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15.09.2022 15:10 •  Английский язык

I. Прочитайте тексты (1-5) и найдите их соответствия с во Один во лишний. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу.

The New Londoners

1. I was born in India and then lived in many different parts of England. I moved to London fourteen years ago and I feel more at home in London than in any other place. What I like about London is that it is a multicultural place. The fact that I am from another country doesn’t mean (не означает) that I have to forget my own culture. Ethnic (национальный) festivals , markets, centers are as much part of London as Big Ben and the Tower of London.

2. I came to London from Australia to study. London is great! It got everything: nice shopping centers, convenient eating-places, beautiful and elegant architecture. But above all, I like the people there, who are ready to help.

3. I moved to London from Canada ten years ago because I got a job at one of the London universities. I love this city because I enjoyed the theatre, cinema, concerts, restaurants with food all over the world. It’s a pity that people move in and out of the city a lot. You make new friends all the time, but also “lose” friends all the time as well.

4. I’m a businessman from Poland. My favourite thing about London is that museums (not all but most of them) are free, so you can see works of art if you like and you don’t have to pay for expensive tickets.

5. I am Greek and I’m a travel agent. My office is far from the place where I live, so what I most dislike about London is that underground doesn’t operate during the night. This means that when I am coming back late from work, I have to take a bus, so it takes a lot of time to get home.

Which of these “ new Londoners”…?

A. likes exotic food

B. is a student.

C. dislikes the city transport

D. feels in England at home

E. enjoys free museums

F. doesn’t say anything about his job

1 2 3 4 5

II. Закончите предложения, используя подходящее слово из рамки. Используйте каждое слово только один раз. В рамке есть одно лишнее слово.

Strong, glasses, village, fun, old, white, proud, past, lady, age, eyes


How old is Grandfather? I don’t know. He never talks about his1. He’s about seventy, maybe seventy-five. Years ago he was a 2 man. He was a farmer, a soldier and a sportsman. His village was 3 of him.

Now he’s getting old. He doesn’t see without his 4, and he can’t hear well. His hair is thin and almost 5 . But he has a strong face.

Grandfather loves his store. He needs his store. It’s his only 6 . He has friends, but they are all 7. Oh, yes, he has us, the family, and I guess he loves us, but he doesn’t show it.

He lives in the past. All of his friends are living in the 8. At least the past can’t change. It’s always there, and you can close your 9 and see it. Grandma was a kind lovely 10, and grandfather’s world is not the same without her.

III. Выберите и обведите правильный ответ.

1. Who ___ their address?

a) does know b) knows c) know

2. This is ___ house in the street.

a) old b) older c) the oldest

3. Mike never ___ to school.

a) doesn’t walk b) walks c) walk

4. Why are those ___ hungry?

a) sheep b) monkey c) fox

5. Have they got ___ sister?

a) a b) the c) -

6. ___ goes shopping on Saturday?

a) Where b) Why c) Who

7. I think the children ___ happy to get the present.

a) will b) be c) will be

8. We ___ basketball yesterday.

a) play b) played c) shall play

9. Who ___ a red pen?

a) has got b) have got c) is

10. What ___ on the table?

a) there is b) is it c) is there

Показать ответ
05.11.2022 09:33


Each person has his hobby and as a matter of fact little free time to do something we like doing most of all. I also have many hobbies. As I am a pupil I haven`t got much free time during the school days. And I study in Russian school so I`ve got only one day off. It`s Sunday.

In my free time I usually hang out with my friends or surf the Net. If it is summer I don`t use the computer much and have a great time outside. But in autumn, winter and spring I have to use computer more because sometimes wecan`t do our homework without using the Internet. And I usually chat with my friends because I don`t see some of them for a long time.

On Saturdays or Sundays I usually help my mum with the housework, watch TV, meet my.

У каждого человека есть хобби и немного свободного времени для того, чтобы делать то, что мы любим больше всего. У меня также есть хобби. И поскольку я ученица, у меня нет много времени в учебные дни. При том, я учусь в Российской школе, поэтому выходной день у меня только один - воскресенье.

Летом я не сижу много времени за компьютером, а прекрасно провожу его на свежем воздухе. Но осенью, зимой и весной я вынуждена больше сидеть перед монитором, поскольку у нас есть уроки, которые можно сделать только при ресурсов Интернета. Также я всегда общаюсь со своими друзьями, поскольку мы не видимся с некоторыми из них достаточно долго.

В субботу и воскресенье я обычно маме с домашними делами, смотрю телевизор, встречаюсь с друзьями.

Оценка: 5 Голосов: 9 09.04.2012


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22.11.2022 05:21

1) And we will be making snowmen?(А мы будем лепить снеговика?)

    yes (Да)

2)What looks like a snowman?(А как выглядит снеговик?)

   He had 3 rounds of snow, the eyes are made of stone, and the nose of carrots (У него 3 круга снега, глаза сделанные из камней, и нос из морковки)

3)What does make a snowman?(Из чего делают снеговика?)

     Course of the snow (конечно же из снега)

4)Why carrot nose snowman?(Почему у снеговика нос из морковки?)

Do not know(Незнаю)

5)Snowman snowman called and why?(Снеговика называют снеговиком а почему?)

6)Well, he's out of the snow (Ну он же из снега)


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