitan.

1) They have put a lot of money into rebuilding the most … areas in Scotland

2) Celebrating an anniversary, he took his wife to a … hotel for a cocktail.

3) After the death of his parents John was taken to a … family.

4) London has always been a … city as representatives of different nationalities live there.

5) I have very little furniture so I’m looking for a … flat.

6) People in the village had been growing vegetables on this field for many years before it became … because of the fire.

7) A new factory is going to be opened in this … area soon.

8) Although he had … experience he got the job.

9) To be on the safe side I always walk along … streets when I come home late at night.

10) This village became … during the war because all the people had moved to a safer place.

II. Choose the correct modal verb.

1) I found a briefcase on the train. – You ought to/can take it to the police station as soon as possible.

2) Did you phone Alan yesterday? – No, I didn’t need to/needn’t. He came round to see me.

3) Sorry, I’m late. – You might/should wear a watch.

4) You shouldn’t/needn’t go to the post office. I’ll go there later.

5) Could/Would I use your mobile phone, please? – Yes, of course.

6) Helen should be here by now. – She ought to/could have missed the train.

7) Where’s Collin? – I’m not sure. He might/should be in the study.

8) I ran all the way to work, but I didn’t need to hurry/needn’t have hurried because I was the first person to arrive.

III. Complete the sentences using must, mustn’t, (don’t) have to, couldn’t, ought to, shouldn’t.

1) You … work on Saturday. It’s a day off.

2) I saw Tina in town last night. – You … have seen her. She was on holiday in Spain.

3) If you don’t understand anything you … ask your teacher to help.

4 You … take your dog into the supermarket. It’s not allowed.

5) I can’t go to the cinema with you today. I … visit my grandparents.

6) The exam was rather difficult and I … answer all the questions.

7) You … be at work by nine o’clock. – I promise I won’t be late.

8) I feel very tired today. – You … have stayed so late last night.

9) I’ve got a terrible toothache. – You … visit a doctor.

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16.09.2021 00:06
I love going to the Park.It's not far from my house. I can spend a lot of free time together with friends.We roller-skate,bike and skateboard.It is very beautiful, many attractive places.There are small shops.There you can sit on a bench and talk about everything with your friends.It is possible to take pictures with friends.There you can eat ice cream with friends.That's why I love to visit this great place.They make me feel like a fairy tale.I feel wonderful.
                                                                                                                         А вот перевод:Я люблю ходить в парк.Это не далеко от моего дома. Я могу там проводить много свободного времени вместе с друзьями.Мы с ними катаемся на роликах,на велосипедах и на скейте.Там очень красиво, много привлекательных мест.Там есть небольшие магазины.Там можно посидеть на лавочке и поговорить о всем с друзьями.Можно фотографироваться с друзьями.Ещё там можно поесть мороженое вместе с друзьями.Вот почему я люблю посещать это великолепное место.Там я чувствую себя как в сказке.Я чувствую себя чудесно.                                  Надеюсь что ты оценишь мои старания.
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30.04.2023 02:42
Я счастливОна грустноя золОна с умая пареньОна девушкаИ это мирЯ голоденОн жаждалЯ болен и устал оня пареньОна девушкаИ это мир
Вы счастливы, вы получите печально.Вы сердитесь, вы сердитесь.Вы ложитесь спать, то вы проснетесь.Вы можете просто быть в порядке.Это просто которым вы чувствуете себя в настоящее время.Подожди некоторое время.Это может быть просто каким-то образом изменить.Это просто которым вы чувствуете.Чувство может быть чувство.Здесь секунды, а затем он ушел, ушел, ушел, ушел.Мы чувствуя чувства каждый день.Мы переживаем эмоции на протяжении всего пути.Некоторые из них хорошие, а некоторые плохие.Некоторые вы хотели никогда не было.Но эй!Вот только, как мы должны играть.
Я взволнован.Он испугался.Я здесь, и он там.Он мальчик.Я - девушка.И это мир.
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