Английский язык
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20.03.2023 00:15 •  Английский язык

Используя информацию из текста докажите, что:
1. The United Kingdom is an attractive country for
foreign investors.
2. UK has many natural resources for its developed
3. UK is a large market for national producers.
4. UK is a perfect place for international trade.
The United Kingdom has a developed mixed private- and public-enterprise economy and ranks among the top industrial countries in growth rates, productivity, and competitiveness. The gross national product (GNP) is growing faster than the population. The GNP per capita is among that of most other European countries.

The state sector was reduced during the 1980s and 1990s owing to policies of privatization, or denational­ization, of publicly owned corporations. There was also an improvement in the standard of living. Unemploy­ment and inflation rates were gradually reduced but remained high.

Nowadays, government policies include the close monitoring and frequent adjustment of interest rates; a gradual reduction in the level of direct personal taxa­tion; a reduction in the levels of power and influence of national trade unions in national labour negotiations; the encouragement of wider home ownership and of individuals’ share holdings in companies. Considerable emphasis is placed on increased exposure of the economy to market forces. The government controls the production of coal, steel, and ships, it also runs certain utilities, the railways, and most civil aviation.

Manufacturing industries account for one-fifth of the GNP. Small companies predominate, though companies with 500 or more employees employ a larger percentage of the work force. Major manufactures include motor vehicles, aerospace equipment, electronic data- processing and telecommunication equipment, metal goods, precision instruments, petrochemicals, and other chemicals. High-technology industries are being developed.

Agriculture accounts for less than 2 percent of the GNP and employs some 2 percent of the work force. Farming is highly mechanized, though farms are not extremely large, and is dominated by the raising of sheep and cattle. The United Kingdom is not agriculturally self- sufficient. Chief crops include barley, wheat, sugar beets, and potatoes.

The mineral industry accounts for approximately 6 percent of the GNP but employs less than 1 percent of the work force. Production from oil fields in the North Sea has allowed the United Kingdom to become virtually self-sufficient in petroleum. The United Kingdom’s coal industry, despite its steady decline since the early 1950s, remains one of the largest and most technologically advanced in Europe.

Public revenues ordinarily fall short of expenditures and are chiefly derived from income taxes, which are highly progressive, and excises. A single graduated income tax was introduced in 1973. Deficits are offset by public borrowing. The country (as well as its capital) is a major world financial and banking centre.

Chief imports of Great Britain are: metallic ores, except iron ore, food. Chief exports are: china, automobiles and other vehicles, wooden goods, steel, electrical and mechanical machinery, tractors, scientific instruments, chemicals, petroleum.

Just under half of the total population is in the labour force. The highest proportion of employees (more than two-thirds) are in the service sectors, financial services and distribution. Manufacturing, although it has declined, employs more than one-fifth of all workers. Smaller numbers are in construction, energy, agriculture, forestry, and fishing.

Показать ответ
14.04.2023 21:45


1. He does not have a car. But he has a computer. The computer is new.

2. His friends have a cat and a dog. The dog never bites the cat.

3. This is a tree. The tree is green.

4. I see three boys. The boys play.

5. I have a bicycle. The bike is black. My friend does not have a bicycle.

6. Our room is big.

7. Yesterday we wrote a dictation. The dictation was long.

8. He has two daughters and one son. She is a critical student.

9. Last year I gave my mother a bracelet on her birthday. She liked the bracelet.

10. My friend has no dogs.

11. This pencil breaks. Give me this pencil, please.

12. He has no ball. The ball is big.

13. Yesterday I received a letter from my friend. The letter was interesting.

14. When they were in Geneva, they stayed in a hotel. Sometimes they ate at the hotel, and sometimes at the restaurant.

15. I have an idea.

16. What a surprise! The parents gave us a Christmas DVD player.

0,0(0 оценок)
10.12.2021 12:30
1.       My friend will be in Moscow tomorrow.
Will my friend be in Moscow tomorrow? – Yes, he will be in Moscow tomorrow.(Вариант краткого ответа: Yes, he will)

2.       She Ann will be in the village on Sunday.
Will she be in the village on Sunday? – No, she will not be in the village on Sunday. She will be in the park.
(Вариант краткого ответа: No, she won’t be in the village on Sunday. She will be in the park.

3.       The weather will be warm tomorrow.
Will the weather be warm tomorrow? – Yes, It will be warm.

4.       I will be twenty next year.
Will I be twenty next year? – No, you will not be twenty next year. You will be nineteen. 

5.       I will be hungry later.
Will I be hungry later? – Yes, you will be hungry later.

6.       Jane will be the best teacher.
Will Jane be the best teacher? – Of course, she will!

7.       My mother will be at work next week.
Will my mother be at work next week? – No, she will not be at work next week. She will be on vacation.

8.       Tom and Jack will be in London next month.
Will they be in London next month? – Yes, they will.

9.       My friends will be doctors in 5 years.
Will my friends be doctors in 5 years? – No, they won’t be doctors. They will be office workers.

10.   The tickets will be cheap.
Will tickets be cheap? – No, it won’t be cheap. It will be more expensive than they've ever been.

11.   I will be happy to see you again.
Will I be happy to see you again? – Yes, you will be happy to see me again.

12.   My holidays will be wonderful.
Will my holidays be wonderful? – Yes, I promise your holidays will be amazing.

13.   Your sister will be at home in the evening.
Will your sister be at home in the evening? – No, she won’t. She will be on a date with a new boyfriend.

14.   It will be nice to meet him again.
Will it be nice to meet him again? – No, it won’t. I hope I will never see him again.

15.   I will be at work in the morning.
Will I be at work in the morning? – Yes, you will be at work in the morning.
0,0(0 оценок)
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