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Listening comprehension test  in britain censorship of videos is much stricter than in many other european countries. and it might be even stricter in future, especially with violent. soon, it may be difficult to hire films like reservoir dogs on video in britain. film censors are worried that young people might copy screen violence.in england last year, a ten-year-old and eleven-year-old killed two-year-old boy. many people blamed a famous horror film. the two boys copied many of the violent scenes in the film when they attacked their victim.a recent investigation showed that many young, violent criminals watch violent films. however, this does not mean that there is a definite connection. millions of other people also watch them, but not perform violent crimes.in the usa, a boy dropped a bowling ball from a bridge onto cars on motorway and killed someone after he saw it on “beavis and butt-head”. a mother blamed this programme when her son started a fire, which killed his sister. but don’t young people know the difference between reality and fiction? the producers of the programme say that the audience know that the two characters are “crazy”, but prefer  “beavis and butt-head” to cartoons with moral messages because they are original and funny.countries vary in their opinion of video violence. spain and portugal have almost no limitations for the cinema or video. france has no limitations for videos.in england “die hard 2” was a certificate 15 but the film censors cut out the most violent scenes. in france, there was no age limitation and it was possible to see the entire film.many film producers believe that too much censorship might destroy the film industry. what do you think? listening comprehension test  find true and false statements1) in most european countries there’s no censorship on videos.2) censorship in great britain is very strict.3) violent films on tv cause violence in reality.4) teenagers sometimes cannot see the difference between reality and fiction.5) the film producers think that too strict censorship might destroy the film industry.6) parents may not be worried about the quality and content of the films their kids watch on tv.complete the sentences.1) film censors are worried that young people might copy screen … .a) fights; b) violence; c) kisses; d) movements2)      a recent … showed that many young, violent criminals watch violent films.a) discussion; b) investment; c) research; d) investigation3) but don’t young people know the difference between reality and … ? a) fiction; b) fantasy; c) film; d) flowers4) france has no limitations for … .a) music; b) films; c) videos; d) clips5) countries vary in their opinion of video … .a) cruel scenes; b) murders; c) fights; d) violence.6) spain and … have almost no limitations for the cinema or video.a) ukraine; b) portugal; c) peru; d) germany.iii. answer the questions.  1) why can the censorship become stricter in great britain? 2) why do people prefer to watch “beavis and butt-head”? 3) what countries don’t almost have censorship? 4) what might destroy film industry?   ​

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05.04.2022 11:45

Exercise 1

1. I always keep secrets. (Я всегда храню секреты) - I always kept secrets. (Я всегда хранил секреты).

2. He sleeps well. (Он спит хорошо) - He slept well. (Он спал хорошо).

3. The driver feels bad and stops the car. (Водитель чувствует себя плохо и останавливает машину). - The driver felt bad and stopped the car. (Водитель почувствовал себя плохо и остановил машину).

4. He means well. (У него добрые намерения.) - He meant well. (У него были добрые намерения/Он хотел как лучше).

5. They leave early. (Они уходят рано). - They left early. (Они ушли рано).

6. I keep a hamster as a pet. (Я держу хомяка в качестве питомца). I kept a hamster as a pet. (Я держал хомяка в качестве питомца).

7. My granny feeds my pet. (Моя бабушка кормит моего питомца). - My granny fed my pet. (Моя бабушка покормила моего питомца).

8. My sister feels sick. (Моя сестра чувствует себя плохо). - My sister felt sick. (Моя сестра чувствовала себя плохо).

9. The teacher reads us a story. (Учитель читает нам рассказ.) - The teacher read us a story. (Учитель прочитал нам рассказ.)

10. He sweeps the floor and washes it. (Он подметает пол и моет его). - He swept the floor and washed it. (Он подмёл пол и помыл его).

11. Mary meets me at the theatre. (Мэри встречает меня в театре). - Mary met me at the theatre. (Мэри встретила меня в театре).

Exercise 2

1. We met Susan yesterday, we didn't meet Helen. - Мы встретили Сьюзан вчера, мы не встретили Елену.

2. At the lesson we read an English book, but we didn't read a Russian book. - На уроке мы читали английскую книгу, но мы не читали русскую книгу.

3. The road led to the theatre, it didn't lead to the museum. - Дорога вела к театру, она не вела к музею.

4. The children slept in the afternoon and they didn't sleep at night. - Дети спали днем, и они не спали ночью.

5. My boss left in the afternoon, he didn't leave in the morning.  - Мой босс ушел днем, он ушел не утром.

6. We kept no secrets, we didn't keep any secret at all. - У нас не было секретов, у нас вообще не было никаких секретов.

7. Loran dreamt about a new bag, she didn't dream about new shoes. - Лоран мечтала о новой сумке, она не мечтала о новых туфлях.

8. The children fed a cat, they didn't feed a dog. - Дети покормили кота, они не кормили собаку.

9. My granny swept the floor, my mother didn't sweep it. - Моя бабушка подмела пол, мама не подметала его.

10. He meant no harm, he didn't mean well. - Он не хотел причинить вреда, у него не было добрых намерений.

Exercise 3

1. (+) He was hungry.

 (-) He wasn't hungry.

 (?) Общий вопрос: Was he hungry?

       Специальный вопрос:  Why was he hungry?

2. (+) We were in New York.

   (-) We weren't in New York.

   (?) Общий вопрос: Were we in New York?

        Специальный вопрос: Where were we?

3. (+) They were happy.

  (-) They weren't happy.

   (?) Общий вопрос: Were they happy?

   Специальный вопрос: Why were they happy?

4. (+) I was tired.

  (-) I wasn't tired.

   (?) Общий вопрос: Was I tired?

        Специальный вопрос: Why was I tired?

Exercise 4

Yesterday - вчера

The day before yesterday - позавчера

Last week - на неделе

Ten days ago - десять дней назад

A month ago - месяц назад

In 2010 - в 2010  году

On Tuesday - во вторник

When I was 5 - когда мне было 5  лет

At 10 o'clock - в 10 часов

In December - в декабре

For two years - в течение двух лет


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23.06.2022 21:29

1. If you want to see this doctor, you have to get an official…appointment………APPOINT

2. When Meg was in Rome last year, she went…clubbing…………. CLUB

every night.

3. She …behaves in a very responsible way.

4. Last night we spent about two hours discussing the importance

of politics in our life.

5. When you’re camping, it’s necessary to know which direction

the wind is coming from.

6. Some members of the class refused to participate in the



1. She’s so clever; she’s incapable of failing an exam. CAPABLE

2. Don’t you know that it’s illegal to travel without LEGAL

a ticket?

3. He was quite unattractive as a baby, but now he’s very ATTRACTIVE

good looking.

4. That’s a really rude thing to say! I didn’t expect you to be so impolite

5. Life is so unfair! My parents blame me for everything! FAIR

6. My stepbrother is really dishonest because he cheats in tests HONEST

and tells lies.

7. I love all my brothers and sisters because they are never unkind

to me.

8. Don’t talk about money; it’s irrelevant. We are fighting RELEVANT

about sharing a bedroom.

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