Как это говориться буквами the hare always laughed at the tortoise because he was so slow. all the animals were tired of lictening to the hare.then one day the tortoise surprised them all: 'let's have a rase tomorrow then! ' the next day, when they started the rase,the hare jumped forward. wery soon he was far ahead of the tortoise. it was a were sunny dayans the hare was very hot. there's a tree.i can rest under it! a few hours later,the tortoise passed the sleeping suddenly,the hare opened his eyes and looked around.he saw the tortoise at the finish line! the tortoise was the winner! the hare learned his lesson that day: keep on going and don't stop until you cross the finish line!
ве некст дэй,
вен вей стартед ве рейс ве хэа джампед форвард. вери сун хи воз фа эхед ве тортос. ит ваз э вери фани дэй энд ве хеа ваз вери хот. вереис а три. ай кан рест андэ ит. э фью аурс лэтэ ве тортос пасд ве слипинг хеа...
саденли, ве хеа опэнд анд лукд эраунд. хи соу ве тортос он ве финиш лайн
ве тортос воз ве винер! ые хэа лёрнед хиз лесон вэт дэй: кип он гоинг энд донт стоп антил э крос ве финиш лайн.
В принципе, русскими буквами невозможно передать английские звуки точно.