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31.01.2020 21:11 •  Английский язык

I. stated. is date there a lot of offices in is only listen mple: 0. ther monica have? it's task a. muke up the question sireet? nes, a lot of. i. what's fin's favourite lesson? ( the singers in the street souvenirs there 7 sure. aren't no, they what does ann like about her english lessons? ( speaking) writing) when does mark bave hanch? ? ( the second lesson after the 4. what subject does kate have with? (french geography) 5. are there more girls or boys in lynn's class? reading more girls boys) tash 5. fill in the definite article if necessa are the oldest mountains in usa is 2. one of the symbols of 3. the first colonists came to petersivary, stands on tourists come to moscow to see statue of liberty. america on board must flower. river. red square und kremlin. task 2. read the text and do the following tasks. arbat street is maybe the most famous moscow street. though it is not very home. them are a lot of souvenir shops, cafes and there. there is no traffic and people can easily walk along the street admiring its beautiful buildings. task 6. underline the common 1. jack ( knows) knew has known) since school. they are still good friends 2. dad (works)worked worked) as a computer programmer for twenty mateur singers and painters at work, years already. the graceful building of the prague restaurant is situated at the one end of the street and the ministry of affairs is at the other end. this building. is one the seven soviet allyscrapers. and right in the middle of arbet street the vakhtangov theatre is situated which is one of the most popular theatres in moscow. 3. the city of petersburg (is was has been) the capital of our country in the old days. 4. my mum (lives)lived has lived) in the north of russia when she was a school girl. s. we (finish finished have finished) work. i think we can have a bit of thst the one hand. arbat is rather old and if you come to one of the side streets you. can enjoy the beauty and atmosphere of old moscow. but on the other hand, it looks quite moden. arbat street is really one of the most popular tourist attractions in moscow. now 6. the colonists ( spend'spent have spent) about two months a way to america. sea on their 7. god ( is was has been) watching. tv since he came back home from work.

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17.03.2023 06:39
…Many people have come to believe that marriage has lost its meaning. With today’s high rates of divorces, with almost 50% (47% to be exact) of marriages ending in divorce, people feel the need to disregard its value and the sanctity of the institution of marriage.

Sure we say things like “Years ago marriage meant something, today that no longer holds true.” In all actuality, marriage means what it did over 50 years ago. It is a sacred union between two individuals vowing to become one. The issue is that people forget that they have become one, and today we like to run from struggles. We allow what society holds as a standard (lack thereof) or what we’ve become accustomed to overshadow what is really valuable. People don’t just disregard marriage, but in today’s world people are ready to give up on anything when things become tough. We see a struggle, and our first reaction is to run instead of jumping over the hurdle and seeing the glory at the end of a tough run.

I don’t need to see successful married couples to want to have a successful long-lasting marriage one day. Sure, it sets a great standard to follow, but if that standard hasn’t been set, why not set it yourself? I know plenty of people who didn’t graduate from high school, but that never stopped me from receiving my diploma. I know many people who never went to college, but it didn’t stop me from going to college myself. Many people didn’t graduate college, and that didn’t discourage me from achieving that goal; I graduated. The thing is, we can make a million excuses of why we don’t believe in marriage, why we don’t want to do this or that, but in reality the issue is the individual, not society. Excuses are merely made when you just don’t want to do something. No need to say you don’t believe in marriage because you don’t know anyone who’s been married or you know married couples with issues. Fact is we all have issues, married or single; the difference is how we handle those situations. What do you hold to be valuable in your life?

Marriage is a commitment. Marriage is sacred. Marriage is hard work. Marriage is the ability to overcome any obstacle whether it is financial or emotional, and recognizing that with your faith you will be able to conquer anything working against your marriage. You make a vow to become unified with another person…As a unified body; there is no time to just focus on “I”! Sure we all need some me time, but how does your “I” affect the “we”? Marriages/Relationships work because you want them to work…You think them through, you work it out. When you’re ready to give up, all is lost and you aren’t fighting to work through your situation. That’s when it meets its demise. That’s when people begin to become selfish…That’s when we spread hurt.
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17.03.2023 06:39
Marriage in today’s world, while not as strictly defined as it was in Jane Austin’s time, still has many aspects that are almost universal. In Austen’s era, marriage was mainly thought of as a way for a person, mostly women, to ensure themselves a life of prosperity and security. Marriage was considered the majority of women must do, and for men, it was something they could wait to see come to them. In modern times, however, that definition has changed, as men and women both want marriage for many reasons which include love, financial security, and social pressures.
Many legal and financial advantages can be attained through marriage. While it may not be the sole reason for a couple tying the knot, most of the time it is definitely a factor they at least consider. Marrying strictly for this reason however is looked down upon in today’s society. Arranged marriage is also considered by many, including myself, as something alien that happens under special circumstances, even though only an era ago it was something that many families took seriously. 
One major difference of marriage in modern society from Austen’s society is marriage is now considered by almost everyone as something that should be reserved for couple’s who are in love. Of course, the definition isn’t always so vague, as many gay couples still find themselves blocked at every turn when they try to arrange a marriage. But when love is obviously clear between two people, it is usually a good sign that they will marry, regardless of social class.
“Pride relates more to our opinion of ourselves, vanity to what we would have others think of us." In order to alleviate social pressures, especially from their family, marriage is considered a rite of passage into adulthood in many cultures, including American’s. While it is possible for either a man or a woman to go through life and not get married, both are constantly reminded by society that they are missing out on a great experience of life. 
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