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Лишнее слово 1. Helen who has been a vegetarian for twelve and a half years. She says, 'I've never really liked meat, and throughout my teens ate less and less of it. Then, I went abroad on holiday one year and when I came back I decided to give up meat for it good.
My husband and I love food and we spend on hours experimenting with different recipes – there's so much you can do with vegetarian food. Our favourite foods are mainly Italian and Indian. We probably eat too much fat in our diet and are aware so that we need to cut down. I study labels carefully but we don't worry too much when we eat out.'

2. It is widely known that in the past food was somehow more better than it is today. The fruit and vegetables were more naturally grown and this was not seen as an extra bonus which added it ten per cent tо the price.
Most food was fresh, not such frozen. When you went shopping you could ask for the piece of meat you there wanted and see the butcher cutting it instead of finding it ready-wrapped in plastic.

3. There is no doubt that the Internet has brought such many benefits to modern life, but would it benefit a child’s education to be taught via email, websites and webcams instead of going to school? As far as I am concerned, I believe so that it is better for students to be taught in the traditional way.
If children and teenagers didn’t go to school, they would not have the opportunity how to interact with others and develop friendships. As a result, they may lack it the social skills needed to be successful in a workplace.

4. I really enjoy camping. It gives you a chance to become one with nature and live it the way you were meant to live. If only I could get away more often! Most people, though, they would rather spend their holidays at a luxurious resort.
But it’s about time they realised how such important it is to experience the freedom camping has to offer. There is one more thing what I would like to point out. I wish people who actually go camping wouldn’t leave their rubbish behind when they pack up their tents and go home.

5. A time bank is so a new and exciting way for people to come together to help others and help themselves at the same time. Participants who ‘deposit’ their time in the bank by giving practical help and support to others and are able to ‘withdraw’ their time when they need help themselves.
In a time bank, where everyone becomes both a giver and a receiver. Everyone’s time is valued equally: one hour = 1 time credit. Participants can spend their time credits on the skills and support of other participants when they need it a helping hand.

6. Jodie Sutter has recently changed her lifestyle. She is part of a growing number of women who are abandoning their careers to become full-time homecarers. Judie worked for ten years such as a successful lawyer in a large legal firm in the city. She very loved her job and was moving up the career ladder. Twelve-hour days were not uncommon and her weekends were always busy.
When she had her first child, though, things changed. “In the first place, my colleagues couldn’t count on me myself when they had a heavy workload because I’d have to rush home to Lucy,” she said. She soon realised that there was more to family life than she had it imagined. She decided to leave her job.

7. When he was made redundant four years ago, John Spencer set it up his own business which dealing in rare and second-hand books. "I didn't expect to lose my job," he said.
“It happened very suddenly and I knew it would be difficult to find out another one. I'd always been interested in books, so that seemed be a good business to choose. I run the business from home and send and receive books by post so I don't need my own premises.”

8. Social networks connect people at low cost; this can be beneficial for entrepreneurs and small businesses planning to very expand their contact base. These networks often act as a customer relationship management tool for companies which selling products and services.
Companies can also use social networks for it advertising in the form of banners and text ads. Since businesses operate globally, social networks can make it such easier to keep in touch with contacts around the world.

9. Paracetamol was discovered in 1877, and it has been very used ever since. Today, in Europe and the USA, it is often prescribed to treat it fever and pain.
Although nobody who knows exactly how it works, it is popular because, unlike aspirin, it is safe for both children and pregnant women. However, strange as it may seem, snakes die if they eat paracetamol, even in so small doses.

10. In the past, it wasn’t thought to be a problem if young people who ate lots of dairy products. Nowadays, though, such as foods are known to cause heart disease.
Doctors say that sugar must be added to food and drink only in so small quantities. I guess it’s more important to be healthy than to just eat or drink anything we very like.

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16.02.2021 22:55


Hello Nick!How are you? I am ok. I want to tell you about my visit to the theatre. We have a very beatiful theatre in our town.  We were glad to know that the leading parts were acted by the talented young dancers. From the very first minute I was deeply impressed by everything I saw on the stage and followed the play with the great interest. The setting and dancing were exelent. The customs were fine and the scenery and the music were brilliant. The ballet seemed to me as the beautiful fairy tale and the atmosfere was really magical. I couldn*t take my eyes off the stage. After the first act we went to look over the theatre. We saw boxes, the orchestra pit, the dress – circle and the gallery. There were many portraits of opera – singers and the ballet dancers on the walls of the foyer.      I was especially charmed by the « Small Swans dance ». When the curtain fell of the end of the performance there was a storm of applause. The dancers were presented with flowers. The performance was a great success with the public. In a word my first visit to the Ballshoi Opera House gave me unforgettable impressions!Are you enjoying theatre? I will wait for response.Best wishes, Clark.

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14.05.2022 03:22

1) Can you guess what subjects are being taught in each picture?

2) Do you study these subjects at school?

3) What are your favourite subjects?

4) Which do you prefer, practical work or theoretical work?

5) What are your plans after leaving school?

6) Do your school subjects educate you for life?

1) Можете ли вы догадаться, какие предметы преподаются на каждой картинке?    - Yes, I can. (Да, могу)

2) Изучаете ли вы эти предметы в школе?  - Yes, we do. (Да)

3) Какие ваши любимые предметы?  - My favourite subjects are History and English. (История и английский язык)

4) Что вы предпочитаете, практическую работу или теоретическую работу?    - I prefer practical work. (Практическую)

5) Kаковы ваши планы после окончания школы?      - After leaving school I'll enter a university or a college. (Буду поступать в университет или колледж)

6) Ваши школьные предметы обучают вас жизни?  - Yes, they do. (Да, обучают)    Оur school subjects educate us for life.

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