1) Where were you doing when I saw you on the bus last night?
2) Did you enjoy the film?
3) When we shared a room, Zoe was always taking my things. It was so annoying!
4) When I went to get the tickets, I realised I didn't have any money.
5) When I was young, we went to France every year on holiday.
6) Did Elvis become famous for the song Blue Suede Shoes.
7) When you rang last night, I was working in the garden so I didn't hear the phone.
8) I heard from Davina last night. She says hello.
9) The old man appeared to be very tired and he slowly sat down
10) We threw a surprise party for my brother las Saturday.
1. what is your favorite show? який твій улюблений серіал?
2. who is your best friend? хто твій найкращий друг?
3. do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? в тебе є хлопець/дівчина?
4. what is your hobby? яке твоє хобі?
5. what is your attitude to the bts group? яке твоє ставлення до групи bts?
6. what is your favorite food? яка твоя улюблена страва?
7. what do you like to do in your free time? що тобі подобається робити у вільний час?
8. where will you celebrate the new year? де ти будеш святкувати новий рік?
9. what is your favorite subject? why? який твій улюблений предмет? чому?
10. what is your favorite teacher? why? який твій улюблений вчитель? чому?
11. тобі подобається ходити до школи? чому? do you enjoy going to school? why?
12. чому сон є важливим для людини? why is sleep important to people?
13. тобі подобається іська мова? do you like english?
14. як ти навчаєшся? how do you study?
15. яка твоя улюблена тварина? what is your favorite pet?
16. який ти предмет ненавидиш? what subject do you hate?
17. ким би ти хотіла б стати у майбутньому? who would you like / want to become in the future?
18. ти розмовляеш ійською мовою? do you speak english?
19. скільки коштів потрібно щоб полетіти в туреччину? how much does it take to fly to turkey?
20. яка твоя улюблена пора року? what is your favorite season? !
1) Where were you doing when I saw you on the bus last night?
2) Did you enjoy the film?
3) When we shared a room, Zoe was always taking my things. It was so annoying!
4) When I went to get the tickets, I realised I didn't have any money.
5) When I was young, we went to France every year on holiday.
6) Did Elvis become famous for the song Blue Suede Shoes.
7) When you rang last night, I was working in the garden so I didn't hear the phone.
8) I heard from Davina last night. She says hello.
9) The old man appeared to be very tired and he slowly sat down
10) We threw a surprise party for my brother las Saturday.
1. what is your favorite show? який твій улюблений серіал?
2. who is your best friend? хто твій найкращий друг?
3. do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? в тебе є хлопець/дівчина?
4. what is your hobby? яке твоє хобі?
5. what is your attitude to the bts group? яке твоє ставлення до групи bts?
6. what is your favorite food? яка твоя улюблена страва?
7. what do you like to do in your free time? що тобі подобається робити у вільний час?
8. where will you celebrate the new year? де ти будеш святкувати новий рік?
9. what is your favorite subject? why? який твій улюблений предмет? чому?
10. what is your favorite teacher? why? який твій улюблений вчитель? чому?
11. тобі подобається ходити до школи? чому? do you enjoy going to school? why?
12. чому сон є важливим для людини? why is sleep important to people?
13. тобі подобається іська мова? do you like english?
14. як ти навчаєшся? how do you study?
15. яка твоя улюблена тварина? what is your favorite pet?
16. який ти предмет ненавидиш? what subject do you hate?
17. ким би ти хотіла б стати у майбутньому? who would you like / want to become in the future?
18. ти розмовляеш ійською мовою? do you speak english?
19. скільки коштів потрібно щоб полетіти в туреччину? how much does it take to fly to turkey?
20. яка твоя улюблена пора року? what is your favorite season? !