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I. Read the text and decide if the statements are T (True) or F (False).
As people spend more time communing with their televisions and computers, the impact is not just on their health, researchers say. Less time spent outdoors means less contact with nature and, eventually, less interest in conservation and parks. Visits to national parks peaked in 1987 and dropped 23 percent by 2006.
"Declining nature participation has crucial implications for current conservation efforts," wrote the co-authors of the report. "We think it probable that any major decline in the value placed on natural areas and experiences will greatly reduce the value people place on the biodiversity conservation. The replacement of vigorous outdoor activities by sedentary, indoor activities has far-reaching consequences for physical and mental health, especially in children. Watching television and computer use have been shown to be a cause of obesity1, lack of socialization, attention disorders and poor academic performance."
By studying visits to national and state parks and the issuance of hunting and fishing licenses, the researchers documented declines of between 18 percent and 25 percent in various types of outdoor recreation. The decline, found in both the United States and Japan, appears to have begun in the 1980's and 1990's, the period of rapid growth of video games, they said.
1. Obesity is a cause of poor academic performance.
2. This report was written by 2 researchers.
3. A declining interest in outdoor recreation is connected with the growth of video gaming.
4. The article asserts that conservation and socialization are equally important.
5. Over the last 20 years, visits to national parks have stayed constant.
6. According to this article, a decline in outdoor recreation will lead to childhood obesity.
7. The article states that watching television has been linked to obesity and lack of socialization.
8. Over the past decades, the number of people visiting national parks has increased by 25 %.
9. The inability to concentrate may be a consequence of a sedentary lifestyle.
10. Interviews with overweight video gamers were used to support this article.​

Показать ответ
07.01.2020 21:20
1) I'll go out this weekend if I do my homework
2) If I'm hungry on the way home from school, I will buy chips in the shop
3) I'll be happy tomorrow if you go to the our party
4) If the weather is bad this weekend, I will sit at my sofa and read the book
5) I won't talk to my best friend if he don't complete the promises
6) If I can't watch TV tonight, I will go to sleep
7) I'll make my own dinner tonight if you bring certanly ingredients
8) If I can't do my English homework, I will ask to help my freind
0,0(0 оценок)
26.05.2023 07:42
1) Sherlock Holmes from the books of sir Arthur Conan Doyle,and from the TV series.
2) Фото
3) Sherlock Holmes, the hero of English writer Arthur Conan Doyle is my favorite literary character. I really like the detective story "the hound of the Baskervilles", which begins with the fact that Sherlock Holmes literally remove from the stick forgotten in his home visitor a lot of information. And when the owner of the stick, it turns out that Holmes is true. This time we are talking about the curse which hung over the family of the Baskervilles. It would seem, it is a legend, but shivers run through the skin when you hear the cries of night birds on the vast swamp, the breath and the growl of a huge dog, ready to devour a live person. Fear everything, and only Sherlock Holmes knows what to do. He remains calm, mellow. In any ancestral curses he does not believe, and his logic and common sense in the end win. I believe that Sherlock Holmes will remain my favorite character for life. It has all the traits necessary for a person: it is interesting, fearless, persuasive and smart.
ˈшёрˌлак хoумз, зэ ˈхирoу ав ˈинглиш ˈрайтэр ˈарсэр ˈкoунэн дойл из май ˈфейвэрит ˈлитэˌрери ˈкериктэр. ай ˈрили лайк зэ диˈтектив ˈстори "зэ хaунд ав зэ ˈбэскэрˌвилз", уич биˈгинз уиз зэ фэкт зэт ˈшёрˌлак хoумз ˈлитэрэли риˈмув фрам зэ стик фэрˈгатэн ин хиз хoум ˈвизэтэр э лат ав ˌинфэрˈмейшэн. энд уэн зи ˈoунэр ав зэ стик, ит тёрнз aут зэт хoумз из тру. зис тайм уи ар ˈтокин эˈбaут зэ кёрс уич хан ˈoувэр зэ ˈфэмэли ав зэ ˈбэскэрˌвилз. ит ууд сим, ит из э ˈледжэнд, бат ˈшивэрз ран сру зэ скин уэн ю хир зэ крайз ав найт бёрдз ан зэ вэст суамп, зэ брес энд зэ грaул ав э хьюдж дог, ˈреди ту диˈвaуэр э лив ˈпёрсэн. фир ˈевриˌсин, энд ˈoунли ˈшёрˌлак хoумз нoуз уат ту ду. хи риˈмейнз кам, ˈмелoу. ин ˈени энˈсестрэл ˈкёрсиз хи даз нат биˈлив, энд хиз ˈладжик энд ˈкамэн сенс ин зи енд уин. ай биˈлив зэт ˈшёрˌлак хoумз уил риˈмейн май ˈфейвэрит ˈкериктэр фор лайф. ит хэз ол зэ трейтс ˈнесэˌсери фор э ˈпёрсэн: ит из ˈинтрэстин, ˈфирлэс, пэрˈсуэйсив энд смарт. 
Шерлок Холмс, герой английского писателя Артура Конан Дойла – мой любимый литературный персонаж. Мне очень нравится детективная история «Собака Баскервилей», которая начинается с того, что Шерлок Холмс буквально извлекает из палки, забытой в его доме посетителем, массу информации. И когда появляется владелец палки, оказывается, что все сказанное Холмсом — правда. На этот раз речь идет о проклятии, которое нависло над родом Баскервилей. Казалось бы, это легенда, но мурашки пробегают по коже, когда слышишь крики ночных птиц на огромном болоте, дыхание и рычание огромной собаки, готовой растерзать живого человека. Страх испытывают все, и только Шерлок Холмс знает, что делать. Он остается спокойным, выдержанным. Ни в какие родовые заклятия он не верит, и его логика и здравый смысл в конце концов побеждают. Я считаю, что Шерлок Холмс останется моим любимым героем на всю жизнь. В нем есть все черты, необходимые человеку: он интересен, бесстрашен, убедителен и умен.
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