Как правильно читать? (на напишите, ). the city was founded in 1736, 13 september. by the end of the xix century chelyabinsk was a small town. city life has changed dramatically with the advent in 1892 of the railway year. chelyabinsk plays an important role during world war ii as a rear city. its population has grown from 270 to 650 thousand people. the first half of the 90s. has become a difficult period for the entire country: the bankruptcy of enterprises, non-payment of salaries. from a fortress chelyabinsk has become a powerful industrial and cultural center of the southern urals, the city of a million people, among them - representatives of hundreds of nationalities. aloe field - recreation park, located in the central area of the city of chelyabinsk. since 2000, the park is declared a historical site, is under state protection. the longest street in chelyabinsk - victory avenue. its length is more than 12 kilometers. the street was formed may 9, 1965. previously it was called the solar and elected.
ˈэлоу филд - ˌрикриˈейшэн пак, лоуˈкейтид ин зэ ˈсентрэл ˈеэриэ ов зэ ˈсити ов чиˈлйабинск. синс зэ йиэ ту ˈсaузэнд, зэ пак из диˈклеэд э хисˈторикэл сайт, из ˈандэ стейт прэˈтекшэн.
зэ ˈлонгист стрит ин чиˈлйабинск - ˈвиктэри ˈэвинью. итс ленс из мо зэн туэлв ˈкилоуˌмитэз. зэ стрит уоз фомд он зэ найнс ов мей, ˈнайнˈтин ˈсиксти файв. ˈпривьэсли ит уоз колд зэ ˈсоулэр энд иˈлектид.