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22.09.2022 12:02 •  Английский язык

I.переведите письменно текст контрольной работы.
прочитайте текст.
let me introduce myself. my name is david nelson. i was born in london, but now i live in california, in the usa. i am a tv news reporter. i work for a small newspaper and i really like my work, because it is very interesting. i meet many interesting people every day.
i come from a large family. my father has a farm in the north of england and he is very busy with- the work on the farm. my mother is a housewife. she has a lot of work to do about the house and she is very busy too. every summer i go to see my parents and my relatives. i have two sisters and one brother. my elder sister is 26. she is married and has a son nick. he is 6 and is in the first grade at school. my sister is a doctor, and her husband is a lawyer. it is a well-paid job and he makes a lot of money. my younger sister’s name is ann. she is 20 and is in her first year at oxford university. my brother ted, who is 15 lives with my parents. he is in high school. he wants to become an economist, but i’m afraid it is only a dream because he is rather lazy and my mom and dad have a lot of problems with him.
now a few words about myself. i’m 24. i am married and have a family of my own. my wife jane is 23, she is a school teacher but she doesn’t work now because we have a baby. so we are three in my family and we get on very well with each other.

ii.составьте рассказ о себе и своей семье (не менее 15 предложений).
iii.напишите форму множественного числа существительных: a colony, a journey, a sister, a wolf, a wall, an eye, a states man, a schoolchild, a mouse, a woman, a box, a house, a tooth, a story.
iv.образуйте от следующих прилагательных сравнительную и превосходную степени: big, heavy, short, dirty, expensive, cheap, important, bad, happy, bright, dark, dry, wet, weak, early, funny, pale.
v.заполните пропуски соответствующими личными и притяжательными местоимениями. переведите предложения:
1.these photographs are nice. do you want to look at … ?
2.i like that camera. i ‘m going to buy … .
3.where are the tickets? i can’t find … .
4.do you like, … job?
5.we are staying at a very nice hotel. … room is very comfortable.
6.mr. and mrs. baker live in london but … son lives in paris.
7.thank you for … letter.
8.we are going to invite all … friends to the party.
9.john is a teacher but … sister is a nurse.
vi.задайте 4 типа вопросов к следующим предложениям:
1.i like rainy weather.
2.my husband works at this plant.
3.he invited many friends to his birthday party.
4.they will come to see us next week.
5.they are having dinner now.
vii.замените существительные с предлогом of существительными в притяжательном падеже: the room of my friend, the questions of my son, the wife of my brother, the table of our teacher, the poems of pushkin, the car of my parents.
viii.переведите предложения и напишите их в вопросительной и отрицательной формах:
1) there are many students at the lesson
2) there is a visitor in the office.
3) there were people in the room.
4) the was some sense in what he proposes.
5) there will be a meeting tomorrow.
6) there will be many girls in our class.
ix.заполните пропуски глаголом to have, употребляя соответствующую форму настоящего и времени:
1) kate … a large family.
2) we … dinner in a restaurant yesterday.
3) … your sister a child?
4) we … many good teachers.
5) they … a good rest last summer.
6) i … many distant relatives.
x.раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в present simple или в present continuous:
1.water (to boil) at 100 degrees celsius.
2.the river (to flow) very fast today.
3.he (to go) for a walk after dinner.
4.listen! who (to play) the piano in the next room?
5.they (to read) many books?
6.he (to play) volley-ball well?
7.take an umbrella! it (to rain).
xi.раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в past simple или past continuous:
1) when i (to ring) up my friend, he (to sleep).
2) when my friend (to come) to see me, i (to do) my homework.
3) what you (to do) at 5 o’clock yesterday? i (to play) the piano.
4) when i (to prepare) breakfast in the morning, i (to cut) my finger.
5) when i (to come) to school, the children (to stand) near the classroom.
6) last year i (to go) to canada.
xii.переведите на язык, используя future simple или future continuous:
1) на следующей неделе мы к вам приедем.
2) что ты будешь делать в 8 часов завтра? я буду смотреть телевизор.
3) когда ты пойдешь навестить своего друга в следующий раз.
4) мой отец придет домой в 7 часов.
5) завтра в это же время я буду сдавать экзамен.

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11.12.2022 19:07

Том типичный подросток. Когда он не в школе, он играет в футбол, слушает музыку, гуляет с друзьями или делает уроки. Но это не то, что делает Тома типичным подростком в 21 веке. Он, как и многие молодые люди в мире, сегодня это коллективное общение, которое связывает их вместе. Такое коллективное общение обеспечивается социальными сетями, такими как Facebook.

Но что такое Facebook? Это мир обмена сообщениями, постукивания, тегов и обновлений статуса, и это один из самых популярных сетевых сайтов за всю историю. В настоящее время у него более миллиарда активных пользователей по всему миру!

Главной особенностью Facebook является профиль. который представляет собой коллекцию изображений и информации, которую каждый участник загружает и пишет. (3) Далее следует раздел с личной информацией, в том числе ваш вкус к занятиям. музыка, телевидение, книги и фильмы, а также общая коробка интересов и обо мне». Ниже приведена контактная информация, а профиль завершается информацией об образовании и / или профессии.

Аккаунт Facebook может содержать столько информации о вас, сколько вы хотите. Это то, что делает его таким популярным. (4) Это до них.

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18.01.2023 17:16
Intelligence - a high level of intelligence, education, high standards of behavior. Intelligence lies not only (or even - not so much!) Knowledge, but also in the ability to understand the other. It manifests itself in thousands and thousands of little things: the ability to respectfully argue, behave modestly at the table, the ability to seamlessly to help others, to protect nature and do not litter around him - no littering cigarette butts or swearing, bad ideas.       Unfortunately, in our time, not easy to find an intelligent person. But still there are such people. One such person is Vladimir Putin - President of the Russian Federation.       Vladimir Putin is the first person in Russia, so it always looks neat, clean. It will never see in a rumpled shirt or pants. At official meetings Vladimir Vladimirovich always appears only in strict black suit, which is not unimportant fact in the description of his intelligence. Our president - a very organized person. After all, a man distinguished by certain organized system of work, respect to time. Such a person is able to manage time and chores.       Vladimir Vladimirovich solves all the vital problems of our country, but the work is not easy, because it is a daily crossings between countries, constant negotiation, conflict resolution within our country. To be able to run the country, not everyone can. This president should be able to work with the staff.       We often see on TV, as the State Duma deputies, many unflattering expressed about each other or even fight. But I heard someone cursing Putin as scatters or walked down the street, scattering debris? No, of course not! After all, an intelligent person can not afford that.       Vladimir Vladimirovich is very calm and well-mannered people, it is easy, but at the same time clearly and correctly decides on new laws or amendments to it. He loves to help ordinary people, trying to do everything to make the lives of Russians was better pension increases, ensures to build more affordable housing mortgage and still many, many little things, which we will not know just because it is not shown on TV. And rightly so, because it is also one of the skill, which belongs only to intelligent man - is the ability to seamlessly help another.       Whether at the helm of our country unintelligent man, it would impact not only on the conditions of life of Russian citizens, but also on the development of the whole of Russia. And then hard to imagine how our country would look like, whether she unintelligent, irresponsible president.       But I am sure that Putin will not be president, but rather a simple citizen of our vast country, it would have behaved the same way intelligent. Because to be intelligent - is primarily the responsibility of the individual. And how he will behave depends, above all, is what will be its future life.       I myself try to imitate people like Vladimir Putin, as I also want to grow an intelligent man.
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