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I. Find the word with the same or similar meaning. Test-8 Grade (3-rd term) V-2
Example: dull – c) a) original b) fascinating c) boring
1. news a) paragraphs b) articles c) affairs
2. report a) advertisement b) newspaper c) review
3. television a) box b) paper c) letter
4. to quit a) to prove b) to stop c) to borrow
5. to be keen on a) to approve b) to be famous for c) to be interested in
II. The word in capitals above each of the following sentences can be used
Example: MANAGE He is the manager of a popular singer.
1. WEEK We go to the swimming-pool ... .
is a person who reports on the important events.
3. INFORM I can get a lot of useful ... from newspapers.
4. DRAMA Photographs are ready to put themselves in dangerous situations to take .. pictures.
5. PUBLISH Who is responsible for ... a newspaper or a magazine?
III. Complete the sentences. Choose the correct variant.
Example: I've got a lot of ... (work/ works) to do for the weekend. – l've got a lot of work to do for the weekend.
1. (Is/ Are) his knowledge in History good?
2. Where (is/ are) your clothes?
3. (Is/ Are) his trousers on the chair?
4. Whose (was/ were) that money?
5. He gave me some very good (advice/ advices).
6. I don't like the colour of your (hair/ hairs).
7. I never eat much (bread/ breads).
IV. Complete the sentences. Choose the correct variant.
Example: My mother disapproved of ... (to read/ reading) thrillers. - My mother disapproved of reading thrillers.
1.I don't know the way of (to pass/ passing) the exams successfully.
2. We usually enjoy (to ride/ riding) a bicycle.
3. My eighbor asked me to stop (to skateboard/ skateboarding) in front of his house.
4. Do you believe we'll manage (to get/ getting) there on time.
5. I quitted (to jog/ jogging) in the morning.
6. My friends offered me (to spend/ spending) the weekend in the countryside.
7. We want (to help/ helping) them, don't we?
V. Write the following sentences in reported speech.
1. My mother reminded: "Don't forget your keys".
2. "Do you like reading?", asked Linda.
3. "What is your favourite film?", asked Steve.
4. Martin said: "We had a wonderful party yesterday."
5. Tom said to us: "This film is worth seeing."
VI*. Complete each sentence with one of the words or phrases below.
Whenever wisdom tabloids events celebrate prove book broadcast issue suggested
1. ... contain a lot of photographs and have a more sensational reporting style.
2. Smoking is bad. Can you ... it?
3. Local newspapers give information on different... happening in the local area.
4. I'd like to ... tickets for a group of students to London.
5. Series is a long drama or comedy or documentary that is ... in parts, usually at a certain time of day.
6. The first... of the newspaper "The Daily Courant" was published in London in 1702.
7. ... you ask for help, l'll help you.
8. My uncle .. making green tea as it is very good for the health.
9. Mikhail Lomonosov was known as a man of great..

10. How did you ... the turn of the century?

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03.01.2020 17:59
Может и не по этому плану но все же))
What is friendship? Some people will say that it is a feeling of mutual liking between two or more people, other will add that it is a state when one person understands and supports the other one.To my mind friendship can be compared to a tree. Its seed should find good soil and under good conditions it will grow into a tree. As the years go by the tree stands firmer and firmer on the ground. And if it is strong enough, it will survive all the storms and winds. But to help it, we should take care of it and love it.The most important feeling that exists between friends is trust. It newer appears by itself, it's the result of a long friendship and this feeling is very valuable. Respect and tolerance are also very important; it means that you don't criticize your friend's way of living, but try to understand him, discuss problems with him and explain to him what you think is good and what is bad. A friend is a person who can help you in time, lend you any sum of money for a long period of time without any percent, whom you can wake up in the middle of the night just to say you feel worried or who is eager to do everything for you waiting nothing in return, who supports you in all your beginnings and who will never betray you.Lucky are those people who have friends. I'm happy to have lots of friends, too. Some of them are very close, some are less. But all of them make my life interesting and enjoyable.I appreciate friendship. It makes happiness grow brighter and grief less painful, because we have friends to share it with. When we doubt our ability to fulfill our aspiration or to reach our secret goal it is our best friend who gives us a spark of assurance. And we trust our friends and we are grateful to them. Friendship is a bridge between loneliness and fellowship, frustration and confidence, despair and hope, setbacks and success. That's why a true friend is a priceless gift. They are rich who have true friends, says a proverb and I agree.
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15.09.2020 17:18
Computers have had a great impact on society.
 Computers are used in eve­rything
Not only have computers had a great impact on our everyday life, but also on education and the workplace.
The Internet has had a huge impact on society.
Around the world, the Internet is available to millions of people.
the majority of the information and services avail­able are free in the Internet.
The idea of remote learning can be applied everywhere.
 Although com­puters can cause some problems, such as unemployment and computer vi­ruses, these are far outweighed by the benefits computers provide.
computers and technology will continue to have an increasing effect on society

Компьютеры оказали большое влияние на общество. Компьютеры используются во всем.Компьютеры оказали большое влияние Не только на нашу повседневную жизнь, но и на образование и на рабочие места. Интернет оказал огромное влияние на общество. Во всем мире,  Интернет доступен миллионам людей. Большинство информации и услуг, доступны бесплатно в Интернете. Идеи дистанционного обучения могут быть применены во всем мире. Хотя компьютеры могут вызвать некоторые проблемы, такие как безработица и компьютерные вирусы, они намного перевешивают преимущества которые компьютеры предоставляют. Компьютеры и технологии будут продолжать оказывать все большее влияние на общество
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