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06.02.2022 01:18 •  Английский язык

I. Read. Fill in the gaps with the sentences below.
The race is on as to which country will be the first to inhabit the Moon. Apart from the United
States, Russia and recently India, now China, Japan and Europe plan on sending astronauts to the
Moon in the next twenty years. So, a station on the Moon might soon be possible! (1)… The
most obvious include the questions of power, water, air and shelter.
At this time scientists feel that the best place to establish a station would be either at the North or
South Pole. Here the temperature does not change as much throughout the day as it does near the
equator. (2)…
At present, NASA is in the process of sending a spacecraft to the Moon. Their high-tech
computers will be able to analyse the signals sent back to Earth, providing useful knowledge for
the researchers. (3)… The search is based on the theory that the comets which have been hitting
the Moon over the last two billion years have left ice in its craters. (4)…
Once this is done, the water could be separated into hydrogen and oxygen, providing an
atmosphere that can support life.
As for the question of material to build shelters, it would be best to get as many resources as
possible from the Moon, since the cost of transport is extremely high. (5)… Luckily, the Earth’s
satellite is rich in minerals that could be used to build a future station and even for rocket fuel.
(6)… after inhabiting the Moon. Who knows?
a) Just think, $400,000 is needed to send an object that weighs around four kilos to the
b) All the same, we have not found any evidence that the Moon has water.
c) Perhaps, the human race may be able to live on Mars.
d) Yet, we must face the fact that before this can happen we have a few problems to deal
e) With this information they will be able to finally know if there is water on the Moon.
f) Moreover, the poles see much more sunlight, which can be used for solar energy.
g) If this is the case, astronauts can use solar energy to melt the ice into water.
II. Match the words.
1. establish a) press
2. sweep b) truth
3. broadcast c) coverage
4. hit d) contact
5. gutter e) flash
6. live f) the skies
7. news g) a message
8. shred of h) the headlines
III. Paraphrase the sentences. Use idioms.
1. You are not listening to me. Who am I talking to?
2. Unfortunately, in this country rich people have more power and influence.
3. I’d never let my children answer adults in such a rude way.
4. She’s very direct; she always tells people what she thinks of them.
5. He said a lot of pleasant things to her in order to persuade her to drive him home.

IV. Change the sentences into the reported speech. Use different reporting verbs:
deny promise suggest complain ask
admit advise beg remind explain
1. “No, I didn’t break that vase,” the boy said.
2. “I’ve taken your umbrella,” he said to me.
3. “Tim always takes my things,” she said.
4. “Don’t forget to switch off the light,” she said to her brother.
5. “Please, please, buy this doll to me”, the girl said to her mother.
6. “I’ll write to you tomorrow,” she said to her friend.
7. “What are you going to prepare for the festive dinner?” Tom said to his mother.
8. “If I were you I’d avoid eating fatty food”, she said to her friend.
9. “How about going to the theatre today?” Nick said.
10. “This is how we use the present perfect”, the teacher said.
V. Correct mistakes in the sentences.
1. I’m afraid you’ve done a lot of mistakes.
2. He asked me what language courses did I attend last summer.
3. First she learnt French, then she has started learning German.
4. I’m thinking you should read more books.
5. Are there some mistakes in my essay?
6. She speaks accurately and fastly.
7. From this book you can get a lot of useful knowledges.

Показать ответ
13.07.2020 15:23


1. what is your favorite show? який твій улюблений серіал?

2. who is your best friend? хто твій найкращий друг?

3. do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? в тебе є хлопець/дівчина?

4. what is your hobby? яке твоє хобі?

5. what is your attitude to the bts group? яке твоє ставлення до групи bts?

6. what is your favorite food? яка твоя улюблена страва?

7. what do you like to do in your free time? що тобі подобається робити у вільний час?

8. where will you celebrate the new year? де ти будеш святкувати новий рік?

9. what is your favorite subject? why? який твій улюблений предмет? чому?

10. what is your favorite teacher? why? який твій улюблений вчитель? чому?

11. тобі подобається ходити до школи? чому? do you enjoy going to school? why?

12. чому сон є важливим для людини? why is sleep important to people?

13. тобі подобається іська мова? do you like english?

14. як ти навчаєшся? how do you study?

15. яка твоя улюблена тварина? what is your favorite pet?

16. який ти предмет ненавидиш? what subject do you hate?

17. ким би ти хотіла б стати у майбутньому? who would you like / want to become in the future?

18. ти розмовляеш ійською мовою? do you speak english?

19. скільки коштів потрібно щоб полетіти в туреччину? how much does it take to fly to turkey?

20. яка твоя улюблена пора року? what is your favorite season? !

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27.05.2023 13:57
Friends - boxers

I have looked at the TV«Vesti»
Next world title fight.
I poured myself a two hundred grams,
Two cucumber.

Lit I «Accept» ,
Felt so good and easy.
I look, and Ibragimov
Embracing with Klitschko.

Go and look at each other,
But has not yet been hit.
It is seen in the hall of their girlfriends,
They fight not give.

The glove hit in glove
The обнимутся again.
Them on the faces of the fingerprints,
Banned to leave.

Everywhere cameras record,
Should the appearance of the keep.
The audience whistle. After all know:
Unfastened them five.

And not thousand - million,
Everyone wants to see the blood.
Pay the audience in the «green»
Them for the fight, not for love.

But the guys from the Union,
Them why each other beat
And each other face тузить.
They tomorrow together for a drink.

Vova spilled my two hundred,
Bring Sultan shashlik.
Wife rejoice together,
The money is there, and the whole man.

Want more bucks,
The revenge realise.
Pay Americans,
Our look.

Battle ends. Next stood up.
Hand raised Klitschko.
Both not even tired
Breathe evenly and easily.

Shocked the audience remained,
Paid the money in vain:
See how that wouldn't fight
Two healthy bull.

I have not remained in the black,
Two hundred grams missed.
Make a fool let Americans:
I, however, money is not paid.

Друзья- боксеры 
Посмотрел я теле-«Вести» , Следом – чемпионский бой. Я налил себе грамм двести, Два огурчика с собой. 
Закурил я тут же «Приму» , Стало на душе легко. Я смотрю, а Ибрагимов Обнимается с Кличко. 
Ходят, смотрят друг на друга, Но пока еще не бьют. Видно, в зале их подруги, Им подраться не дают. 
То перчаткой бьют в перчатку, То обнимутся опять. Им на лицах отпечатки, Запретили оставлять. 
Всюду камеры снимают, Надо внешний вид держать. Зрители свистят. Ведь знают: Отстегнули им по пять. 
И не тысяч – миллионов, Все хотят увидеть кровь. Платят зрители в «зеленых» Им за бой, не за любовь. 
Но ребята из Союза, Им зачем друг друга бить И друг другу морду тузить. Им же завтра вместе пить. 
Вова разольет по двести, Принесет Султан шашлык. Жены радуются вместе, Деньги есть, и цел мужик. 
Захотят побольше баксов, То реванш сообразят. Платят пусть американцы, Что на наших поглядят. 
Бой закончен. Рядом встали. Руку подняли Кличко. Оба даже не устали, Дышат ровно и легко. 
В шоке зрители остались, Деньги заплатили зря: Посмотрели, как не дрались Два здоровых бугая. 
Я внакладе не остался, Двести граммов пропустил. Дурят пусть американцев: Я же денег не платил. 
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