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I. Выполните тест 1. North Korea still a vast police state that
a network of concentration camps
spanning the country.
A) was maintaining / has included
B) had maintained / would include
C) is maintaining / had included
D) maintains / includes
E) maintained / will include
2. To the astronomers of the Middle Ages, the most
important classical authorities on natural philosophy
Aristotle and Ptolemy, since both
frameworks that explained the whole
A) had been / created
B) are / have created
C) were / had created
D) have been / create
E) may have been / were creating
3. Russia earlier this week that it
all its troops out of Georgia.
A) had announced / pulled
B) announces / would have pulled
C) announced / had pulled
D) is announcing / has pulled
E) has announced / was pulling
4. Last week’s supplementary budget package
to prevent Japan's economy from plunging
even lower.
A) is being designed
B) has designed
C) was designed
D) would be designed
E) had designed
5. When they heard a gunfire across the border, the
relief workers in the camp knew that another group
of refugees before long.
A) are arriving
B) had arrived
C) will arrive
D) would be arriving
E) could have arrived
6. More than half of the 850 asylum seekers currently
detained in Britain in prison with no right
of appeal, even though the vast majority
with any offence, let alone convicted.
A) were held / are not charged
B) are being held / have not been charged
C) have been held / would not be charged
D) being held / had not been charged
E) will be held / were not being charged
7. The Pacific markets extremely competitive
since the manufacturing capacity of many Far
Eastern countries to improve at the turn
of the decade.
A) are becoming / begins
B) had become / would begin
C) became / have begun
D) were becoming / would have begun
E) have become / began
8. The history of the Venetian republic to an
end in 1797 when Venice over to Austria
by Napoleon.
A) was coming / would have been handed
B) had come / has been handed
C) comes / had been handed
D) came / was handed
E) was questioned
9. In the past few months, our company director
more mettle than most industrialists
in an entire career.
A) had shown / have done
B) showed / would do
C) shows / did
D) was showing / may have done
E) has shown / do
10. When the Italian astronomer Giovanni Schiaparelli
a map of Mars in 1877, he a
large number of straight linear features, which he
called "canali", that is, channels.
A) publishes / has noted
B) had published / was noting
C) has published / notes
D) published / noted
E) would have published / had noted
11. What I is that we to think
seriously about a thorough reform in the legal
A) have proposed / should have begun
B) had proposed / were beginning
C) am proposing / begin
D) was proposing / have begun
E) proposed / had begun
12. For a hundred years or so some critics
that poetry is dying, and all that time poets
poems that later generations recognize as
A) have maintained / have been writing
B) maintained / wrote
C) had maintained / were writing
D) maintain / are writing
E) would maintain / had been writing
13. The orders were that we the area within
hours to prevent further loss of life
A) had evacuated
B) have to evacuate
C) will have evacuated
D) shall have to evacuate
E) had to evacuate
14. As I you yesterday, the undersecretary
over this afternoon’s discussions
A) have told / was presiding
B) told / will be presiding
C) would have told / had presided
D) will tell / has presided
E) would tell / has been presiding
15. The Etruscans, who a great part of Italy
about 900 B.C., from Asia Minor.
A) had colonized / originally came
B) colonized / had originally come
C) were colonized / have originally come
D) have colonized / originally come
E) were colonizing / might originally come
16. One feels that there any noticeable
improvement in the human rights problem in Africa
until all the African countries their
economic difficulties.
A) cannot be / will overcome
B) hasn’t been / had overcome
C) won’t be / overcome
D) wouldn’t be / would be overcome
E) wasn’t / have overcome

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16.11.2020 12:50
Будущий солист группы "может подать", кумир всех девушек 80-х годов он был рожден 6 Septem Бер 1973 года в Кумертау Башкирской АССР. Детство будущей звезды было не легко. Его отец, Василий Клименко, ушел из семьи, cogdem было три года. Сейчас он до сих пор живет в Кумертау, поднимая ее двух дочерей и сына со звездой чате не хотят. Его мать, Вера Гавриловна, умерла в возрасте 29 лет, когда ему было восемь лет. После смерти матери он был в селе Тюльган, его тетя. Но долго он не остался там. Тетя было трудно справиться с шустрым подростком, и она получила его в Abakumovskaya детском доме, куда он был переведен в Оренбургский интернат № 2. Там он встретился с руководителем музыкального кружка Сергей Кузнецов, с которым они записали свои первые песни , Так началась легендарная группа "Ласковый май". Он обосновал свое имя и, как только весна придет, регулярно убегал из приюта. И кто знает, как это было бы его судьба, если в 1988 году Андрей Разин не слышал его исполнение песни "Белые розы". Он сразу заметил талантливого мальчика и переехал его в Москву. Таким образом, в Всесоюзной ассоциации СПМ "Рекорд" начал свое существование, новый "Ласкового мая". Разин "Ласкового мая" с ним продолжалось с 1988 по 1992 год, и после выхода на пенсию Шатунова почти сразу рухнул. С уходом "Ласкового мая", он начал сольную карьеру, а его продюсером был г-н Кудряшов. Первый сольный концерт состоялся в 1993 году Затем было выступление на нем "Рождественские встречи" Аллы Пугачевой песню "Звёздный ночь." В середине 1996 года он пытается изменить свой имидж и в 1997 году выпустила альбом ремиксов "искусственное дыхание". Это было «второе дыхание» к своему творчеству В конце 90-х годов он переехал в Германию и посвятил себя своей личной жизни. Сейчас он известный певец, любящий муж, заботливый отец и успешный бизнесмен. Но его музыкальная карьера, что он не сделал: до сих пор турне, выпуская альбомы и радует поклонников старые и новые песни.
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30.08.2022 00:50
Newton's great work is called "Principia" was published in 1687. More than a century ago the Russian chemical society was organazied and named after Mendeleev. The subjects in the first and second years of the students studies are very important for their future specialities. The government wasn't interested in the invention which popov made ( was made by Popov).

1) We were told about the film which was made several years before. A very interesting article which is published in the magazine is available in our library. The instrument is made of the new material. We don't know much about this subject. We heard so much about the cosmonauts who came to our town. Have you seen the new device's main components it consists of? 
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