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14.03.2020 11:46 •  Английский язык

I. откройте скобки, употребив глагол в нужном времени.
a. what you usually (to like) to do when you are not filming? i (not/ to know). we do a lot of funny things. i just can’t remember any of them. when we aren’t filming. i just (to lock) myself up in a very small room & (to watch) films. when i’m not filming? i (to be in school) & i (to play) sports games & (to talk) with my friends most of the time. (to have) you a favorite subject in school? i (to like) sports & arts, english & history. i (to love) english: reading & writing & everything. i (not/ to have) a favorite subject.
b. in 1605 king james i (to be) on the throne. he (to be) very unpopular with roman catholics. some of them (to plan) to blow up the houses of parliament, when the king was going to open parliament. under the houses of lords they (to put) thirty-six barrels of gunpowder. a man (to call) guy fawkes should explode them. one of the plotters (to speak) about these plans & fawkes was found, arrested & later hanged. since that day the british traditionally (to celebrate) 5 november by burning a scarecrow, (to make) of straw & old clothes, on a bonfire.

ii. выберите правильный вариант и примеры, используя наречия.

to be viv (ing) a) present simple
b) past progressive
c) present progressive
vii (ed) a) present simple
b) past simple
c) present progressive

iii. выберите правильный вариант.
1. on sunday my sister our grandparents in the country.
a) visit b) is visiting d) visits

2. she a lot of homework to do every day?
a) do/ have b)does/ has c) does/ have

3. why you moscow without me?
a) was/ left b) did leave c) did/ left

4. they any fresh beef at the butcher’s?
a) do/ has b) have/ got c) does/ have

5. the nurse the doctor?
a) - / helps b) do/ helps c) does/ help

6. when i a little girl, i liked skating a lot.
a) am b) did c) was

7. don’t speak english. they you.
a) aren’t understanding b) don’t understand c) aren’t understand

8. why she well all the night yesterday?
a) didn’t/ sleep b) was/ sleep c) wasn’t/ sleeping

9. because the baby all the time.
a) were crying b) didn’t cry c) was crying

10. can you hear me? yes, i you well.
a) hear b) am hearing c) hears

11. who came to the party first? mr. val
a) do b) did c) does

12. can you hear this noise? what is it? the baby in the bedroom.
a) cry b) cries c) is crying

13. you your grandmother?
a) are/loving b) do/ love c) are/ loved

14. why you when everybody were working?
a) were sleeping b) was sleeping c) were sleep

iv. переведите на язык.
1. все засмеялись, когда он это сказал.
2. они часто ссылаются на эту статью.
3. это случилось много лет назад. смеркалось и шел дождь. мальчик возвращался домой один. он шел медленно и о чем-то думал. вдруг он услышал странный голос: «э, парень! – окрикнул кто-то. – огоньку не найдется? » «я не курю и вам не советую! » - ответил мальчик.
4. сколько этажей в вашем доме?
5. у тебя есть сестра? да, но мы живем в разных комнатах.
6. я заходил к тебе вчера. почему ты не открыл дверь? я был занят. что же ты делал? я делал проект с двух часов дня до двух часов ночи.
7. зимой на улицах много снега.
8. в зимние каникулы школьники обычно катаются на лыжах, санках и коньках, а студенты экзамены.
9. сколько себя помню, она постоянно улыбается.
10. аня, иди к доске. вот тебе кусочек мела. напиши на доске транскрипцию. молодец. твоя оценка «отлично».

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28.07.2022 20:11
Hello dear friend, you might have heard about a thing called "World Food Day" well, we celebrated it by making dishes of different foods from around the world. I made an English breakfast  with scones and British tea. I felt ablosutely fabulous about trying out different foods and they really were amazing! My favourite dish was the Indian lunch because it was nice and spicy and gave me a sudden burst of enjoyment because I felt like I was on a holiday. Other pupils prepared dishes from America, Russia and China. In addition to all that goodness, someone brought Lebanese food which I thoughly enjoyed because of the lamb cumes and ketchup. It really was an amazing day!
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26.05.2021 20:49
Moscow is the capital of Russia.It is the largest city in our country and one of the largest cities in the world. 3). More than 8 million people live there. Besides, every day about one million people come to Moscow from all over Russia and other countries. Moscow was founded more than 800 years ago by Yuri Dolgoruki. Our capital is situated on the banks of the Moscow River. It is a main political, economic-al and cultural centre of our country. Moscow is the seat of our Government. Here numerous state and government offices are located. . The President of Russia lives and works in Moscow.

The heart of Moscow is Red Square. Here you can see the most beautiful masterpieces of Russian architecture - the Kremlin and St. Basil's Cathedral. They attract lots of tourists. Thousands of visitors enjoy the Tsar-Bell and the Tsar-Cannon, the Bell Tower of Ivan the Great, churches and museums of the Kremlin.

Moscow is the city of highly developed industry. It has numerous modern enterprises, mostly engineering and metalworking plants. They produce machine tools, motor cars, transformers, electric motors, TV sets, watches, etc. Moscow is also a centre of the chemical industry.

Moscow is the port of five seas.Four airports connect it with other parts of our country and many other countries. There are nine railway stations in Moscow.

Moscow can be called a city of students. There are a great number of schools, gymnasiums, lyceums, colleges, institutes and universities there.

Moscow is also an important cultural centre. Worldwide-known theatres (the Bolshoi Theatre, the Maly Theatre, the Moscow Art Theatre, the Theatre in Taganka and many others), museums and art galleries (the Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts, the Tretyakov Gallery, etc.), exhibition halls are situated there.

Moscow is very beautiful. Plenty of green parks, large squares and wide streets make Moscow very attractive.
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