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30.12.2022 06:02 •  Английский язык

In the Lift

Once, I came home from school and got in the lift and about half way up it suddenly stopped. There was no one in with me. I was terrified. It just stopped with me inside. I felt so stupid. I felt as if I was hanging miles up in the air in a box tied by strings. I didn’t know what to do. I looked at the buttons.

I began by pressing all the numbers. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. No good. Then I looked at the other buttons. One said, “STOP”. I didn’t bother to press that one. Another said, DOORS OPEN”. I didn’t dare to press that. Imagine the door opening and me stepping out and falling down four floors.

I shouted out, “Help!”

No one answered. I shouted again.

“Help! Help! Get me out. I’m stuck in the lift.”

There was a switch at the bottom of the buttons. So I pressed it down. Nothing happened.

Then the light went out.

I started to cry and scream at the same time. I screamed and screamed. In the end I couldn’t scream any more. But I could keep on crying and I did. I don’t think I’ve ever cried as much in my life.

I sat down on the floor and pressed myself against the back wall. I don’t know, It felt safer, as far away from the door as possible. I kept thinking, “They’re going to open soon and I’ll fall out.”

If only I could get a light. Then I could, perhaps, try to escape. If I could see. Maybe that switch, I thought, was really the light-switch even though the light hadn’t gone off when I’d pressed it.

I slid myself round and stretched up my arm to feel for the buttons. I got my fingers on the switch and pressed it back up. Nothing happened. I screamed out, “Help! Please! Help! Get me out! Mum! Mum! Mum!” And I banged my hand against all the buttons; I banged and pressed them all.

Then I heard a bell ringing. It was just like the electric bell we had at our school. But it didn’t stop. It just kept on ringing and ringing.

“It’s an alarm bell,” I thought. “The building must be on fire.”

“Please, God,” I said, “Please get me out. I’ll do anything. I’ll be better. I really will. Please get me out.”

It was hot. It was getting really hot in the lift. I was sweating. I knew that I would soon be able to smell the smoke.

And then – the lift moved.

I screamed as loud as I could, though I knew no one would hear me. The lift was moving. The fire must have burnt through the cables. I was scared stiff but then I realized that the lift was moving very slowly as if someone was carefully lowering it down.

Very gently, down we went – me and the lift, together in the dark.

It stopped. I pressed myself against the steel wall. And the door opened. There was a man standing there. I couldn’t see his face against the light. He stepped towards me.

“Right, love,” he said. “Let’s have you out.”

1) Put these sentences in the correct order.

The building was on fire and it was getting hot in the lift.

Once, I came home from school and got in the lift. The lift stopped half way up.

“Please, God,” I said, “Get me out. I’ll be better.”

There was no one in with me.

I shouted out, “Help!” No one answered.

I started to cry and screamed at the same time.

Then the light went out.

I pressed all the buttons. No good.

Then the lift moved down very slowly.

Then I heard a bell ringing. It was an alarm bell.

The lift stopped, the door opened. There was a man standing there.

2) Choose true or false

1. The storyteller stuck in the lift

2. The hero felt as if he was hanging miles up in the air in a box tied by strings.

3. The first button which the teller pressed was STOP

4. When the light went out the hero started laughing and mewing

5. The teller stood up from the floor and pressed himself against the back wall

6. In the dark the hero continued looking for the buttons and pressing and banging them all

7. Suddenly he heard an alarm system

8. There was a great fire in the house

9. At last, the hero managed to get out of the lift

3) Find the right translation

Нажать на кнопку, застрять в лифте, выбраться из лифта, электрический звонок, протянуть руки, на полпути, выпасть из лифта, выключатель, опускаться вниз

Показать ответ
31.08.2021 01:08

1) Моей сестре нравится быть одной

2) Кейт любит готовить, но она ненавидит мыть посуду

3) Он не против работы в Воскресенье

4) Начался дождь

6) Суп очень горячий и я боялся обжечь свой язык

8) Этот нож только для резки хлеба

9) Я перевел текст без словаря

10) Ник очень хорош в готовке

11) Я голоден. Я очень жду обеда

12) Энн не удалось сдать экзамены

13) Гости поблагодарили официанта за быстрое обслуживание

14) Я настаиваю на том чтобы ты пришел на мою вечеринку

15) Они отказались от идеи поиска работы в этом городе

16) Вместо того чтобы есть дома мы пошли в ресторан

17) Билл ушел не закончив ужин

18) Разговаривать на Английском легче чем читать на нем

19) Нет смысла плакать над пролитым молоком (это буквальный перевод идиомы)

20) Простите за беспокойство

0,0(0 оценок)
04.07.2021 22:40

Перевод всего видео:

-Где я могу купить билет на автобус?

-Вы покупаете его в автобусе.

-Разве здесь не станция?

-Да, но покупаете билеты вы не здесь.

-Водитель автобуса выдаст мне мой билет?

-У водителя автобуса есть машина которая их выдаёт.

-Мне нужно каждый раз покупать новый билет чтобы ездить на автобусе?

-Да, но если вы планируете ездить на нескольких автобусах, купите дневной пропуск (буквальный перевод, возможно имеется ввиду просто пропуск).

-Почему я должен покупать дневной пропуск?

-Это будет дешевле, чем покупать несколько билетов.

-Значит, я должен просто подождать автобус?

-Да, и убедитесь что вы изменили. (Я не смог понять что она имела ввиду)

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